{ lib, ... }: let configDir = "/var/lib/foobar"; in { name = "home-assistant"; meta.maintainers = lib.teams.home-assistant.members; nodes.hass = { pkgs, ... }: { services.postgresql = { enable = true; ensureDatabases = [ "hass" ]; ensureUsers = [{ name = "hass"; ensureDBOwnership = true; }]; }; services.home-assistant = { enable = true; inherit configDir; # provide dependencies through package overrides package = (pkgs.home-assistant.override { extraPackages = ps: with ps; [ colorama ]; extraComponents = [ # test char-tty device allow propagation into the service "zha" ]; }); # provide component dependencies explicitly from the module extraComponents = [ "mqtt" ]; # provide package for postgresql support extraPackages = python3Packages: with python3Packages; [ psycopg2 ]; # test loading custom components customComponents = with pkgs.home-assistant-custom-components; [ prometheus_sensor # tests loading multiple components from a single package spook ]; # test loading lovelace modules customLovelaceModules = with pkgs.home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules; [ mini-graph-card ]; config = { homeassistant = { name = "Home"; time_zone = "UTC"; latitude = "0.0"; longitude = "0.0"; elevation = 0; }; # configure the recorder component to use the postgresql db recorder.db_url = "postgresql://@/hass"; # we can't load default_config, because the updater requires # network access and would cause an error, so load frontend # here explicitly. # https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/frontend/ frontend = {}; # include some popular integrations, that absolutely shouldn't break knx = {}; shelly = {}; zha = {}; # set up a wake-on-lan switch to test capset capability required # for the ping suid wrapper # https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/wake_on_lan/ switch = [ { platform = "wake_on_lan"; mac = "00:11:22:33:44:55"; host = ""; } ]; # test component-based capability assignment (CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE) # https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/emulated_hue/ emulated_hue = { host_ip = ""; listen_port = 80; }; # https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/logger/ logger = { default = "info"; }; }; # configure the sample lovelace dashboard lovelaceConfig = { title = "My Awesome Home"; views = [{ title = "Example"; cards = [{ type = "markdown"; title = "Lovelace"; content = "Welcome to your **Lovelace UI**."; }]; }]; }; lovelaceConfigWritable = true; }; # Cause a configuration change inside `configuration.yml` and verify that the process is being reloaded. specialisation.differentName = { inheritParentConfig = true; configuration.services.home-assistant.config.homeassistant.name = lib.mkForce "Test Home"; }; # Cause a configuration change that requires a service restart as we added a new runtime dependency specialisation.newFeature = { inheritParentConfig = true; configuration.services.home-assistant.config.prometheus = {}; }; specialisation.removeCustomThings = { inheritParentConfig = true; configuration.services.home-assistant = { customComponents = lib.mkForce []; customLovelaceModules = lib.mkForce []; }; }; }; testScript = { nodes, ... }: let system = nodes.hass.system.build.toplevel; in '' import json start_all() def get_journal_cursor() -> str: exit, out = hass.execute("journalctl -u home-assistant.service -n1 -o json-pretty --output-fields=__CURSOR") assert exit == 0 return json.loads(out)["__CURSOR"] def get_journal_since(cursor) -> str: exit, out = hass.execute(f"journalctl --after-cursor='{cursor}' -u home-assistant.service") assert exit == 0 return out def get_unit_property(property) -> str: exit, out = hass.execute(f"systemctl show --property={property} home-assistant.service") assert exit == 0 return out def wait_for_homeassistant(cursor): hass.wait_until_succeeds(f"journalctl --after-cursor='{cursor}' -u home-assistant.service | grep -q 'Home Assistant initialized in'") hass.wait_for_unit("home-assistant.service") cursor = get_journal_cursor() with subtest("Check that YAML configuration file is in place"): hass.succeed("test -L ${configDir}/configuration.yaml") with subtest("Check the lovelace config is copied because lovelaceConfigWritable = true"): hass.succeed("test -f ${configDir}/ui-lovelace.yaml") with subtest("Check that Home Assistant's web interface and API can be reached"): wait_for_homeassistant(cursor) hass.wait_for_open_port(8123) hass.succeed("curl --fail http://localhost:8123/lovelace") with subtest("Check that custom components get installed"): hass.succeed("test -f ${configDir}/custom_components/prometheus_sensor/manifest.json") for integration in ("prometheus_sensor", "spook", "spook_inverse"): hass.wait_until_succeeds(f"journalctl -u home-assistant.service | grep -q 'We found a custom integration {integration} which has not been tested by Home Assistant'") with subtest("Check that lovelace modules are referenced and fetchable"): hass.succeed("grep -q 'mini-graph-card-bundle.js' '${configDir}/configuration.yaml'") hass.succeed("curl --fail http://localhost:8123/local/nixos-lovelace-modules/mini-graph-card-bundle.js") with subtest("Check that optional dependencies are in the PYTHONPATH"): env = get_unit_property("Environment") python_path = env.split("PYTHONPATH=")[1].split()[0] for package in ["colorama", "paho-mqtt", "psycopg2"]: assert package in python_path, f"{package} not in PYTHONPATH" with subtest("Check that declaratively configured components get setup"): journal = get_journal_since(cursor) for domain in ["emulated_hue", "wake_on_lan"]: assert f"Setup of domain {domain} took" in journal, f"{domain} setup missing" with subtest("Check that capabilities are passed for emulated_hue to bind to port 80"): hass.wait_for_open_port(80) hass.succeed("curl --fail http://localhost:80/description.xml") with subtest("Check extra components are considered in systemd unit hardening"): hass.succeed("systemctl show -p DeviceAllow home-assistant.service | grep -q char-ttyUSB") with subtest("Check service restart from SIGHUP"): pid = hass.succeed("systemctl show --property=MainPID home-assistant.service") cursor = get_journal_cursor() hass.succeed("${system}/specialisation/differentName/bin/switch-to-configuration test") wait_for_homeassistant(cursor) new_pid = hass.succeed("systemctl show --property=MainPID home-assistant.service") assert pid != new_pid, "The PID of the process must change after sending SIGHUP" with subtest("Check service restarts when dependencies change"): pid = new_pid cursor = get_journal_cursor() hass.succeed("${system}/specialisation/newFeature/bin/switch-to-configuration test") wait_for_homeassistant(cursor) new_pid = hass.succeed("systemctl show --property=MainPID home-assistant.service") assert pid != new_pid, "The PID of the process must change when its PYTHONPATH changess" with subtest("Check that new components get setup after restart"): journal = get_journal_since(cursor) for domain in ["prometheus"]: assert f"Setup of domain {domain} took" in journal, f"{domain} setup missing" with subtest("Check custom components and custom lovelace modules get removed"): cursor = get_journal_cursor() hass.succeed("${system}/specialisation/removeCustomThings/bin/switch-to-configuration test") hass.fail("grep -q 'mini-graph-card-bundle.js' '${configDir}/ui-lovelace.yaml'") for integration in ("prometheus_sensor", "spook", "spook_inverse"): hass.fail(f"test -f ${configDir}/custom_components/{integration}/manifest.json") wait_for_homeassistant(cursor) with subtest("Check that no errors were logged"): hass.fail("journalctl -u home-assistant -o cat | grep -q ERROR") with subtest("Check systemd unit hardening"): hass.log(hass.succeed("systemctl cat home-assistant.service")) hass.log(hass.succeed("systemd-analyze security home-assistant.service")) ''; }