In preparation for the deprecation of `stdenv.isX`.
These shorthands are not conducive to cross-compilation because they
hide the platforms.
Darwin might get cross-compilation for which the continued usage of `stdenv.isDarwin` will get in the way
One example of why this is bad and especially affects compiler packages
There are too many files to go through manually but a treewide should
get users thinking when they see a `hostPlatform.isX` in a place where it
doesn't make sense.
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "stdenv'.is" "stdenv'"
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "inherit (stdenv) is" "inherit (stdenv.hostPlatform) is"
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
Reproduction script:
# Bulk rewrite
./maintainers/scripts/ pkgs/by-name
# Revert some packages which will need manual intervention
for n in amdvlk azure-cli cargo-profiler corefonts flatito fluxcd gist perf_data_converter protoc-gen-js solana-cli swt verible; do
git checkout -- "pkgs/by-name/${n:0:2}/${n}"
- stop binding attributes we don't care about (e.g. name, doCheck)
- remove attributes we handle in nix (e.g. useAppHost)
- inherit attributes with default values (e.g. packNupkg)
Otherwise references to the Python interpreter inside the set are wrong, as demonstrated by:
``` nix
with import <nixpkgs> { };
python' = python3.override {
packageOverrides = final: prev: { requests = prev.requests.overridePythonAttrs(old: { version = "1337"; }); };
in python'.pkgs.python.pkgs.requests
which returns the _non_ overriden requests.
And the same with `self`:
with import <nixpkgs> { };
python' = python3.override {
self = python';
packageOverrides = final: prev: { requests = prev.requests.overridePythonAttrs(old: { version = "1337"; }); };
in python'.pkgs.python.pkgs.requests
which returns the overriden requests.
This can manifest itself as file collisions when constructing environments or as subtly incorrect dependency graphs.