Since gnuradio-runtime is compiled with log4cpp, all plugins that need
gnuradio-runtime (which is all of them probably) need log4cpp as well.
Add python.pkgs.cheetah to inputs of gr-osmosdr as it somehow started to
be needed.
Write (similar) expressions for GNURadio 3.7 and 3.8 and make 3.8
available as `gnuradio`, and `gnuradio3_7` point to the 3.7 build.
Teach both 3.7 & 3.8 expressions accept a `features` attribute set, that
tells them what features to compile. There are dependencies within the
different features, and we rely on upstream's cmake scripts to make sure
the `configurePhase` will fail if a feature is not enabled and needed by
another feature. All features are enabled by default.
Put shared Nix functions and attributes for both 3.7 and 3.8 in:
Add 2 patches accepted upstream, that don't install some python related
examples if python-support is not enabled.
Remove cmake python reference in 3.8 with removeReferencesTo, if
python-support is turned off.
Update gqrx (reverse dependency) to use a build of gnuradio3_7 without
gui components and for it's gr-osmosdr as well.
Write an external, `wrapper.nix` (shared for both 3.7 and 3.8). Teach it
to handle extra `gr-` packages via `GRC_BLOCKS_PATH`. Likely enable it
to accept extra python packages. Wrap the executables with env vars
wrapGAppsHook and wrapQtAppsHook would have likely given them (hence,
fix#87510). Point `gnuradio` to the wrapped 3.8 derivation.
Add @doronbehar to maintainers of both 3.8 and 3.7.
dirty: use upstreamed patches
There is a regression with 3.19.1 which, for so far we've noticed, only
affects this package and on Darwin. To avoid a mass-rebuild right now,
we patch cmake only for darwin and this package.
Added carvel ytt 0.30.0 which is currently absent. Tests ran by
checkPhase currently fail due to YAML marshalling problems, but the tool
itself appears fine.