Vladimír Čunát
cpython: restrict enableLTO to Linux
Both darwin platforms would fail:
And as it seems to be a risky feature, I switched other platforms along
(though none are on the official build farm)
2021-07-16 10:32:33 +02:00
Martin Weinelt
cpython: disable no-semantic-interposition with older clang versions
> clang-7: error: unknown argument: '-fno-semantic-interposition'
This primarily affects current darwin builds, but as soon as they
migrate to a newer clang version they will immediately start benefitting
from this change.
2021-07-09 22:24:43 +02:00
Jonathan Ringer
python3: only enable LTO for 64bit builds
Avoid failures with 32bit builds:
cc1: error: LTO support has not been enabled in this configuration
2021-07-05 12:34:02 -07:00
Andreas Rammhold
cpython: Enable LTO on all builds as it doesn't break reproducibility
LTO allows us to optimise the binaries we are shipping a bit further
than just with the regular -Ox and other compiler flags. It also is
deterministic and doesn't harm our reproducibility efforts while
providing us with up to 10% performance gain (and sometimes slightly
slower). See the table below for a comparsion of this version with the
Python 3.9 build that sets -fno-semantic-interposition.
| Benchmark | py39-nsip.nix.json | py39-nsip-lto.nix.json | Change | Significance |
| 2to3 | 642 ms | 620 ms | 1.03x faster | Significant (t=12.04) |
| chameleon | 14.6 ms | 14.4 ms | 1.02x faster | Not significant |
| chaos | 182 ms | 182 ms | 1.00x slower | Not significant |
| crypto_pyaes | 175 ms | 172 ms | 1.02x faster | Not significant |
| deltablue | 11.2 ms | 11.2 ms | 1.00x faster | Not significant |
| django_template | 82.0 ms | 81.4 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| dulwich_log | 101 ms | 99.8 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| fannkuch | 634 ms | 638 ms | 1.01x slower | Not significant |
| float | 176 ms | 189 ms | 1.08x slower | Significant (t=-4.30) |
| go | 366 ms | 365 ms | 1.00x faster | Not significant |
| hexiom | 14.9 ms | 15.1 ms | 1.01x slower | Not significant |
| json_dumps | 18.7 ms | 18.5 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| json_loads | 37.9 us | 37.3 us | 1.02x faster | Not significant |
| logging_format | 14.2 us | 14.3 us | 1.01x slower | Not significant |
| logging_silent | 305 ns | 313 ns | 1.02x slower | Significant (t=-3.91) |
| logging_simple | 13.0 us | 13.2 us | 1.01x slower | Not significant |
| mako | 24.7 ms | 23.3 ms | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=10.74) |
| meteor_contest | 130 ms | 128 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| nbody | 201 ms | 201 ms | 1.00x faster | Not significant |
| nqueens | 152 ms | 154 ms | 1.01x slower | Not significant |
| pathlib | 26.3 ms | 26.2 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| pickle | 13.1 us | 13.7 us | 1.05x slower | Significant (t=-10.36) |
| pickle_dict | 26.6 us | 27.1 us | 1.02x slower | Not significant |
| pickle_list | 4.34 us | 4.31 us | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| pickle_pure_python | 738 us | 759 us | 1.03x slower | Significant (t=-5.26) |
| pidigits | 181 ms | 181 ms | 1.00x faster | Not significant |
| pyflate | 959 ms | 974 ms | 1.02x slower | Not significant |
| python_startup | 34.0 ms | 31.4 ms | 1.08x faster | Significant (t=29.75) |
| python_startup_no_site | 15.3 ms | 14.5 ms | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=17.58) |
| raytrace | 849 ms | 846 ms | 1.00x faster | Not significant |
| regex_compile | 261 ms | 261 ms | 1.00x faster | Not significant |
| regex_dna | 187 ms | 221 ms | 1.18x slower | Significant (t=-46.94) |
| regex_effbot | 3.66 ms | 3.98 ms | 1.09x slower | Significant (t=-18.55) |
| regex_v8 | 29.7 ms | 29.3 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| richards | 113 ms | 110 ms | 1.03x faster | Significant (t=3.47) |
| scimark_fft | 592 ms | 590 ms | 1.00x faster | Not significant |
| scimark_lu | 253 ms | 265 ms | 1.05x slower | Significant (t=-8.97) |
| scimark_monte_carlo | 170 ms | 177 ms | 1.04x slower | Significant (t=-4.96) |
| scimark_sor | 310 ms | 315 ms | 1.02x slower | Not significant |
| scimark_sparse_mat_mult | 8.36 ms | 8.33 ms | 1.00x faster | Not significant |
| spectral_norm | 232 ms | 229 ms | 1.02x faster | Not significant |
| sqlalchemy_declarative | 185 ms | 183 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| sqlalchemy_imperative | 27.4 ms | 27.6 ms | 1.01x slower | Not significant |
| sqlite_synth | 4.73 us | 4.73 us | 1.00x faster | Not significant |
| sympy_expand | 813 ms | 819 ms | 1.01x slower | Not significant |
| sympy_integrate | 31.6 ms | 31.8 ms | 1.01x slower | Not significant |
| sympy_str | 477 ms | 479 ms | 1.00x slower | Not significant |
| sympy_sum | 245 ms | 247 ms | 1.01x slower | Not significant |
| telco | 11.3 ms | 11.4 ms | 1.00x slower | Not significant |
| tornado_http | 172 ms | 172 ms | 1.00x slower | Not significant |
| unpack_sequence | 56.2 ns | 51.2 ns | 1.10x faster | Significant (t=2.50) |
| unpickle | 19.8 us | 19.5 us | 1.02x faster | Not significant |
| unpickle_list | 5.75 us | 5.75 us | 1.00x faster | Not significant |
| unpickle_pure_python | 524 us | 522 us | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| xml_etree_generate | 148 ms | 148 ms | 1.00x slower | Not significant |
| xml_etree_iterparse | 129 ms | 131 ms | 1.02x slower | Not significant |
| xml_etree_parse | 179 ms | 177 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| xml_etree_process | 118 ms | 119 ms | 1.00x slower | Not significant |
2021-07-05 12:34:02 -07:00
Andreas Rammhold
cpython: add enableNoSemanticInterposition flag
This flags enables the -fno-semantic-interposition compiler flag for all
our cpython builds by default. It can be disabled by overriding the
enableNoSemanticInterposition attribute.
This CFLAG has the impact that our python code runs up to 23% faster
than previously. See the pyperformance benchmark results below.
The only downside that exists is that we can no longer override
libpython symbols via LD_PRELOAD when calling the python interpreter. If
a user needs they can disable the newly introduced flag and use that
instead. However those situations should be rare.
The Fedora Project did the equivalent change in their Fedora 32 release
(and haven't reverted it yet). They wrote a nice [wiki page] about the
ups and downs of this change. I recommend reading that.
Benchmark results of running Python 3.9 before and after this change:
| Benchmark | py39.nix.json | py39-nsip.nix.json | Change | Significance |
| 2to3 | 666 ms | 642 ms | 1.04x faster | Significant (t=12.73) |
| chameleon | 15.0 ms | 14.6 ms | 1.03x faster | Significant (t=4.70) |
| chaos | 198 ms | 182 ms | 1.09x faster | Significant (t=13.73) |
| crypto_pyaes | 185 ms | 175 ms | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=9.70) |
| deltablue | 12.3 ms | 11.2 ms | 1.10x faster | Significant (t=14.45) |
| django_template | 85.1 ms | 82.0 ms | 1.04x faster | Significant (t=6.61) |
| dulwich_log | 102 ms | 101 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| fannkuch | 670 ms | 634 ms | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=15.87) |
| float | 182 ms | 176 ms | 1.03x faster | Significant (t=7.32) |
| go | 393 ms | 366 ms | 1.07x faster | Significant (t=17.63) |
| hexiom | 15.8 ms | 14.9 ms | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=13.81) |
| json_dumps | 19.3 ms | 18.7 ms | 1.03x faster | Significant (t=7.46) |
| json_loads | 38.4 us | 37.9 us | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| logging_format | 15.0 us | 14.2 us | 1.05x faster | Significant (t=6.32) |
| logging_silent | 328 ns | 305 ns | 1.07x faster | Significant (t=8.85) |
| logging_simple | 13.8 us | 13.0 us | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=10.77) |
| mako | 25.2 ms | 24.7 ms | 1.02x faster | Not significant |
| meteor_contest | 133 ms | 130 ms | 1.03x faster | Significant (t=3.59) |
| nbody | 222 ms | 201 ms | 1.10x faster | Significant (t=26.85) |
| nqueens | 161 ms | 152 ms | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=8.84) |
| pathlib | 28.4 ms | 26.3 ms | 1.08x faster | Significant (t=11.85) |
| pickle | 13.8 us | 13.1 us | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=10.84) |
| pickle_dict | 32.7 us | 26.6 us | 1.23x faster | Significant (t=32.43) |
| pickle_list | 4.39 us | 4.34 us | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| pickle_pure_python | 782 us | 738 us | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=15.71) |
| pidigits | 184 ms | 181 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| pyflate | 1.02 sec | 959 ms | 1.07x faster | Significant (t=21.13) |
| python_startup | 34.3 ms | 34.0 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| python_startup_no_site | 15.5 ms | 15.3 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| raytrace | 912 ms | 849 ms | 1.07x faster | Significant (t=11.21) |
| regex_compile | 273 ms | 261 ms | 1.05x faster | Significant (t=5.82) |
| regex_dna | 188 ms | 187 ms | 1.00x faster | Not significant |
| regex_effbot | 3.37 ms | 3.66 ms | 1.09x slower | Significant (t=-16.12) |
| regex_v8 | 29.8 ms | 29.7 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| richards | 119 ms | 113 ms | 1.05x faster | Significant (t=5.71) |
| scimark_fft | 625 ms | 592 ms | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=19.64) |
| scimark_lu | 273 ms | 253 ms | 1.08x faster | Significant (t=16.68) |
| scimark_monte_carlo | 186 ms | 170 ms | 1.10x faster | Significant (t=14.70) |
| scimark_sor | 330 ms | 310 ms | 1.07x faster | Significant (t=11.89) |
| scimark_sparse_mat_mult | 9.03 ms | 8.36 ms | 1.08x faster | Significant (t=17.71) |
| spectral_norm | 247 ms | 232 ms | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=14.64) |
| sqlalchemy_declarative | 194 ms | 185 ms | 1.04x faster | Significant (t=4.80) |
| sqlalchemy_imperative | 28.2 ms | 27.4 ms | 1.03x faster | Significant (t=3.80) |
| sqlite_synth | 4.89 us | 4.73 us | 1.03x faster | Significant (t=10.60) |
| sympy_expand | 833 ms | 813 ms | 1.02x faster | Significant (t=4.82) |
| sympy_integrate | 33.0 ms | 31.6 ms | 1.05x faster | Significant (t=6.47) |
| sympy_str | 490 ms | 477 ms | 1.03x faster | Significant (t=7.58) |
| sympy_sum | 254 ms | 245 ms | 1.04x faster | Significant (t=7.82) |
| telco | 11.6 ms | 11.3 ms | 1.03x faster | Significant (t=5.62) |
| tornado_http | 175 ms | 172 ms | 1.02x faster | Not significant |
| unpack_sequence | 51.4 ns | 56.2 ns | 1.09x slower | Significant (t=-2.40) |
| unpickle | 20.3 us | 19.8 us | 1.02x faster | Significant (t=4.09) |
| unpickle_list | 5.41 us | 5.75 us | 1.06x slower | Significant (t=-26.56) |
| unpickle_pure_python | 544 us | 524 us | 1.04x faster | Significant (t=6.47) |
| xml_etree_generate | 154 ms | 148 ms | 1.04x faster | Significant (t=7.98) |
| xml_etree_iterparse | 130 ms | 129 ms | 1.01x faster | Not significant |
| xml_etree_parse | 178 ms | 179 ms | 1.00x slower | Not significant |
| xml_etree_process | 123 ms | 118 ms | 1.04x faster | Significant (t=10.22) |
[wiki page]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/PythonNoSemanticInterpositionSpeedup
2021-07-05 12:34:02 -07:00
Martin Weinelt
cpython: fix permissions on venv activation scripts
Previously these ended up without u+w permissions which meant they could
not be regenerated, which was hugely annoying when these venvs were for
example created and recreated in a nix-shell.
2021-06-28 03:15:04 +02:00
Mario Rodas
python310: fix build on darwin
2021-04-20 04:20:00 +00:00
Ivan Babrou
python2: only pass -msse2 on x86_64-darwin, not any darwin
2021-05-14 09:15:03 -07:00
Anderson Torres
Merge pull request #118403 from dotlambda/CVE-2021-23336
python27: fix CVE-2021-23336
2021-04-12 18:44:52 -03:00
Sandro Jäckel
lzma: deprecate alias
2021-04-04 19:49:52 +02:00
Robert Schütz
python27: fix CVE-2021-23336
From the archive `python-gentoo-patches-2.7.18_p8.tar.xz` found at
https://dev.gentoo.org/~mgorny/dist/python/ , I copied
2021-04-03 15:10:01 +02:00
Sandro Jäckel
cpython: allow $out reference again
This regression got introduced with 738746a34b
2021-03-15 03:20:32 +01:00
Frederik Rietdijk
python3: express references to keep as a nix list
2021-03-14 17:00:59 +01:00
Frederik Rietdijk
python3: mimetypesSupport is optional
2021-03-14 15:45:15 +01:00
cpython: Pull in the mime-types database
Closes #113901
2021-03-14 15:45:15 +01:00
Frederik Rietdijk
python39: hardcode path to tzdata
Python 3.9 has a new module `zoneinfo` which requires tzdata. By default
it searches TZPATH for folders containing `zoneinfo`.
This commit makes the dependency on tzdata pure.
2021-03-13 14:05:41 +01:00
Frederik Rietdijk
python: reproducible builds
Achieve reproducible builds of the interpreter. Note this meant
disabling optimizations again.
2021-03-13 13:11:50 +01:00
Ivan Babrou
python37, python2: remove win64 workaround to fix aarch64-darwin
The issue manifests itself as the following on `aarch64-darwin`:
>>> import ctypes
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/nix/store/i8cq0xrjirz1rcp65wzcyhj6ypzlw9il-python3-3.7.10/lib/python3.7/ctypes/__init__.py", line 551, in <module>
File "/nix/store/i8cq0xrjirz1rcp65wzcyhj6ypzlw9il-python3-3.7.10/lib/python3.7/ctypes/__init__.py", line 273, in _reset_cache
CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(lambda: None)
The commit we backport is included in Python 3.8, and it reverts
the change that was introduced all the way back in Python 2.7.
2021-03-03 16:02:07 -08:00
Martin Weinelt
python37: 3.7.9 -> 3.7.10, fixup patches
2021-02-20 12:13:07 +01:00
Martin Weinelt
python27: Fix CVE-2021-3177
Thanks to the Gentoo team maintaining a fork of python2¹ we can easily
apply their backported patch for this security vulnerability.
[1] https://gitweb.gentoo.org/fork/cpython.git/
2021-02-20 10:03:11 +01:00
Ben Siraphob
pkgs/development/interpreters: stdenv.lib -> lib
2021-01-23 20:29:03 +07:00
Peter Woodman
cpython: fix extensions when using a musl toolchain
2021-01-22 23:56:19 +01:00
Jan Tojnar
Merge branch 'master' into staging-next
2021-01-14 02:24:17 +01:00
Fabian Möller
python36: enable ctypes.util.find_library patch
2021-01-13 13:13:02 +01:00
Frederik Rietdijk
Revert "Revert "python: 3.8.6 -> 3.8.7.""
This was originally reverted because of an invalid patch.
This has been fixed and now we want this update again.
This reverts commit e1ed9b3b08
2021-01-09 13:12:44 +01:00
Merge staging-next into staging
2021-01-08 12:29:39 +00:00
Orivej Desh
python2: fix ctypes.util.find_library with gcc10
Fixes #108243
2021-01-08 11:19:39 +01:00
Frederik Rietdijk
python3: don't use sysconfigdataHook on darwin
Resolves issue when building wheels which is a regression introduced by
AssertionError: would build wheel with unsupported tag ('cp38', 'cp38',
2021-01-08 09:34:36 +01:00
Jan Tojnar
Merge branch 'staging-next' into staging
2021-01-07 13:06:41 +01:00
Jan Tojnar
Merge branch 'master' into staging-next
seems to have accidentally changed mkDerivation function for dfilemanager and solarus-quest-editor so I have reverted that here.
2021-01-07 13:04:31 +01:00
Merge staging-next into staging
2021-01-05 00:57:02 +00:00
Jonathan Ringer
python38: remove obsolete find_library patch
2021-01-04 15:44:35 -08:00
Frederik Rietdijk
Revert "python: 3.8.6 -> 3.8.7."
Need to fix a patch first. Next iteration.
This reverts commit 507efdb11f
2021-01-04 20:58:21 +01:00
Drew Hess
python: 3.8.6 -> 3.8.7.
2021-01-04 20:48:55 +01:00
John Ericson
treewide: Inline more of the static overlay
Picking up where #107238 left off. I think I'll have gotten all the easy
stuff with this.
2021-01-03 21:46:14 +00:00
Ben Wolsieffer
cpython: fix finding headers when cross-compiling extension modules
2020-12-28 13:09:00 +01:00
Lucas Ransan
cpython: fix ctypes.util.find_library
2020-12-28 08:43:32 +01:00
Greg Roodt
python: 3.9.0 -> 3.9.1
2020-12-12 19:32:08 +01:00
Frederik Rietdijk
Python: rename parameters and arguments passed to passthru
As part of the splicing the build/host/target combinations of the interpreter
need to be passed around internally. The chosen names were not very clear,
implying they were package sets whereas actually there were derivations.
2020-11-28 17:36:23 +01:00
Frederik Rietdijk
Python: use pythonPackagesBuildHost instead of pythonForBuild
Follow-up to #104201 , related to #105113 .
2020-11-28 16:36:03 +01:00
John Ericson
python: Use makeScopeWithSplicing
Now non-`buildInputs` that are python packages should be resolved
2020-11-19 11:58:07 -05:00
Jonathan Ringer
python310: 3.10.0a1 -> 3.10.0a2
2020-11-11 23:13:44 -08:00
Frederik Rietdijk
Revert "Merge pull request #93083 from risicle/ris-cpython-debug"
This increase the closure size by 30 MB.
This reverts commit 4b340cbbb4
, reversing
changes made to 47e499f7a4
2020-11-03 12:50:05 +01:00
Jonathan Ringer
python310: init at 3.10a1
2020-10-19 09:31:27 -07:00
Frederik Rietdijk
Merge master into staging-next
2020-08-17 14:54:39 +02:00
Alvar Penning
pythonFull: add BlueZ support
This commit introduces two changes.
First, cpython gets optional BlueZ support, which is needed for
AF_BLUETOOTH sockets. Therefore bluezSupport was added as a parameter.
Second, the call to the pythonFull packages has been adjusted. The
Python packages have a self-reference called self. This was not adjusted
for the override. As a result, Python packages for this special version
of Python were not built with the overridden Python, but with the
original one.
2020-08-15 18:08:20 +02:00
Frederik Rietdijk
Merge pull request #93083 from risicle/ris-cpython-debug
cpython: add separateDebugInfo, allow use of gdb libpython
2020-08-15 08:52:42 +02:00
Daniël de Kok
python3: fix impure /bin/sh call in subprocess
2020-08-15 08:34:02 +02:00
Christian Kauhaus
python: Apply patch for CVE-2019-20907
Incluing the patch file in-tree because the upstream patch is not
intended to apply for Python 2.
Re #94004
2020-08-11 16:05:43 +02:00
Matthew Bauer
treewide: add warning comment to “boot” packages
This adds a warning to the top of each “boot” package that reads:
Note: this package is used for bootstrapping fetchurl, and thus cannot
use fetchpatch! All mutable patches (generated by GitHub or cgit) that
are needed here should be included directly in Nixpkgs as files.
This makes it clear to maintainer that they may need to treat this
package a little differently than others. Importantly, we can’t use
fetchpatch here due to using <nix/fetchurl.nix>. To avoid having stale
hashes, we need to include patches that are subject to changing
overtime (for instance, gitweb’s patches contain a version number at
the bottom).
2020-07-31 08:56:53 +02:00