conversions were done using
using (probably) rev f34e145 running
nix-doc-munge nixos/**/*.nix
nix-doc-munge --import nixos/**/*.nix
the tool ensures that only changes that could affect the generated
manual *but don't* are committed, other changes require manual review
and are discarded.
the conversion procedure is simple:
- find all things that look like options, ie calls to either `mkOption`
or `lib.mkOption` that take an attrset. remember the attrset as the
- for all options, find a `description` attribute who's value is not a
call to `mdDoc` or `lib.mdDoc`
- textually convert the entire value of the attribute to MD with a few
simple regexes (the set from
- if the change produced a change in the manual output, discard
- if the change kept the manual unchanged, add some text to the
description to make sure we've actually found an option. if the
manual changes this time, keep the converted description
this procedure converts 80% of nixos options to markdown. around 2000
options remain to be inspected, but most of those fail the "does not
change the manual output check": currently the MD conversion process
does not faithfully convert docbook tags like <code> and <package>, so
any option using such tags will not be converted at all.
the kubernetes modules cross-reference their config using an additional shortcut
binding `top =`, expand those to defaultText like
`cfg` previously.
A centralized list for these renames is not good because:
- It breaks disabledModules for modules that have a rename defined
- Adding/removing renames for a module means having to find them in the
central file
- Merge conflicts due to multiple people editing the central file
by adding targets and curl wait loops to services to ensure services
are not started before their depended services are reachable.
Extra targets and
syncronize starts across machines and ensures
docker is restarted and ready to deploy containers on after flannel
has discussed the network cidr with apiserver.
Since flannel needs to be started before addon-manager to configure
the docker interface, it has to have its own rbac bootstrap service.
The curl wait loops within the other services exists to ensure that when
starting the service it is able to do its work immediately without
clobbering the log about failing conditions.
By ensuring is only reached after starting the
cluster it can be used in the tests as a wait condition.
In kube-certmgr-bootstrap mkdir is needed for it to not fail to start.
The following is the relevant part of systemctl list-dependencies
● ├─certmgr.service
● ├─cfssl.service
● ├─docker.service
● ├─etcd.service
● ├─flannel.service
● ├─
● │ ├─kube-addon-manager.service
● │ ├─kube-proxy.service
● │ ├─
● │ │ ├─flannel-rbac-bootstrap.service
● │ │ ├─kube-apiserver-online.service
● │ │ ├─kube-apiserver.service
● │ │ ├─kube-controller-manager.service
● │ │ └─kube-scheduler.service
● │ └─
● │ ├─node-online.service
● │ ├─
● │ │ ├─flannel.service
● │ │ └─mk-docker-opts.service
● │ └─
● │ └─kubelet.service
● ├─
● │ └─
● │ ├─certmgr.service
● │ ├─cfssl-online.service
● │ └─kube-certmgr-bootstrap.service
to protect services from crashing and clobbering the logs when
certificates are not in place yet and make sure services are activated
when certificates are ready.
To prevent errors similar to "kube-controller-manager.path: Failed to
enter waiting state: Too many open files"
fs.inotify.max_user_instances has to be increased.
+ isolate etcd on the master node by letting it listen only on loopback
+ enabling kubelet on master and taint master with NoSchedule
The reason for the latter is that flannel requires all nodes to be "registered"
in the cluster in order to setup the cluster network. This means that the
kubelet is needed even at nodes on which we don't plan to schedule anything.
- All kubernetes components have been seperated into different files
- All TLS-enabled ports have been deprecated and disabled by default
- EasyCert option added to support automatic cluster PKI-bootstrap
- RBAC has been enforced for all cluster components by default
- NixOS kubernetes test cases make use of easyCerts to setup PKI