import ./make-test-python.nix ( { lib, pkgs, ... }: let confPath = "/etc/waagent.conf"; in { name = "waagent"; meta = { maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ codgician ]; }; nodes.machine = { services.waagent = { enable = true; settings = { Provisioning = { Enable = false; Agent = "waagent"; DeleteRootPassword = false; RegenerateSshHostKeyPair = false; SshHostKeyPairType = "ed25519"; MonitorHostName = false; }; ResourceDisk = { Format = false; MountOptions = [ "compress=lzo" "mode=0600" ]; }; OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout = 300; HttpProxy = { Host = null; Port = null; }; CGroups = { EnforceLimits = false; Excluded = [ ]; }; }; }; }; testScript = '' # Defined values should be reflected in waagent.conf machine.succeed("grep -q '^Provisioning.Enable=n$' '${confPath}'") machine.succeed("grep -q '^Provisioning.Agent=waagent$' '${confPath}'") machine.succeed("grep -q '^Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword=n$' '${confPath}'") machine.succeed("grep -q '^Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair=n$' '${confPath}'") machine.succeed("grep -q '^Provisioning.SshHostKeyPairType=ed25519$' '${confPath}'") machine.succeed("grep -q '^Provisioning.MonitorHostName=n$' '${confPath}'") machine.succeed("grep -q '^ResourceDisk.Format=n$' '${confPath}'") machine.succeed("grep -q '^ResourceDisk.MountOptions=compress=lzo,mode=0600$' '${confPath}'") machine.succeed("grep -q '^OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout=300$' '${confPath}'") # Undocumented options should also be supported machine.succeed("grep -q '^CGroups.EnforceLimits=n$' '${confPath}'") # Null values should be skipped and not exist in waagent.conf"grep -q '^HttpProxy.Host=' '${confPath}'")"grep -q '^HttpProxy.Port=' '${confPath}'") # Empty lists should be skipped and not exist in waagent.conf"grep -q '^CGroups.Excluded=' '${confPath}'") # Test service start # Skip testing actual functionality due to lacking Azure infrasturcture machine.wait_for_unit("waagent.service") ''; } )