It seems Activemq was "split" in to 5.8.0 and 5.12.1 only to keep from
trampling someone on 5.8.0. This is to the point of not upgrading the
default, but making a new activemq attribute specific for 512.
As far as I can tell, there is no good reason to stay providing 5.8.0,
so this is the proposal to delete it.
Note: There are over 1,000 fixes between 5.9.0 to 5.13.2.
Along with PR #13879, these patches let julia build and run on
darwin. Using an llvm with shared library support is an idea adopted from
a @pikajude comment here
The libgit2 change is mechanical to pull in iconv on darwin.
The frameworks are referenced by julia's build system.
Built and tested locally.
From the changelog:
Version 0.7.83, 2016-02-29
+ HEVC: Maximum Content Light Level (MaxCLL) and Maximum Frame-Average
Light Level (MaxFALL), metadata mandated by CEA-861.3 for HDR support
+ HEVC: Mastering display color primaries and luminance (based on SMPTE
ST 2084), metadata mandated by CEA-861.3 for HDR support
+ HEVC: SMPTE ST 2048 and SMPTE ST 428-1 transfer characteristics
+ HEVC: Chroma subsampling location (indication of the location type
described in the HEVC spec)
+ MPEG-TS: ATSC Modulation Mode (Analog, SCTE_mode_1 aka 64-QAM,
SCTE_mode_2 aka 256-QAM, 8-VSB, 16-VSB)
+ #B981, MP4: support of buggy file having "hint" SubType
x HLS: better handling of media playlists having EXT-X-BYTERANGE
Additionally, some cleanup and package uses `autoreconfHook` now. Thanks
to @hrdinka for helpful pointers!
Built and tested locally.
From the changelog:
Version 0.4.33, 2016-02-29
x File::Open(): using now FILE_APPEND_DATA on windows when append mode
is requested
x File::Open(): accept file names with * and ? characters on non-Windows
x Better MinGW and CygWin compatibility
x Adding missing shebang
x Dir/Create: create the parents directory if not existing
Additionally, the package was cleaned up, now using `autoreconfHook` and
with some helpful pointers by @hrdinka.
The 'runtime-link=' feature must not be set in addition to 'link='
for boost-1.55 when building only the statically linked libraries.
Fixes errors that targets were defined multiple times.