Part of #229910.
Unfortunately this is a little hacky because upstream doesn't intend to
support it for 2.5, but only for 3.0 which isn't out yet, however nodejs-16
will get out of maintenance during the support-span of NixOS 23.05[1].
The only breaking change is that `extract-files` uses a deprecated way
of exposing modules, I went through the list of other breaking
changes in v17 and v18[2][3] and couldn't spot any usage of removed
features, also local testing didn't reveal further issues.
Unfortunately fixing that breakage turned out to be non-trivial.
Currently, `extract-files@9.0.0` is used with the problematic portions
in its `package.json`, however it's only a transitive dependency of
`@graphql-tools/url-loader` & `apollo-upload-client`. Unfortunately, the
versions of that in use require v9 and don't work with a newer version of
`extract-files` with the problem fixed[4]. Also, upgrading the
dependencies in question is not a feasible option because `graphql-tools`
was split up into multiple smaller packages in v8 and also some of the
APIs in use in `wiki.js` were dropped there[5], so this would also be
very time-consuming and non-trivial to fix.
Since this was the only issue, I decided to go down the hacky route and
patch the problem in `package.json` of `extract-files` manually during
our `patchPhase`.
[4] Upon local testing, this broke with the following error:
Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: Package subpath './public/extractFiles' is not defined by "exports" in /wiki/node_modules/extract-files/package.json
[5] For instance `SchemaDirectiveVisitor` in
Version increase: compatible with keycloak 21
feat: adds support for Keycloak 21 (thanks @ghenadiibatalski )
fix: realm names are now shown again instead of ids (thanks @diversit )
other fixes and improvements (thanks @claudiunicolaa , @douph1 , @uberspot)
It panics when running with Go 1.20 with the following error:
panic: Something in this program imports
to declare that it assumes a non-moving garbage collector,
but your version of hasn't been updated
to assert that it's safe against the go1.20 runtime.
If you want to risk it, run with environment variable
Notably, if go1.20 adds a moving garbage collector,
this program is unsafe to use.