import ./make-test-python.nix ( { pkgs, latestKernel ? false, ... }: { name = "greetd-no-shadow"; meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; { maintainers = [ ]; }; nodes.machine = { pkgs, lib, ... }: { users.users.alice = { isNormalUser = true; group = "alice"; password = "foobar"; }; users.groups.alice = { }; # This means login(1) breaks, so we must use greetd/agreety instead. security.shadow.enable = false; services.greetd = { enable = true; settings = { default_session = { command = "${pkgs.greetd.greetd}/bin/agreety --cmd bash"; }; }; }; }; testScript = '' machine.start() machine.wait_for_unit("") machine.wait_until_succeeds("pgrep -f 'agretty.*tty1'") machine.screenshot("postboot") with subtest("Log in as alice on a virtual console"): machine.wait_until_tty_matches("1", "login: ") machine.send_chars("alice\n") machine.wait_until_tty_matches("1", "login: alice") machine.wait_until_succeeds("pgrep login") machine.wait_until_tty_matches("1", "Password: ") machine.send_chars("foobar\n") machine.wait_until_succeeds("pgrep -u alice bash") machine.send_chars("touch done\n") machine.wait_for_file("/home/alice/done") ''; } )