{platform ? __currentSystem} : let isoFun = import ./rescue-cd-configurable.nix; xResolutions = [ { x = 2048; y = 1536; } { x = 1920; y = 1024; } { x = 1280; y = 800; } { x = 1024; y = 768; } { x = 800; y = 600; } { x = 640; y = 480; } ]; xConfiguration = { enable = true; exportConfiguration = true; tcpEnable = true; resolutions = xResolutions; sessionType = "xterm"; windowManager = "twm"; tty = "9"; }; theKernel = pkgs: let baseKernel=pkgs.kernel; in (pkgs.module_aggregation [ baseKernel (pkgs.kqemuFunCurrent baseKernel) (pkgs.atherosFun { kernel = baseKernel; version = "r2756"; pci001c_rev01 = true; } null) ]); in (isoFun { inherit platform; lib = (import ../pkgs/lib); networkNixpkgs = ""; manualEnabled = true; rogueEnabled = true; sshdEnabled = true; fontConfigEnabled = true; sudoEnable = true; includeMemtest = true; includeStdenv = true; includeBuildDeps = true; addUsers = ["nixos" "livecd" "livedvd" "user" "guest" "nix"]; kernel = pkgs: ( pkgs.module_aggregation [pkgs.kernel] ); packages = pkgs : [ pkgs.irssi pkgs.ltrace pkgs.subversion pkgs.which pkgs.file pkgs.zip pkgs.unzip pkgs.unrar pkgs.usbutils pkgs.bc pkgs.cpio pkgs.ncat pkgs.patch pkgs.fuse pkgs.indent pkgs.zsh pkgs.hddtemp pkgs.hdparm pkgs.sdparm pkgs.sqlite pkgs.wpa_supplicant pkgs.lynx pkgs.db4 pkgs.rogue pkgs.attr pkgs.acl pkgs.automake pkgs.autoconf pkgs.libtool pkgs.gnupg pkgs.openssl pkgs.units pkgs.gnumake pkgs.manpages pkgs.cabextract pkgs.upstartJobControl pkgs.fpc pkgs.python pkgs.perl pkgs.lftp pkgs.wget pkgs.guile pkgs.utillinuxCurses pkgs.emacs pkgs.iproute pkgs.MPlayer pkgs.diffutils pkgs.pciutils pkgs.lsof pkgs.vimHugeX pkgs.xpdf pkgs.ghostscript pkgs.gv pkgs.firefoxWrapper pkgs.xlaunch pkgs.wirelesstools pkgs.usbutils pkgs.dmidecode pkgs.sdparm pkgs.hdparm pkgs.hddtemp (theKernel pkgs) pkgs.sshfsFuse pkgs.ratpoison pkgs.xorg.twm pkgs.binutils pkgs.xorg.lndir pkgs.pstree pkgs.psmisc pkgs.aspell pkgs.gettext pkgs.xorg.xorgserver pkgs.xorg.xsetroot pkgs.xorg.xhost pkgs.xorg.xwd pkgs.xorg.xfontsel pkgs.xorg.xwud pkgs.xlaunch pkgs.xsel pkgs.xorg.xmessage pkgs.xorg.xauth pkgs.keynav pkgs.xorg.xset pkgs.xterm pkgs.xmove pkgs.xorg.xev pkgs.xorg.xmodmap pkgs.xorg.xkbcomp pkgs.xorg.setxkbmap /* pkgs.elinks pkgs.clisp pkgs.djvulibre pkgs.imagemagick */ /* pkgs.pidgin pkgs.pidginotr pkgs.gdmap pkgs.sox pkgs.timidity pkgs.xscreensaver pkgs.thunderbird pkgs.graphviz pkgs.tetex pkgs.pidginlatex pkgs.openoffice pkgs.wv pkgs.maxima pkgs.jre pkgs.wine pkgs.qemu pkgs.qemuImage pkgs.wireshark pkgs.gimp pkgs.audacity pkgs.tightvnc pkgs.bittornado */ ]; configList = configuration : [ { suffix = "X-vesa"; configuration = (configuration // { boot=configuration.boot // {configurationName = "X with vesa";}; services = configuration.services // { xserver = xConfiguration // {videoDriver = "vesa";}; }; }); } { suffix = "X-Intel"; configuration = (configuration // { boot=configuration.boot // {configurationName = "X with Intel graphic card";}; services = configuration.services // { xserver = xConfiguration // {videoDriver = "intel"; driSupport = true;}; }; }); } { suffix = "X-ATI"; configuration = (configuration // { boot=configuration.boot // {configurationName = "X with ATI graphic card";}; services = configuration.services // { xserver = xConfiguration // {videoDriver = "ati"; driSupport = true;}; }; }); } ]; }).rescueCD