Upstream changes:
singularity 3.8.7 (the legacy) -> apptainer 1.1.3 (the renamed) / singularity 3.10.4 (Sylabs's fork)
Build process:
* Share between different sources
* Fix the sed regexp to make defaultPath patch work
* allowGoReference is now true
* Provied input parameter removeCompat (default to false)
that removes the compatible "*singularity*" symbolic links
and related autocompletion files when projectName != "singularity"
* Change localstatedir to /var/lib
* Format with nixpkgs-fmt
* Fix the defaultPath patching
and use it instead of the `<executable> path` config directive
deprecated in Apptainer
* Provide dependencies for new functionalities such as
squashfuse (unprivileged squashfs mount)
* Provide an attribute `defaultPathInputs` to override
prefix of container runtime default PATH
NixOS module programs.singularity:
* Allow users to specify packages
* Place related directories to /var/lib
* Format with nixpkgs-fmt
* Allow users to specify packages
* Place related directories to /var/lib when building images in VM
Whenever we create scripts that are installed to $out, we must use runtimeShell
in order to get the shell that can be executed on the machine we create the
package for. This is relevant for cross-compiling. The only use case for are scripts that are executed as part of the build system.
Usages in checkPhase are borderline however to decrease the likelyhood
of people copying the wrong examples, I decided to use runtimeShell as well.