{ config, lib, pkgs, ...}: with lib; let cfg = config.services.hadoop; hadoopConf = "${import ./conf.nix { inherit cfg pkgs lib; }}/"; mkIfNotNull = x: mkIf (x != null) x; # generic hbase role options hbaseRoleOption = name: extraOpts: { enable = mkEnableOption "HBase ${name}"; openFirewall = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = "Open firewall ports for HBase ${name}."; }; restartIfChanged = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = "Restart ${name} con config change."; }; extraFlags = mkOption { type = with types; listOf str; default = []; example = literalExpression ''[ "--backup" ]''; description = "Extra flags for the ${name} service."; }; environment = mkOption { type = with types; attrsOf str; default = {}; example = literalExpression '' { HBASE_MASTER_OPTS = "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=true"; } ''; description = "Environment variables passed to ${name}."; }; } // extraOpts; # generic hbase role configs hbaseRoleConfig = name: ports: (mkIf cfg.hbase."${name}".enable { services.hadoop.gatewayRole = { enable = true; enableHbaseCli = mkDefault true; }; systemd.services."hbase-${toLower name}" = { description = "HBase ${name}"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; path = with cfg; [ hbase.package ] ++ optional (with cfg.hbase.master; enable && initHDFS) package; preStart = mkIf (with cfg.hbase.master; enable && initHDFS) (concatStringsSep "\n" ( map (x: "HADOOP_USER_NAME=hdfs hdfs --config /etc/hadoop-conf ${x}")[ "dfsadmin -safemode wait" "dfs -mkdir -p ${cfg.hbase.rootdir}" "dfs -chown hbase ${cfg.hbase.rootdir}" ] )); inherit (cfg.hbase."${name}") environment; script = concatStringsSep " " ( [ "hbase --config /etc/hadoop-conf/" "${toLower name} start" ] ++ cfg.hbase."${name}".extraFlags ++ map (x: "--${toLower x} ${toString cfg.hbase.${name}.${x}}") (filter (x: hasAttr x cfg.hbase.${name}) ["port" "infoPort"]) ); serviceConfig = { User = "hbase"; SyslogIdentifier = "hbase-${toLower name}"; Restart = "always"; }; }; services.hadoop.hbaseSiteInternal."hbase.rootdir" = cfg.hbase.rootdir; networking = { firewall.allowedTCPPorts = mkIf cfg.hbase."${name}".openFirewall ports; hosts = mkIf (with cfg.hbase.regionServer; enable && overrideHosts) { "" = mkForce [ ]; "::1" = mkForce [ ]; }; }; }); in { options.services.hadoop = { gatewayRole.enableHbaseCli = mkEnableOption "HBase CLI tools"; hbaseSiteDefault = mkOption { default = { "hbase.regionserver.ipc.address" = ""; "hbase.master.ipc.address" = ""; "hbase.master.info.bindAddress" = ""; "hbase.regionserver.info.bindAddress" = ""; "hbase.cluster.distributed" = "true"; }; type = types.attrsOf types.anything; description = '' Default options for hbase-site.xml ''; }; hbaseSite = mkOption { default = {}; type = with types; attrsOf anything; example = literalExpression '' { "hbase.hregion.max.filesize" = 20*1024*1024*1024; "hbase.table.normalization.enabled" = "true"; } ''; description = '' Additional options and overrides for hbase-site.xml ''; }; hbaseSiteInternal = mkOption { default = {}; type = with types; attrsOf anything; internal = true; description = '' Internal option to add configs to hbase-site.xml based on module options ''; }; hbase = { package = mkPackageOption pkgs "hbase" { }; rootdir = mkOption { description = '' This option will set "hbase.rootdir" in hbase-site.xml and determine the directory shared by region servers and into which HBase persists. The URL should be 'fully-qualified' to include the filesystem scheme. If a core-site.xml is provided, the FS scheme defaults to the value of "fs.defaultFS". Filesystems other than HDFS (like S3, QFS, Swift) are also supported. ''; type = types.str; example = "hdfs://nameservice1/hbase"; default = "/hbase"; }; zookeeperQuorum = mkOption { description = '' This option will set "hbase.zookeeper.quorum" in hbase-site.xml. Comma separated list of servers in the ZooKeeper ensemble. ''; type = with types; nullOr commas; example = "zk1.internal,zk2.internal,zk3.internal"; default = null; }; } // (let ports = port: infoPort: { port = mkOption { type = types.int; default = port; description = "RPC port"; }; infoPort = mkOption { type = types.int; default = infoPort; description = "web UI port"; }; }; in mapAttrs hbaseRoleOption { master.initHDFS = mkEnableOption "initialization of the hbase directory on HDFS"; regionServer.overrideHosts = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = '' Remove /etc/hosts entries for "" and "::1" defined in nixos/modules/config/networking.nix Regionservers must be able to resolve their hostnames to their IP addresses, through PTR records or /etc/hosts entries. ''; }; thrift = ports 9090 9095; rest = ports 8080 8085; }); }; config = mkMerge ([ (mkIf cfg.gatewayRole.enable { environment.systemPackages = mkIf cfg.gatewayRole.enableHbaseCli [ cfg.hbase.package ]; services.hadoop.hbaseSiteInternal = with cfg.hbase; { "hbase.zookeeper.quorum" = mkIfNotNull zookeeperQuorum; }; users.users.hbase = { description = "Hadoop HBase user"; group = "hadoop"; isSystemUser = true; }; }) ] ++ (mapAttrsToList hbaseRoleConfig { master = [ 16000 16010 ]; regionServer = [ 16020 16030 ]; thrift = with cfg.hbase.thrift; [ port infoPort ]; rest = with cfg.hbase.rest; [ port infoPort ]; })); }