Raito Bezarius 10baca4935 nixos/invidious: do not use ensureDBOwnership
Invidious uses a strange setup where the database name is different from the system username
for non-explicit reasons.

Because of that, it makes it hard to migrate it to use `ensureDBOwnership`, we leave it to Invidious' maintainers
to pick up the pieces.
2023-11-17 15:53:08 +01:00

314 lines
11 KiB

{ lib, config, pkgs, options, ... }:
cfg =;
# To allow injecting secrets with jq, json (instead of yaml) is used
settingsFormat = pkgs.formats.json { };
inherit (lib) types;
settingsFile = settingsFormat.generate "invidious-settings" cfg.settings;
generatedHmacKeyFile = "/var/lib/invidious/hmac_key";
generateHmac = cfg.hmacKeyFile == null;
serviceConfig = { = {
description = "Invidious (An alternative YouTube front-end)";
wants = [ "" ];
after = [ "" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
preStart = lib.optionalString generateHmac ''
if [[ ! -e "${generatedHmacKeyFile}" ]]; then
${pkgs.pwgen}/bin/pwgen 20 1 > "${generatedHmacKeyFile}"
chmod 0600 "${generatedHmacKeyFile}"
script = ''
# autogenerated hmac_key
+ lib.optionalString generateHmac ''
configParts+=("$(${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -R '{"hmac_key":.}' <"${generatedHmacKeyFile}")")
# generated settings file
+ ''
configParts+=("$(< ${lib.escapeShellArg settingsFile})")
# optional database password file
+ lib.optionalString ( != null) ''
configParts+=("$(${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -R '{"db":{"password":.}}' ${lib.escapeShellArg cfg.database.passwordFile})")
# optional extra settings file
+ lib.optionalString (cfg.extraSettingsFile != null) ''
configParts+=("$(< ${lib.escapeShellArg cfg.extraSettingsFile})")
# explicitly specified hmac key file
+ lib.optionalString (cfg.hmacKeyFile != null) ''
configParts+=("$(< ${lib.escapeShellArg cfg.hmacKeyFile})")
# merge all parts into a single configuration with later elements overriding previous elements
+ ''
export INVIDIOUS_CONFIG="$(${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -s 'reduce .[] as $item ({}; . * $item)' <<<"''${configParts[*]}")"
exec ${cfg.package}/bin/invidious
serviceConfig = {
RestartSec = "2s";
DynamicUser = true;
StateDirectory = "invidious";
StateDirectoryMode = "0750";
CapabilityBoundingSet = "";
PrivateDevices = true;
PrivateUsers = true;
ProtectHome = true;
ProtectKernelLogs = true;
ProtectProc = "invisible";
RestrictAddressFamilies = [ "AF_UNIX" "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
RestrictNamespaces = true;
SystemCallArchitectures = "native";
SystemCallFilter = [ "@system-service" "~@privileged" "~@resources" ];
# Because of various issues Invidious must be restarted often, at least once a day, ideally
# every hour.
# This option enables the automatic restarting of the Invidious instance.
Restart = lib.mkDefault "always";
RuntimeMaxSec = lib.mkDefault "1h";
services.invidious.settings = {
inherit (cfg) port;
# Automatically initialises and migrates the database if necessary
check_tables = true;
db = {
user = lib.mkDefault "kemal";
dbname = lib.mkDefault "invidious";
port = cfg.database.port;
# Blank for unix sockets, see
host = lib.optionalString ( != null);
# Not needed because peer authentication is enabled
password = lib.mkIf ( == null) "";
} // (lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.domain != null) {
inherit (cfg) domain;
assertions = [{
assertion = != null -> cfg.database.passwordFile != null;
message = "If database host isn't null, database password needs to be set";
# Settings necessary for running with an automatically managed local database
localDatabaseConfig = lib.mkIf cfg.database.createLocally {
# Default to using the local database if we create it = lib.mkDefault null;
# TODO(raitobezarius to maintainers of invidious): I strongly advise to clean up the kemal specific
# thing for 24.05 and use `ensureDBOwnership`.
# See = lib.mkAfter ''
$PSQL -tAc 'ALTER DATABASE "${cfg.settings.db.dbname}" OWNER TO "${cfg.settings.db.user}";'
services.postgresql = {
enable = true;
ensureUsers = lib.singleton { name = cfg.settings.db.user; ensureDBOwnership = false; };
ensureDatabases = lib.singleton cfg.settings.db.dbname;
# This is only needed because the unix user invidious isn't the same as
# the database user. This tells postgres to map one to the other.
identMap = ''
invidious invidious ${cfg.settings.db.user}
# And this specifically enables peer authentication for only this
# database, which allows passwordless authentication over the postgres
# unix socket for the user map given above.
authentication = ''
local ${cfg.settings.db.dbname} ${cfg.settings.db.user} peer map=invidious
}; = {
description = "Invidious database cleanup";
documentation = [ "" ];
startAt = lib.mkDefault "weekly";
path = [ ];
after = [ "postgresql.service" ];
script = ''
psql ${cfg.settings.db.dbname} ${cfg.settings.db.user} -c "DELETE FROM nonces * WHERE expire < current_timestamp"
psql ${cfg.settings.db.dbname} ${cfg.settings.db.user} -c "TRUNCATE TABLE videos"
serviceConfig = {
DynamicUser = true;
User = "invidious";
}; = {
requires = [ "postgresql.service" ];
after = [ "postgresql.service" ];
serviceConfig = {
User = "invidious";
nginxConfig = lib.mkIf cfg.nginx.enable {
services.invidious.settings = {
https_only =${cfg.domain}.forceSSL;
external_port = 80;
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
virtualHosts.${cfg.domain} = {
locations."/".proxyPass = "${toString cfg.port}";
enableACME = lib.mkDefault true;
forceSSL = lib.mkDefault true;
assertions = [{
assertion = cfg.domain != null;
message = "To use services.invidious.nginx, you need to set services.invidious.domain";
{ = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "Invidious");
package = lib.mkOption {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.invidious;
defaultText = lib.literalExpression "pkgs.invidious";
description = lib.mdDoc "The Invidious package to use.";
settings = lib.mkOption {
type = settingsFormat.type;
default = { };
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The settings Invidious should use.
See [config.example.yml]( for a list of all possible options.
hmacKeyFile = lib.mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.path;
default = null;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
A path to a file containing the `hmac_key`. If `null`, a key will be generated automatically on first
If non-`null`, this option overrides any `hmac_key` specified in {option}`services.invidious.settings` or
via {option}`services.invidious.extraSettingsFile`.
extraSettingsFile = lib.mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
A file including Invidious settings.
It gets merged with the settings specified in {option}`services.invidious.settings`
and can be used to store secrets like `hmac_key` outside of the nix store.
# This needs to be outside of settings to avoid infinite recursion
# (determining if nginx should be enabled and therefore the settings
# modified).
domain = lib.mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The FQDN Invidious is reachable on.
This is used to configure nginx and for building absolute URLs.
port = lib.mkOption {
type = types.port;
# Default from
default = 3000;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The port Invidious should listen on.
To allow access from outside,
you can use either {option}`services.invidious.nginx`
or add `` to {option}`networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts`.
database = {
createLocally = lib.mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Whether to create a local database with PostgreSQL.
host = lib.mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The database host Invidious should use.
If `null`, the local unix socket is used. Otherwise
TCP is used.
port = lib.mkOption {
type = types.port;
default =;
defaultText = lib.literalExpression "";
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The port of the database Invidious should use.
Defaults to the the default postgresql port.
passwordFile = lib.mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
apply = lib.mapNullable toString;
default = null;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Path to file containing the database password.
nginx.enable = lib.mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Whether to configure nginx as a reverse proxy for Invidious.
It serves it under the domain specified in {option}`services.invidious.settings.domain` with enabled TLS and ACME.
Further configuration can be done through {option}`services.nginx.virtualHosts.''${}.*`,
which can also be used to disable AMCE and TLS.
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable (lib.mkMerge [