It was crashing with:
TypeError: gobject `__main__+ChromeGNOMEShell' doesn't support property `application_id'
– that is the constructor of parent class Gio.Application does not recognize the kwarg.
This is typically caused by missing pygobject overrides but I think ones for Gio are built-in into pygobject.
Even weirder, adding just `${gobject-introspection}/lib/girepository-1.0` seems to fix the issue so it might be missing the whole typelib.
But then why does not it fail when importing it?
from gi.repository import GLib, Gio
For now, I am adding the Gio typelib which should been done from the start but more debugging should be done since weirdness like this can bring more bugs.
This is a squash commit of the joint work from:
* Jan Tojnar (@jtojnar)
* Linus Heckemann (@lheckemann)
* Ryan Mulligan (@ryantm)
* romildo (@romildo)
* Tom Hunger (@teh)