import ./make-test-python.nix ( { lib, pkgs, ... }: { name = "haproxy"; nodes = { server = { ... }: { services.haproxy = { enable = true; config = '' global limited-quic defaults mode http timeout connect 10s timeout client 10s timeout server 10s log /dev/log local0 debug err option logasap option httplog option httpslog backend http_server server httpd [::1]:8000 alpn http/1.1 frontend http bind :80 bind :443 ssl strict-sni crt /etc/ssl/fullchain.pem alpn h2,http/1.1 bind quic4@:443 ssl strict-sni crt /etc/ssl/fullchain.pem alpn h3 allow-0rtt http-after-response add-header alt-svc 'h3=":443"; ma=60' if { ssl_fc } http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics } use_backend http_server frontend http-cert-auth bind :8443 ssl strict-sni crt /etc/ssl/fullchain.pem verify required ca-file /etc/ssl/cacert.crt bind quic4@:8443 ssl strict-sni crt /etc/ssl/fullchain.pem verify required ca-file /etc/ssl/cacert.crt alpn h3 use_backend http_server ''; }; services.httpd = { enable = true; virtualHosts.localhost = { documentRoot = pkgs.writeTextDir "index.txt" "We are all good!"; adminAddr = "notme@yourhost.local"; listen = [ { ip = "::1"; port = 8000; } ]; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 8443 ]; networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 443 8443 ]; }; client = { ... }: { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.curlHTTP3 ]; }; }; testScript = '' # Helpers def cmd(command): print(f"+{command}") r = os.system(command) if r != 0: raise Exception(f"Command {command} failed with exit code {r}") def openssl(command): cmd(f"${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl {command}") # Generate CA. openssl("req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -x509 -days 7 -subj '/C=ZZ/ST=Cloud/L=Unspecified/O=NixOS/OU=Tests/CN=CA Certificate' -keyout cacert.key -out cacert.crt") # Generate and sign Server. openssl("req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -subj '/CN=server/OU=Tests/O=NixOS' -keyout server.key -out server.csr") openssl("x509 -req -in server.csr -out server.crt -CA cacert.crt -CAkey cacert.key -days 7") cmd("cat server.crt server.key > fullchain.pem") # Generate and sign Client. openssl("req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -subj '/CN=client/OU=Tests/O=NixOS' -keyout client.key -out client.csr") openssl("x509 -req -in client.csr -out client.crt -CA cacert.crt -CAkey cacert.key -days 7") cmd("cat client.crt client.key > client.pem") # Start the actual test. start_all() server.copy_from_host("fullchain.pem", "/etc/ssl/fullchain.pem") server.copy_from_host("cacert.crt", "/etc/ssl/cacert.crt") server.succeed("chmod 0644 /etc/ssl/fullchain.pem /etc/ssl/cacert.crt") client.copy_from_host("cacert.crt", "/etc/ssl/cacert.crt") client.copy_from_host("client.pem", "/root/client.pem") server.wait_for_unit("") server.wait_for_unit("haproxy.service") server.wait_for_unit("httpd.service") assert "We are all good!" in client.succeed("curl -f http://server/index.txt") assert "haproxy_process_pool_allocated_bytes" in client.succeed("curl -f http://server/metrics") with subtest("https"): assert "We are all good!" in client.succeed("curl -f --cacert /etc/ssl/cacert.crt https://server/index.txt") with subtest("https-cert-auth"): # Client must succeed in authenticating with the right certificate. assert "We are all good!" in client.succeed("curl -f --cacert /etc/ssl/cacert.crt --cert-type pem --cert /root/client.pem https://server:8443/index.txt") # Client must fail without certificate."curl --cacert /etc/ssl/cacert.crt https://server:8443/index.txt") with subtest("h3"): assert "We are all good!" in client.succeed("curl -f --http3-only --cacert /etc/ssl/cacert.crt https://server/index.txt") with subtest("h3-cert-auth"): # Client must succeed in authenticating with the right certificate. assert "We are all good!" in client.succeed("curl -f --http3-only --cacert /etc/ssl/cacert.crt --cert-type pem --cert /root/client.pem https://server:8443/index.txt") # Client must fail without certificate."curl -f --http3-only --cacert /etc/ssl/cacert.crt https://server:8443/index.txt") with subtest("reload"): server.succeed("systemctl reload haproxy") # wait some time to ensure the following request hits the reloaded haproxy server.sleep(5) assert "We are all good!" in client.succeed("curl -f http://server/index.txt") ''; } )