No idea what this gibberish disguised as tag is, but nc4nix doesn't seem
to cope well with it. For now, let's pin `maps` to the stable 1.1 release (as
it's the case for nextcloud27 already) since 1.1 is supported for all of
v25 to v27[1], so this seems reasonable to do.
While we had to lie to in order to get nc26 into the
running, and there are a lot of apps that have not released a compatible
version yet, for the ones that have, we are adding them alongside
nextcloud 26.0.0beta1.
This includes the following new packages:
- files_texteditor
- files_markdown
- forms
- groupfolders
- impersonate
- registration
- spreed
- twofactor_nextcloud_notification
- twofactor_totp
- unsplash
And the following updated ones:
- bookmarks
- calendar
- contacts
- deck
- mail
- news
- polls