Otherwise references to the Python interpreter inside the set are wrong, as demonstrated by:
``` nix
with import <nixpkgs> { };
python' = python3.override {
packageOverrides = final: prev: { requests = prev.requests.overridePythonAttrs(old: { version = "1337"; }); };
in python'.pkgs.python.pkgs.requests
which returns the _non_ overriden requests.
And the same with `self`:
with import <nixpkgs> { };
python' = python3.override {
self = python';
packageOverrides = final: prev: { requests = prev.requests.overridePythonAttrs(old: { version = "1337"; }); };
in python'.pkgs.python.pkgs.requests
which returns the overriden requests.
This can manifest itself as file collisions when constructing environments or as subtly incorrect dependency graphs.
Remove original 'pkgs/applications/finance/odoo' directory.
Update 'pkgs/applications/finance/odoo/update.sh'
to point to the nightly builds archive for odoo, ignoring Docker.
Signed-off-by: Sirio Balmelli <sirio@b-ad.ch>