# YouTrack {#module-services-youtrack} YouTrack is a browser-based bug tracker, issue tracking system and project management software. ## Installation {#module-services-youtrack-installation} YouTrack exposes a web GUI installer on first login. You need a token to access it. You can find this token in the log of the `youtrack` service. The log line looks like ``` * JetBrains YouTrack 2023.3 Configuration Wizard will be available on [] after start ``` ## Upgrade from 2022.3 to 2023.x {#module-services-youtrack-upgrade-2022_3-2023_1} Starting with YouTrack 2023.1, JetBrains no longer distributes it as as JAR. The new distribution with the JetBrains Launcher as a ZIP changed the basic data structure and also some configuration parameters. Check out https://www.jetbrains.com/help/youtrack/server/YouTrack-Java-Start-Parameters.html for more information on the new configuration options. When upgrading to YouTrack 2023.1 or higher, a migration script will move the old state directory to `/var/lib/youtrack/2022_3` as a backup. A one-time manual update is required: 1. Before you update take a backup of your YouTrack instance! 2. Migrate the options you set in `services.youtrack.extraParams` and `services.youtrack.jvmOpts` to `services.youtrack.generalParameters` and `services.youtrack.environmentalParameters` (see the examples and [the YouTrack docs](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/youtrack/server/2023.3/YouTrack-Java-Start-Parameters.html)) 2. To start the upgrade set `services.youtrack.package = pkgs.youtrack` 3. YouTrack then starts in upgrade mode, meaning you need to obtain the wizard token as above 4. Select you want to **Upgrade** YouTrack 5. As source you select `/var/lib/youtrack/2022_3/teamsysdata/` (adopt if you have a different state path) 6. Change the data directory location to `/var/lib/youtrack/data/`. The other paths should already be right. If you migrate a larger YouTrack instance, it might be useful to set `-Dexodus.entityStore.refactoring.forceAll=true` in `services.youtrack.generalParameters` for the first startup of YouTrack 2023.x.