We are migrating packages that meet below requirements:
1. using `callPackage`
2. called path is a directory
3. overriding set is empty (`{ }`)
4. not containing path expressions other than relative path (to
makenixpkgs-vet happy)
5. not referenced by nix files outside of the directory, other
6. not referencing nix files outside of the directory
7. not referencing `default.nix` (since it's changed to `package.nix`)
8. `outPath` doesn't change after migration
The tool is here: https://github.com/Aleksanaa/by-name-migrate.
sed -i 's/ webkitgtk\b/ webkitgtk_4_0/g' pkgs/**.nix
sed -i 's/(webkitgtk\b/(webkitgtk_4_0/g' pkgs/**.nix
sed -i 's/\.webkitgtk\b/.webkitgtk_4_0/g' pkgs/**.nix
webkitgtk is currently pointing to that specific ABI version but the
alias is going to start warning
Reproduction script:
# Bulk rewrite
./maintainers/scripts/sha-to-sri.py pkgs/by-name
# Revert some packages which will need manual intervention
for n in amdvlk azure-cli cargo-profiler corefonts flatito fluxcd gist perf_data_converter protoc-gen-js solana-cli swt verible; do
git checkout -- "pkgs/by-name/${n:0:2}/${n}"
Disable tests that are failing due to networking issues. There doesn't
appear to be a way to disable individual tests short of patching them
out. This can be revisited at a later time, but let's move the
security fix forward.