This is done with the following bash script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
process_line() {
local filename=${1%:}
if [[ $4 =~ \"(.*)\"\; ]]; then
local sha256="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
[[ -z $sha256 ]] && return 0
local hash=$(nix hash to-sri --type sha256 $sha256)
echo "Processing: $filename"
echo " $sha256 => $hash"
sed -i "s|cargoSha256 = \"$sha256\"|cargoHash = \"$hash\"|"
# split output by line
grep -r 'cargoSha256 = ' . | while IFS= read -r line; do
# split them further by space
read -r -a parts <<< "$line"
process_line "${parts[@]}"
Rust 1.50.0 incorporated a Cargo change (rust-lang/cargo#8937) in
which cargo vendor erroneously changed permissions of vendored
crates. This was fixed in Rust
1.51.0 (rust-lang/cargo#9131). Unfortunately, this means that all
cargoSha256/cargoHashes produced during the Rust 1.50.0 cycle are
potentially broken.
This change updates cargoSha256/cargoHash tree-wide.