{ lib , callPackage , rustPlatform , fetchFromGitHub , fetchNpmDeps , npmHooks , binaryen , gzip , nodejs , rustc-wasm32 , wasm-bindgen-cli , wasm-pack }: let wasm-bindgen-84 = wasm-bindgen-cli.override { version = "0.2.84"; hash = "sha256-0rK+Yx4/Jy44Fw5VwJ3tG243ZsyOIBBehYU54XP/JGk="; cargoHash = "sha256-vcpxcRlW1OKoD64owFF6mkxSqmNrvY+y3Ckn5UwEQ50="; }; in rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec { pname = "pagefind"; version = "1.0.3"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "cloudcannon"; repo = "pagefind"; rev = "refs/tags/v${version}"; hash = "sha256-vQbLaZug3gySMIbMdNqU7XcL4GZ7XqZ3ZkwdDBC5T9o="; }; cargoHash = "sha256-ubuzO/67HguWPqd3y/IapO07L2pg2Q4vo1yTpEthdoU="; env.npmDeps_web_js = fetchNpmDeps { name = "npm-deps-web-js"; src = "${src}/pagefind_web_js"; hash = "sha256-pGE4lUFZ4dA++8kBklcMBoaN/1Z92dfOzQKhukbuEyc="; }; env.npmDeps_ui_default = fetchNpmDeps { name = "npm-deps-ui-default"; src = "${src}/pagefind_ui/default"; hash = "sha256-voCs49JneWYE1W9U7aB6G13ypH6JqathVDeF58V57U8="; }; env.npmDeps_ui_modular = fetchNpmDeps { name = "npm-deps-ui-modular"; src = "${src}/pagefind_ui/modular"; hash = "sha256-O0RqZUsRFtByxMQdwNGNcN38Rh+sDqqNo9YlBcrnsF4="; }; postPatch = '' # Tricky way to run npmConfigHook multiple times ( local postPatchHooks=() # written to by npmConfigHook source ${npmHooks.npmConfigHook}/nix-support/setup-hook npmRoot=pagefind_web_js npmDeps=$npmDeps_web_js npmConfigHook npmRoot=pagefind_ui/default npmDeps=$npmDeps_ui_default npmConfigHook npmRoot=pagefind_ui/modular npmDeps=$npmDeps_ui_modular npmConfigHook ) ''; nativeBuildInputs = [ binaryen gzip nodejs rustc-wasm32 rustc-wasm32.llvmPackages.lld wasm-bindgen-84 wasm-pack ]; # build wasm and js assets # based on "test-and-build" in https://github.com/CloudCannon/pagefind/blob/main/.github/workflows/release.yml preBuild = '' export HOME=$(mktemp -d) ( cd pagefind_web_js npm run build-coupled ) ( cd pagefind_web export RUSTFLAGS="-C linker=lld" bash ./local_build.sh ) ( cd pagefind_ui/default npm run build ) ( cd pagefind_ui/modular npm run build ) ''; buildFeatures = [ "extended" ]; meta = with lib; { description = "Generate low-bandwidth search index for your static website"; homepage = "https://pagefind.app/"; license = licenses.mit; maintainers = with maintainers; [ pbsds ]; platforms = platforms.unix; }; }