{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.services.rippleDataApi; deployment_env_config = builtins.toJSON { production = { port = toString cfg.port; maxSockets = 150; batchSize = 100; startIndex = 32570; rippleds = cfg.rippleds; redis = { enable = cfg.redis.enable; host = cfg.redis.host; port = cfg.redis.port; options.auth_pass = null; }; }; }; db_config = builtins.toJSON { production = { username = optional (cfg.couchdb.pass != "") cfg.couchdb.user; password = optional (cfg.couchdb.pass != "") cfg.couchdb.pass; host = cfg.couchdb.host; port = cfg.couchdb.port; database = cfg.couchdb.db; protocol = "http"; }; }; in { options = { services.rippleDataApi = { enable = mkEnableOption "ripple data api"; port = mkOption { description = "Ripple data api port"; default = 5993; type = types.port; }; importMode = mkOption { description = "Ripple data api import mode."; default = "liveOnly"; type = types.enum ["live" "liveOnly"]; }; minLedger = mkOption { description = "Ripple data api minimal ledger to fetch."; default = null; type = types.nullOr types.int; }; maxLedger = mkOption { description = "Ripple data api maximal ledger to fetch."; default = null; type = types.nullOr types.int; }; redis = { enable = mkOption { description = "Whether to enable caching of ripple data to redis."; default = true; type = types.bool; }; host = mkOption { description = "Ripple data api redis host."; default = "localhost"; type = types.str; }; port = mkOption { description = "Ripple data api redis port."; default = 5984; type = types.port; }; }; couchdb = { host = mkOption { description = "Ripple data api couchdb host."; default = "localhost"; type = types.str; }; port = mkOption { description = "Ripple data api couchdb port."; default = 5984; type = types.port; }; db = mkOption { description = "Ripple data api couchdb database."; default = "rippled"; type = types.str; }; user = mkOption { description = "Ripple data api couchdb username."; default = "rippled"; type = types.str; }; pass = mkOption { description = "Ripple data api couchdb password."; default = ""; type = types.str; }; create = mkOption { description = "Whether to create couchdb database needed by ripple data api."; type = types.bool; default = true; }; }; rippleds = mkOption { description = "List of rippleds to be used by ripple data api."; default = [ "http://s_east.ripple.com:51234" "http://s_west.ripple.com:51234" ]; type = types.listOf types.str; }; }; }; config = mkIf (cfg.enable) { services.couchdb.enable = mkDefault true; services.couchdb.bindAddress = mkDefault ""; services.redis.enable = mkDefault true; systemd.services.ripple-data-api = { after = [ "couchdb.service" "redis.service" "ripple-data-api-importer.service" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; environment = { NODE_ENV = "production"; DEPLOYMENT_ENVS_CONFIG = pkgs.writeText "deployment.environment.json" deployment_env_config; DB_CONFIG = pkgs.writeText "db.config.json" db_config; }; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = "${pkgs.ripple-data-api}/bin/api"; Restart = "always"; User = "ripple-data-api"; }; }; systemd.services.ripple-data-importer = { after = [ "couchdb.service" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; path = [ pkgs.curl ]; environment = { NODE_ENV = "production"; DEPLOYMENT_ENVS_CONFIG = pkgs.writeText "deployment.environment.json" deployment_env_config; DB_CONFIG = pkgs.writeText "db.config.json" db_config; LOG_FILE = "/dev/null"; }; serviceConfig = let importMode = if cfg.minLedger != null && cfg.maxLedger != null then "${toString cfg.minLedger} ${toString cfg.maxLedger}" else cfg.importMode; in { ExecStart = "${pkgs.ripple-data-api}/bin/importer ${importMode} debug"; Restart = "always"; User = "ripple-data-api"; }; preStart = mkMerge [ (mkIf (cfg.couchdb.create) '' HOST="http://${optionalString (cfg.couchdb.pass != "") "${cfg.couchdb.user}:${cfg.couchdb.pass}@"}${cfg.couchdb.host}:${toString cfg.couchdb.port}" curl -X PUT $HOST/${cfg.couchdb.db} || true '') "${pkgs.ripple-data-api}/bin/update-views" ]; }; users.users.ripple-data-api = { description = "Ripple data api user"; isSystemUser = true; group = "ripple-data-api"; }; users.groups.ripple-data-api = {}; }; }