# pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml

compiler: ghc-8.10.4

  - array-
  - base-
  - binary-
  - bytestring-
  - Cabal-
  - containers-
  - deepseq-
  - directory-
  - exceptions-0.10.4
  - filepath-
  - ghc-8.10.4
  - ghc-boot-8.10.4
  - ghc-boot-th-8.10.4
  - ghc-compact-
  - ghc-heap-8.10.4
  - ghc-prim-0.6.1
  - ghci-8.10.4
  - haskeline-
  - hpc-
  - integer-gmp-
  - libiserv-8.10.4
  - mtl-2.2.2
  - parsec-
  - pretty-
  - process-
  - rts-1.0
  - stm-
  - template-haskell-
  - terminfo-
  - text-
  - time-1.9.3
  - transformers-
  - unix-
  - xhtml-3000.2.2.1

  # Hack: The following package is a core package of GHCJS. If we don't declare
  # it, then hackage2nix will generate a Hackage database where all dependants
  # of this library are marked as "broken".
  - ghcjs-base-0

# This is a list of packages with versions from the latest Stackage LTS release.
# The packages and versions in this list cause the `hackage2nix` tool to
# generate the package at the given version.
# For instance, with a line like the following:
# - aeson ==
# `hackage2nix` will generate the `aeson` package at version in the
# ./hackage-packages.nix file.
# Since the packages in the LTS package set are sometimes older than the latest
# on Hackage, `hackage2nix` is smart enough to also generate the latest version
# of a given package.
# In the above example with aeson, if there was version of aeson
# available on Hackage, `hackage2nix` would generate two packages, `aeson`
# at version and `aeson_1_5_0_0` at version
# WARNING: This list is generated semiautomatically based on the most recent
# LTS package set. If you want to add entries to it, you must do so before the
# comment saying "# LTS Haskell x.y". Any changes after that comment will be
# lost the next time `update-stackage.sh` runs.
  # This was only intended for ghc-7.0.4, and has very old deps, one hidden behind a flag
  - MissingH ==
  # gi-gdkx11-4.x requires gtk-4.x, which is still under development and
  # not yet available in Nixpkgs
  - gi-gdkx11 < 4
  # Needs Cabal 3.4 for Setup.hs
  - gi-javascriptcore < 4.0.23 #
  - gi-soup < 2.4.24 #
  - gi-webkit2 < 4.0.27 #

  - base16-bytestring < 1               # required for cabal-install etc.
  - Cabal == 2.2.*                      # required for jailbreak-cabal etc.
  - Cabal == 2.4.*                      # required for cabal-install etc.
  - Cabal == 3.2.*                      # required for cabal-install etc.
  - dependent-map ==            # required by Hasura 1.3.1, 2020-08-20
  - dependent-sum == 0.4                # required by Hasura 1.3.1, 2020-08-20
  - dhall == 1.29.0                     # required for ats-pkg
  - Diff < 0.4                          # required by liquidhaskell- https://github.com/ucsd-progsys/liquidhaskell/issues/1729
  - ghc-tcplugins-extra ==0.3.2         # required for polysemy-plugin
  - haddock == 2.23.*                   # required on GHC < 8.10.x
  - haddock-api == 2.23.*               # required on GHC < 8.10.x
  - haddock-library ==1.7.*             # required by stylish-cabal-
  - happy == 1.19.9                     # for purescript
  - hinotify == 0.3.9                   # for xmonad-0.26: https://github.com/kolmodin/hinotify/issues/29
  - hlint < 3.3                         # We don‘t have ghc-lib-parser 9.0.X yet.
  - immortal ==                 # required by Hasura 1.3.1, 2020-08-20
  - mmorph == 1.1.3                     # Newest working version of mmorph on ghc 8.6.5. needed for hls
  - network ==                  # required by pkgs/games/hedgewars/default.nix, 2020-11-15
  - optparse-applicative < 0.16         # needed for niv-0.2.19
  - refinery == 0.3.*                   # required by hls-tactics-plugin-
  - resolv ==                   # required to build cabal-install- with pre ghc-8.8.x
  - sbv == 7.13                         # required for pkgs.petrinizer
  - gi-gdk == 3.0.24                    # 2021-05-07: For haskell-gi 0.25 without gtk4
  - gi-gtk < 4.0                        # 2021-05-07: For haskell-gi 0.25 without gtk4
  - gi-gdkx11 == 3.0.11                 # 2021-05-07: For haskell-gi 0.25 without gtk4
  - ShellCheck == 0.7.1                 # 2021-05-09: haskell-ci 0.12.1 pins this version

    - cabal-install
    - cabal2nix
    - cabal2spec
    - distribution-nixpkgs
    - funcmp
    - git-annex
    - hackage-db
    - hledger
    - hledger-interest
    - hledger-ui
    - hledger-web
    - hopenssl
    - hsdns
    - hsemail
    - hsyslog
    - jailbreak-cabal
    - language-nix
    - logging-facade-syslog
    - nix-paths
    - pandoc
    - structured-haskell-mode
    - titlecase
    - xmonad
    - xmonad-contrib
    - located-base
    # - bson-lens
    - cased
    - elm-export-persistent
    # - pipes-mongodb
    - streaming-wai
    - config-schema
    - config-value
    - glirc
    - irc-core
    - matterhorn
    - mattermost-api
    - mattermost-api-qc
    - Unique
    - path-pieces
    - persistent
    - persistent-sqlite
    - persistent-template
    - shakespeare
    - Agda
    - arion-compose
    - hercules-ci-agent
    - hercules-ci-api
    - hercules-ci-api-agent
    - hercules-ci-api-core
    - hercules-ci-cli
    - hercules-ci-cnix-expr
    - hercules-ci-cnix-store
    - pretty-simple
    - spago
    - nix-diff
    - reflex-dom
    - cabal-fmt
    - shh
    - neuron
    - releaser
    - taskwarrior
    - haskell-language-server
    - shake-bench
    - iCalendar
    - stm-containers
    - cayenne-lpp
    - data-stm32
    - gcodehs
    - nix-derivation
    - nix-narinfo
    - ttn
    - ttn-client
    - update-nix-fetchgit
    - zre
    - nix-tree
    - rhine
    - rhine-gloss
    - essence-of-live-coding
    - essence-of-live-coding-gloss
    - essence-of-live-coding-pulse
    - essence-of-live-coding-quickcheck
    - Agda
    - dunai
    - finite-typelits
    - pulse-simple
    - simple-affine-space
    # also maintain upstream package
    - spacecookie
    - gopher-proxy
    # other packages I can help out for
    - systemd
    - fast-logger
    - flat
    - Euterpea2
    - utc
    - socket
    - gitit
    - yarn-lock
    - yarn2nix
    - large-hashable
    - hinit
    - pinboard-notes-backup

  alsa-mixer:                                   [ x86_64-darwin ]
  alsa-pcm:                                     [ x86_64-darwin ]
  alsa-seq:                                     [ x86_64-darwin ]
  AWin32Console:                                [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  barbly:                                       [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  bdcs-api:                                     [ x86_64-darwin ]
  bindings-sane:                                [ x86_64-darwin ]
  bindings-directfb:                            [ x86_64-darwin ]
  cut-the-crap:                                 [ x86_64-darwin ]
  d3d11binding:                                 [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  DirectSound:                                  [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  dx9base:                                      [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  dx9d3d:                                       [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  dx9d3dx:                                      [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  Euterpea:                                     [ x86_64-darwin ]
  freenect:                                     [ x86_64-darwin ]
  FTGL:                                         [ x86_64-darwin ]
  gi-dbusmenugtk3:                              [ x86_64-darwin ]
  gi-dbusmenu:                                  [ x86_64-darwin ]
  gi-ggit:                                      [ x86_64-darwin ]
  gi-ibus:                                      [ x86_64-darwin ]
  gi-ostree:                                    [ x86_64-darwin ]
  gi-vte:                                       [ x86_64-darwin ]
  gnome-keyring:                                [ x86_64-darwin ]
  gtk-mac-integration:                          [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  gtk-sni-tray:                                 [ x86_64-darwin ]
  haskell-snake:                                [ x86_64-darwin ]
  hcwiid:                                       [ x86_64-darwin ]
  HFuse:                                        [ x86_64-darwin ]
  hidapi:                                       [ x86_64-darwin ]
  hommage-ds:                                   [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  HSoM:                                         [ x86_64-darwin ]
  iwlib:                                        [ x86_64-darwin ]
  large-hashable:                               [ aarch64-linux ] # https://github.com/factisresearch/large-hashable/issues/17
  libmodbus:                                    [ x86_64-darwin ]
  libsystemd-journal:                           [ x86_64-darwin ]
  libtelnet:                                    [ x86_64-darwin ]
  libzfs:                                       [ x86_64-darwin ]
  linearEqSolver:                               [ aarch64-linux ]
  lio-fs:                                       [ x86_64-darwin ]
  logging-facade-journald:                      [ x86_64-darwin ]
  midi-alsa:                                    [ x86_64-darwin ]
  mpi-hs:                                       [ aarch64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
  mpi-hs-binary:                                [ aarch64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
  mpi-hs-cereal:                                [ aarch64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
  mpi-hs-store:                                 [ aarch64-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
  mplayer-spot:                                 [ aarch64-linux ]
  oculus:                                       [ x86_64-darwin ]
  pam:                                          [ x86_64-darwin ]
  piyo:                                         [ x86_64-darwin ]
  PortMidi-simple:                              [ x86_64-darwin ]
  PortMidi:                                     [ x86_64-darwin ]
  posix-api:                                    [ x86_64-darwin ]
  Raincat:                                      [ x86_64-darwin ]
  reactivity:                                   [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  reflex-dom:                                   [ x86_64-darwin ]
  rtlsdr:                                       [ x86_64-darwin ]
  rubberband:                                   [ x86_64-darwin ]
  sbv:                                          [ aarch64-linux ]
  sdl2-mixer:                                   [ x86_64-darwin ]
  sdl2-ttf:                                     [ x86_64-darwin ]
  synthesizer-alsa:                             [ x86_64-darwin ]
  taffybar:                                     [ x86_64-darwin ]
  termonad:                                     [ x86_64-darwin ]
  tokyotyrant-haskell:                          [ x86_64-darwin ]
  udev:                                         [ x86_64-darwin ]
  vrpn:                                         [ x86_64-darwin ]
  vulkan:                                       [ i686-linux, armv7l-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
  VulkanMemoryAllocator:                        [ i686-linux, armv7l-linux, x86_64-darwin ]
  vulkan-utils:                                 [ x86_64-darwin ]
  webkit2gtk3-javascriptcore:                   [ x86_64-darwin ]
  Win32-console:                                [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  Win32-dhcp-server:                            [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  Win32-errors:                                 [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  Win32-extras:                                 [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  Win32:                                        [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  Win32-junction-point:                         [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  Win32-notify:                                 [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  Win32-security:                               [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  Win32-services:                               [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  Win32-services-wrapper:                       [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  xattr:                                        [ x86_64-darwin ]
  xgboost-haskell:                              [ aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  XInput:                                       [ i686-linux, x86_64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-linux, armv7l-linux ]
  xmobar:                                       [ x86_64-darwin ]
  xmonad-extras:                                [ x86_64-darwin ]
  xmonad-volume:                                [ x86_64-darwin ]

  # Depends on shine, which is a ghcjs project.
  - shine-varying

  # these packages depend on software with an unfree license
  - accelerate-bignum
  - accelerate-blas
  - accelerate-cublas
  - accelerate-cuda
  - accelerate-cufft
  - accelerate-examples
  - accelerate-fft
  - accelerate-fourier-benchmark
  - accelerate-io-array
  - accelerate-io-bmp
  - accelerate-io-bytestring
  - accelerate-io-cereal
  - accelerate-io-JuicyPixels
  - accelerate-io-repa
  - accelerate-io-vector
  - accelerate-kullback-liebler
  - accelerate-llvm-ptx
  - bindings-yices
  - boolector
  - ccelerate-cuda
  - containers-accelerate
  - cplex-hs
  - cublas
  - cuda # 2020-08-18 because of dependency nvidia-x11
  - cufft
  - cusolver
  - cusparse
  - gloss-raster-accelerate
  - hashable-accelerate
  - libnvvm
  - matlab
  - nvvm
  - Obsidian
  - odpic-raw
  - patch-image
  # license for input data unclear, dependency not on Hackage
  # see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/88604
  - tensorflow-mnist
  - yices-easy
  - yices-painless

  # These packages don‘t build because they use deprecated webkit versions.
  - diagrams-hsqml
  - dialog
  - ghcjs-dom-webkit
  - gi-webkit
  - hs-mesos
  - hsqml
  - hsqml-datamodel
  - hsqml-demo-manic
  - hsqml-demo-notes
  - hsqml-demo-samples
  - hstorchat
  - jsaddle-webkitgtk
  - jsc
  - lambdacat
  - manatee-all
  - manatee-browser
  - manatee-reader
  - markup-preview
  - spike
  - web-browser-in-haskell
  - webkit
  - webkitgtk3
  - webkitgtk3-javascriptcore
  - websnap