Reproduction script:
# Bulk rewrite
./maintainers/scripts/ pkgs/by-name
# Revert some packages which will need manual intervention
for n in amdvlk azure-cli cargo-profiler corefonts flatito fluxcd gist perf_data_converter protoc-gen-js solana-cli swt verible; do
git checkout -- "pkgs/by-name/${n:0:2}/${n}"
Without the change the game fails to start as it fails to find it's
shared objects as:
$ NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix build -f. ut1999 && ./result/bin/ut1999
Object not found: Class Render.Render
History: UObject::SafeLoadError <- UObject::StaticLoadClass <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine <- main
Exiting due to error
After the change the game starts without problems.