11_5 is not compatible with glibc2.4 which became the default after
gcc10->gcc11 bump
11_6 has a fix for glibc2.4 support
cudaPackages attribute now points at cudaPackages_11_6
There are many different versions of the `cudatoolkit` and related
cuda packages, and it can be tricky to ensure they remain compatible.
- `cudaPackages` is now a package set with `cudatoolkit`, `cudnn`, `cutensor`, `nccl`, as well as `cudatoolkit` split into smaller packages ("redist");
- expressions should now use `cudaPackages` as parameter instead of the individual cuda packages;
- `makeScope` is now used, so it is possible to use `.overrideScope'` to set e.g. a different `cudnn` version;
- `release-cuda.nix` is introduced to easily evaluate cuda packages using hydra.
Remove old CUDA toolkits (and corresponding CuDNN versions).
- Not supported by upstream anymore.
- We do not use them in nixpkgs.
- We do not test or actively maintain them.
- Anything but ancient GPUs is supported by newer toolkits.
Remove ancient CUDA toolkits (and corresponding CuDNN versions):
- Not supported by upstream anymore.
- We do not use them in nixpkgs.
- We do not test or actively maintain them.
- Anything but ancient GPUs is supported by newer toolkits.
NixOS 20.0.9's default NVIDIA video driver version is 455.38, which supports CUDA 11.1.1.
**Things to note:**
- [ ] Users with nvtop installed may need to upgrade their nvtop installation due to caching behavior
This has the benefit of being able to override all the inputs to the
build where you were previously only able to override the entire package
set (if at all).
Quoting from the splitString docstring:
NOTE: this function is not performant and should never be used.
This replaces trivial uses of splitString for splitting version
strings with the (potentially builtin) splitVersion.
This fixes cudatoolkit building on non-sandboxed system.
The cudatoolkit tests run each of the CUDA binaries as a small smoke
test just to make sure they all can at least somewhat run.
However, the `cuda-gdb` binary doesn't run correctly on non-sandboxed
systems because it picks up versions of Python from /usr/lib.
This PR disables the smoke tests for now. They should be re-enabled
when we figure out how to make them work for cuda-gdb on non-sandboxed
This PR is for #57939.