This looks a little ridiculous right now, but my experience is that
it’s common to find the beginning or end of a section and add more
things there without seeing the comments. We should probably move
to a one file per release note system, but in the meantime this is
a low‐cost way to help reduce merge conflicts.
This will be EOL at the end of November, so there's little reason to
keep it in 24.11[1]. As discussed, we'd like to keep it for as long as
possible to make sure there's a state in nixpkgs that has the latest
minor of postgresql_12 available with the most recent CVEs fixed for
people who cannot upgrade[2].
This aspect has been made explicit in the manual now for the next .11
During the discussions it has been brought up that if people just do
`services.postgresql.enable = true;` and let the code decide the
postgresql version based on `system.stateVersion`, there's a chance that
such EOL dates will be missed. To make this harder, a warning will now
be raised when using the stateVersion-condition and the oldest still
available major is selected.
Additionally regrouped the postgresql things in the release notes to
make sure these are all shown consecutively. Otherwise it's a little
hard to keep track of all the changes made to postgresql in 24.11.
the `devmode` helper made for the Nixpkgs/NixOS manual was exposed wrapped
in `mkShell`, which made it impossible to reuse.
this change strips that wrapper and reproduces it at the call site.
now one can use `devmode` from anywhere Nixpkgs is available:
devmode = pkgs.callPackage "${pkgs.path}/pkgs/tools/nix/web-devmode.nix" {
buildArgs = toString ./.;
open = "/index.html";
The first version that supports zstd compression, to create the option
to eventually switch compression for the binary cache.
It was released one year ago on 2023-11-03 and first shipped in NixOS
"Freeform options" is a term that's a bit more meaningful to regular
users who don't follow development, and thus does a better job at
describing the changes