import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ...}: with lib; { name = "couchdb"; meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; { maintainers = [ fpletz ]; }; nodes = { couchdb1 = { pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ jq ]; services.couchdb.enable = true; }; couchdb2 = { pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ jq ]; services.couchdb.enable = true; services.couchdb.package = pkgs.couchdb2; }; }; testScript = let curlJqCheck = action: path: jqexpr: result: pkgs.writeScript "curl-jq-check-${action}-${path}.sh" '' RESULT=$(curl -X ${action}${path} | jq -r '${jqexpr}') echo $RESULT >&2 if [ "$RESULT" != "${result}" ]; then exit 1 fi ''; in '' startAll; $couchdb1->waitForUnit("couchdb.service"); $couchdb1->waitUntilSucceeds("${curlJqCheck "GET" "" ".couchdb" "Welcome"}"); $couchdb1->waitUntilSucceeds("${curlJqCheck "GET" "_all_dbs" ". | length" "2"}"); $couchdb1->succeed("${curlJqCheck "PUT" "foo" ".ok" "true"}"); $couchdb1->succeed("${curlJqCheck "GET" "_all_dbs" ". | length" "3"}"); $couchdb1->succeed("${curlJqCheck "DELETE" "foo" ".ok" "true"}"); $couchdb1->succeed("${curlJqCheck "GET" "_all_dbs" ". | length" "2"}"); $couchdb2->waitForUnit("couchdb.service"); $couchdb2->waitUntilSucceeds("${curlJqCheck "GET" "" ".couchdb" "Welcome"}"); $couchdb2->waitUntilSucceeds("${curlJqCheck "GET" "_all_dbs" ". | length" "0"}"); $couchdb2->succeed("${curlJqCheck "PUT" "foo" ".ok" "true"}"); $couchdb2->succeed("${curlJqCheck "GET" "_all_dbs" ". | length" "1"}"); $couchdb2->succeed("${curlJqCheck "DELETE" "foo" ".ok" "true"}"); $couchdb2->succeed("${curlJqCheck "GET" "_all_dbs" ". | length" "0"}"); ''; })