mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 11:05:14 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into haskell-updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ in
systemd.services.phosh = {
wantedBy = [ "graphical.target" ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/phosh";
ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/phosh-session";
User = cfg.user;
Group = cfg.group;
PAMName = "login";
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
buildDotnetModule rec {
pname = "ryujinx";
version = "1.1.650"; # Based off of the official github actions builds: https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/actions/workflows/release.yml
version = "1.1.651"; # Based off of the official github actions builds: https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/actions/workflows/release.yml
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "Ryujinx";
repo = "Ryujinx";
rev = "b8556530f2b160db70ff571adf25ae26d4b8f58f";
sha256 = "098yx4nwmkbab595a2xq9f5libzvsj01f3wf83nsbgzndy1h85ja";
rev = "f0562b9c75308c8cfcaa2458dfd37ac42751a374";
sha256 = "1bkfncms8lagxhpnafyahrghzvpklsgxddqq7w1wzjzyxp6pxc51";
dotnet-sdk = dotnetCorePackages.sdk_7_0;
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
, qtlocation ? null # qt5 only
, qtpositioning ? null # qt6 only
, qtpbfimageplugin
, qtserialport
, qtsvg
, qt5compat ? null # qt6 only
, wrapQtAppsHook
@ -21,13 +22,13 @@ let
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "gpxsee";
version = "11.12";
version = "12.2";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "tumic0";
repo = "GPXSee";
rev = version;
hash = "sha256-W35KBPYvTKrSi7UnzcUz8MsUwoq8rY5g/+hL1/gVpbI=";
hash = "sha256-d+hQNI+eCSMRFMzq09wL+GN9TgOIt245Z8GlPe7nY8E=";
patches = (substituteAll {
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
inherit qttranslations;
buildInputs = [ qtpbfimageplugin ]
buildInputs = [ qtpbfimageplugin qtserialport ]
++ (if isQt6 then [
@ -55,6 +56,8 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
postInstall = lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
mkdir -p $out/Applications
mv GPXSee.app $out/Applications
mkdir -p $out/bin
ln -s $out/Applications/GPXSee.app/Contents/MacOS/GPXSee $out/bin/gpxsee
passthru = {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "phoc";
version = "0.21.1";
version = "0.25.0";
src = fetchFromGitLab {
domain = "gitlab.gnome.org";
@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
owner = "Phosh";
repo = pname;
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-HPqhro6TE/Ukh4txBPrDoIuDaxSxd/ZkDVZU3+m3GFg=";
sha256 = "sha256-1cbv4vzQ+RcRoT1pOT8Q0nxuZzKUlec38KCNMYaceeE=";
fetchSubmodules = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [
@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
pname = "ttdl";
version = "3.6.3";
version = "3.6.5";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "VladimirMarkelov";
repo = "ttdl";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-IR0cDXQHnMDI71Vg50atS98YorqAQKc95EF1+m9cxFY=";
sha256 = "sha256-mplV++N+us6IntNJsZoH4yyKZ8eYplUYuVJeac0ZIkQ=";
cargoSha256 = "sha256-658mN3R3opjvqfnIDcbh11ZSOTDbpYnhCgGGx46Mrrc=";
cargoHash = "sha256-mgvMQjScXCmr3HIQtGJ2YWRUhiSP5resL96LUCe8D+c=";
meta = with lib; {
description = "A CLI tool to manage todo lists in todo.txt format";
@ -10,18 +10,18 @@
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "usql";
version = "0.13.9";
version = "0.13.10";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "xo";
repo = "usql";
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-hcAwwu1bp7QJLt+mrUZYK6YeX/uRmfRa8JnUfrTzf3k=";
hash = "sha256-epfEw62OXWiJqqvxJ8U9tRy0ZrQkSqa8GL4TluO9Df4=";
buildInputs = [ unixODBC icu ];
vendorHash = "sha256-BehI6O+WpCcgMGabTFMCpYHN3CIo3Zb5rBQuGLsWRc0=";
vendorHash = "sha256-mOe0rREiqOxwVwVo4S0889cbqVLknVRCW4bSiIh6IdQ=";
proxyVendor = true;
# Exclude broken impala & hive driver
@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
pname = "zine";
version = "0.12.0";
version = "0.12.1";
src = fetchCrate {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "sha256-ioWgEl+bMaEDjtEQq/4vURS6Q/V9+r72NTWstyHm4mI=";
sha256 = "sha256-54kbSli/cEG8MlbPWC3xauj2VFxru/5haXfHaViUCN8=";
cargoHash = "sha256-2BeImBebeO4kLXmBrGjPmAjbrsLUaS2y52KSazVITb0=";
cargoHash = "sha256-youQoyJURmhPZItvfCSytUBpwRrejRf6EzfvjtgXH5E=";
nativeBuildInputs = [
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
{ lib, buildGoModule, fetchFromGitHub, fetchzip, installShellFiles, stdenv }:
version = "0.41.0";
sha256 = "1xqgscmzq96jdlvwmckpz2zh7gsdla77xir6a6nylz509wkv3gid";
manifestsSha256 = "03azig0axa6d5yapzr36ziza1jsy549sqnna6ja6xa2zl0ljx33n";
version = "0.41.1";
sha256 = "0nrwhq336n0aj1c51difgxk9an8d1j4yfkxn9sgzw9dq50rrrinf";
manifestsSha256 = "1rrmdbaian8wskcyaa2nifp4mp4bz0nqgwz6ah5r0ywg48cfq2gm";
manifests = fetchzip {
url =
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ in buildGoModule rec {
inherit sha256;
vendorSha256 = "sha256-nQzpJX1B1zXpW27YtzkAYK2vL7rnWPgAtlZlZqdV5QI=";
vendorSha256 = "sha256-Oh1FBTHkICQZ79qf8XCL7ifi5Wd3jrIDupBKzYo+AEA=";
postUnpack = ''
cp -r ${manifests} source/cmd/flux/manifests
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
mkDerivation rec {
pname = "nextcloud-client";
version = "3.7.3";
version = "3.7.4";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ mkDerivation rec {
owner = "nextcloud";
repo = "desktop";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-SzQdT2BJ0iIMTScJ7ft47oKd+na5MlOx5xRB1SQ7CBc=";
sha256 = "sha256-K9P9avZdW+QR+K+GSp4kqWVZX5J7mHpu4gyuR4smmcU=";
patches = [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ lib
, buildGoModule
, buildGo120Module
, fetchFromGitHub
, gitUpdater
, makeWrapper
@ -7,20 +7,20 @@
, libxcrypt
buildGoModule rec {
buildGo120Module rec {
pname = "shellhub-agent";
version = "0.10.8";
version = "0.11.6";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "shellhub-io";
repo = "shellhub";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "BtD22Ss5PuVx2RVLQIsUeGBJBl5lh1XHJ0vcM2bOEwk=";
sha256 = "eZLQzy3lWwGM6VWFbsJ6JuGC+/dZnoymZgNtM8CPBM4=";
modRoot = "./agent";
vendorSha256 = "sha256-tvKiTQioj999oIUDHUSXTMXOh/LKoykzu8JEUnrelws=";
vendorSha256 = "sha256-7kDPo24I58Nh7OiHj6Zy40jAEaXSOmbcczkgJPXBItU=";
ldflags = [ "-s" "-w" "-X main.AgentVersion=v${version}" ];
@ -12,15 +12,27 @@
, perl
versionReplace = {
easybind = {
snapshot = "2.2.1-SNAPSHOT";
pin = "2.2.1-20230117.075740-16";
afterburner = {
snapshot = "testmoduleinfo-SNAPSHOT";
pin = "0e337d8773";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "5.7";
version = "5.9";
pname = "jabref";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "JabRef";
repo = "jabref";
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-wzBaAaxGsMPh64uW+bBOiycYfVCW9H5FCn06r6XdxeE=";
hash = "sha256-uACmXas5L1NcxLwllkcbgCCt9bRicpQkiJkhkkVWDDY=";
desktopItems = [
@ -39,28 +51,37 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
deps = stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "${pname}-deps";
inherit src version;
inherit src version postPatch;
nativeBuildInputs = [ gradle perl ];
buildPhase = ''
export GRADLE_USER_HOME=$(mktemp -d)
gradle --no-daemon downloadDependencies
gradle --no-daemon downloadDependencies -Dos.arch=amd64
gradle --no-daemon downloadDependencies -Dos.arch=aarch64
# perl code mavenizes pathes (com.squareup.okio/okio/1.13.0/a9283170b7305c8d92d25aff02a6ab7e45d06cbe/okio-1.13.0.jar -> com/squareup/okio/okio/1.13.0/okio-1.13.0.jar)
installPhase = ''
find $GRADLE_USER_HOME/caches/modules-2 -type f -regex '.*\.\(jar\|pom\)' \
| perl -pe 's#(.*/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/[0-9a-f]{30,40}/([^/\s]+))$# ($x = $2) =~ tr|\.|/|; "install -Dm444 $1 \$out/$x/$3/$4/''${\($5 =~ s/-jvm//r)}" #e' \
| sh
mv $out/com/tobiasdiez/easybind/${versionReplace.easybind.pin} \
# Don't move info to share/
forceShare = [ "dummy" ];
outputHashMode = "recursive";
outputHash = {
x86_64-linux = "sha256-OicHJVFxHGPE76bEDoLhkEhVcAJmplqjoh2I3nnVaLA=";
aarch64-linux = "sha256-8QWmweptL/+pSO6DhfBLaLcBrfKd4TDsDoXs4TgXvew=";
}.${stdenv.hostPlatform.system} or (throw "Unsupported system ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}");
outputHash = "sha256-s6GA8iT3UEVuELBgpBvzPJlVX+9DpfOQrEd3KIth8eA=";
postPatch = ''
# Pin the version
substituteInPlace build.gradle \
--replace 'com.github.JabRef:afterburner.fx:${versionReplace.afterburner.snapshot}' \
'com.github.JabRef:afterburner.fx:${versionReplace.afterburner.pin}' \
--replace 'com.tobiasdiez:easybind:${versionReplace.easybind.snapshot}' \
preBuild = ''
# Include CSL styles and locales in our build
cp -r buildres/csl/* src/main/resources/
@ -114,9 +135,13 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
# Resources in the jar can't be found, workaround copied from AUR
cp -r build/resources $out/share/java/jabref
# workaround for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/162064
tar xf build/distributions/JabRef-${version}.tar -C $out --strip-components=1
unzip $out/lib/javafx-web-*-linux${lib.optionalString stdenv.isAarch64 "-aarch64"}.jar libjfxwebkit.so -d $out/lib/
# remove openjfx libs for other platforms
rm $out/lib/javafx-*-win.jar ${lib.optionalString stdenv.isAarch64 "$out/lib/javafx-*-linux.jar"}
# workaround for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/162064
unzip $out/lib/javafx-web-*.jar libjfxwebkit.so -d $out/lib/
DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=$(sed -n -E "s/^DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='(.*)'$/\1/p" $out/bin/JabRef | sed -e "s|\$APP_HOME|$out|g" -e 's/"//g')
rm $out/bin/*
@ -11,16 +11,16 @@
rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
pname = "karlender";
version = "0.9.0";
version = "0.9.1";
src = fetchFromGitLab {
owner = "floers";
repo = pname;
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-lmNG9B2uO/zitOY/cNjnLRjCn6mSJ3CIpXIXpChDi9A=";
hash = "sha256-mtkVdVxO796hZZJrGohNTeZfC43rdvEUgUZvBG92f8c=";
cargoHash = "sha256-foxl8pqRqEbVwUWUGHmaTGazrwLQxcDJ/RvJE9wIszg=";
cargoHash = "sha256-jbdQ1dwTRJuA4F89YfxsO2PaHVef8bvxAj13veDteNM=";
nativeBuildInputs = [
@ -79,12 +79,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
url = "https://git.sagemath.org/sage.git/plain/build/pkgs/maxima/patches/undoing_true_false_printing_patch.patch?id=07d6c37d18811e2b377a9689790a7c5e24da16ba";
sha256 = "0fvi3rcjv6743sqsbgdzazy9jb6r1p1yq63zyj9fx42wd1hgf7yx";
] ++ lib.optionals (lisp-compiler.pname == "ecl") [
# build fasl, needed for ECL support
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://git.sagemath.org/sage.git/plain/build/pkgs/maxima/patches/maxima.system.patch?id=07d6c37d18811e2b377a9689790a7c5e24da16ba";
sha256 = "18zafig8vflhkr80jq2ivk46k92dkszqlyq8cfmj0b2vcfjwwbar";
# The test suite is disabled since 5.42.2 because of the following issues:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
pname = "gfold";
version = "4.3.1";
version = "4.3.2";
rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
inherit pname version;
@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
owner = "nickgerace";
repo = pname;
rev = version;
sha256 = "sha256-jlUGtTtoJ3DQbs4VEDUbYyl+s9S+bLTQ+GM6OQg6MNo=";
sha256 = "sha256-wZokY1KhhO3aztLIeZU/saGibzTYB9loGe003arFWEs=";
cargoHash = "sha256-Mrqg0wOG3JHDdGMZMcFsifpazOukZeoMPrQh4vIfQyU=";
cargoHash = "sha256-yII5lm0zbP46gUsLrr3/828Tolwg5meRP5TVvEMy8Dg=";
buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ libiconv Security ];
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
, glib
, cairo
, keybinder3
, ffmpeg
, ffmpeg-full
, python3
, libxml2
, gst_all_1
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
preFixup = ''
gappsWrapperArgs+=(--prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ which ffmpeg gifski ]})
gappsWrapperArgs+=(--prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ which ffmpeg-full gifski ]})
passthru = {
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "phosh";
version = "0.23.0";
version = "0.25.1";
src = fetchFromGitLab {
domain = "gitlab.gnome.org";
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
repo = pname;
rev = "v${version}";
fetchSubmodules = true; # including gvc and libcall-ui which are designated as subprojects
sha256 = "sha256-EMPqBKrtlwI9SJlqZjyAN5CtV4/BNwc5LapfeCEIYxc=";
sha256 = "sha256-ysAZdmkFEuqJDTPe246F2I4Qp+fjtomia42PS8BuMM8=";
nativeBuildInputs = [
@ -97,11 +97,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
postPatch = ''
chmod +x build-aux/post_install.py
patchShebangs build-aux/post_install.py
checkPhase = ''
runHook preCheck
export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "v2ray-geoip";
version = "202303020053";
version = "202303090050";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "v2fly";
repo = "geoip";
rev = "c002daa9332a673ce2fabe61eb9c45dc6a54f3fa";
sha256 = "sha256-Pfny59HitidyXgXaI/1V3UNdM18X0+vVCyKP4qkL1rY=";
rev = "e1cd759a93ff7e65cd8099ee628803a83ab8cae0";
sha256 = "sha256-m6TYu6cT57MDOXXfI76ufGDWJYmxjtVZg5vSToM8btE=";
installPhase = ''
@ -226,14 +226,13 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
sha256 = "0r4zjj0bv1x1m2dgxp3adsf2xkr94fjnyj1igsivd9ilbs5ja0b5";
] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.targetPlatform.isDarwin && stdenv.targetPlatform.isAarch64) [
# Prevent the paths module from emitting symbols that we don't use
# when building with separate outputs.
# These cause problems as they're not eliminated by GHC's dead code
# elimination on aarch64-darwin. (see
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/140774 for details).
postPatch = "patchShebangs .";
@ -205,14 +205,13 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
sha256 = "sha256-b4feGZIaKDj/UKjWTNY6/jH4s2iate0wAgMxG3rAbZI=";
] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.targetPlatform.isDarwin && stdenv.targetPlatform.isAarch64) [
# Prevent the paths module from emitting symbols that we don't use
# when building with separate outputs.
# These cause problems as they're not eliminated by GHC's dead code
# elimination on aarch64-darwin. (see
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/140774 for details).
postPatch = "patchShebangs .";
@ -203,6 +203,14 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
extraPrefix = "libraries/Cabal/";
sha256 = "sha256-yRQ6YmMiwBwiYseC5BsrEtDgFbWvst+maGgDtdD0vAY=";
] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.targetPlatform.isDarwin && stdenv.targetPlatform.isAarch64) [
# Prevent the paths module from emitting symbols that we don't use
# when building with separate outputs.
# These cause problems as they're not eliminated by GHC's dead code
# elimination on aarch64-darwin. (see
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/140774 for details).
postPatch = "patchShebangs .";
@ -203,6 +203,14 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
extraPrefix = "libraries/Cabal/";
sha256 = "sha256-yRQ6YmMiwBwiYseC5BsrEtDgFbWvst+maGgDtdD0vAY=";
] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.targetPlatform.isDarwin && stdenv.targetPlatform.isAarch64) [
# Prevent the paths module from emitting symbols that we don't use
# when building with separate outputs.
# These cause problems as they're not eliminated by GHC's dead code
# elimination on aarch64-darwin. (see
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/140774 for details).
postPatch = "patchShebangs .";
@ -203,6 +203,14 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
extraPrefix = "libraries/Cabal/";
sha256 = "sha256-yRQ6YmMiwBwiYseC5BsrEtDgFbWvst+maGgDtdD0vAY=";
] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.targetPlatform.isDarwin && stdenv.targetPlatform.isAarch64) [
# Prevent the paths module from emitting symbols that we don't use
# when building with separate outputs.
# These cause problems as they're not eliminated by GHC's dead code
# elimination on aarch64-darwin. (see
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/140774 for details).
postPatch = "patchShebangs .";
@ -210,6 +210,14 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
extraPrefix = "libraries/Cabal/";
sha256 = "sha256-yRQ6YmMiwBwiYseC5BsrEtDgFbWvst+maGgDtdD0vAY=";
] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.targetPlatform.isDarwin && stdenv.targetPlatform.isAarch64) [
# Prevent the paths module from emitting symbols that we don't use
# when building with separate outputs.
# These cause problems as they're not eliminated by GHC's dead code
# elimination on aarch64-darwin. (see
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/140774 for details).
postPatch = "patchShebangs .";
@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
This patch is based on https://github.com/sternenseemann/cabal/compare/982646d67b95b32813b89ab5d2d2f4d4dc03fb2b..7c49047f253e1f128e2df356400ec5da6f11066b
and has been postprocessed with `filterdiff --strip=1 --addoldprefix=a/libraries/Cabal/ --addnewprefix=b/libraries/Cabal/`.
Note that the base for the diff is not the Cabal release tag, but
982646d67b95b32813b89ab5d2d2f4d4dc03fb2b which is obtained by applying
on top of said release tag. That patch is applied to all our GHCs in the 9.2 series.
Reasoning and explanation of the patch can be found in the comment in the diff for PathsModule.hs below.
diffCabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build/PathsModule.hs b/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build/PathsModule.hs
index b2be7e1a8..9b63e9850 100644
--- a/libraries/Cabal/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build/PathsModule.hs
+++ b/libraries/Cabal/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build/PathsModule.hs
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ generatePathsModule pkg_descr lbi clbi = Z.render Z.Z
, Z.zIsWindows = isWindows
, Z.zIsI386 = buildArch == I386
, Z.zIsX8664 = buildArch == X86_64
+ , Z.zOr = (||)
, Z.zNot = not
, Z.zManglePkgName = showPkgName
@@ -56,8 +57,112 @@ generatePathsModule pkg_descr lbi clbi = Z.render Z.Z
, Z.zDatadir = zDatadir
, Z.zLibexecdir = zLibexecdir
, Z.zSysconfdir = zSysconfdir
+ -- Sadly we can't be cleverer about this – we can't have literals in the template
+ , Z.zShouldEmitDataDir = shouldEmit "DataDir"
+ , Z.zShouldEmitLibDir = shouldEmit "LibDir"
+ , Z.zShouldEmitDynLibDir = shouldEmit "DynLibDir"
+ , Z.zShouldEmitLibexecDir = shouldEmit "LibexecDir"
+ , Z.zShouldEmitSysconfDir = shouldEmit "SysconfDir"
+ , Z.zWarning = zWarning
+ , Z.zShouldEmitWarning = zShouldEmitWarning
+ -- GHC's NCG backend for aarch64-darwin does not support link-time dead code
+ -- elimination to the extent that NCG does for other targets. Consequently,
+ -- we struggle with unnecessarily retained store path references due to the
+ -- use of `Paths_*` modules – even if `getLibDir` is not used, it'll end up
+ -- in the final library or executables we build.
+ --
+ -- When using a different output for the executables and library, this
+ -- becomes more sinister: The library will contain a reference to the bin
+ -- output and itself due to `getLibDir` and `getBinDir`, but the executables
+ -- will do so, too. Either due to linking dynamically or because the library
+ -- is linked statically into the executable and retains those references.
+ -- Since Nix disallows cyclical references between two outputs, it becomes
+ -- impossible to use the `Paths_*` module and a separate `bin` output for
+ -- aarch64-darwin.
+ --
+ -- The solution we have resorted to for now, is to trim the `Paths_*` module
+ -- dynamically depending on what references *could* be used without causing
+ -- a cyclical reference. That has the effect that any code that would not
+ -- cause a cyclical reference with dead code elimination will compile and
+ -- work for aarch64-darwin. If the code would use a `get*Dir` function that
+ -- has been omitted, this would indicate that the code would have caused a
+ -- cyclical reference anyways.
+ --
+ -- The logic for this makes some pretty big assumptions about installation
+ -- prefixes that probably only hold fully in nixpkgs with
+ -- `haskellPackages.mkDerivation`. Simple uses outside nixpkgs that have
+ -- everything below the same prefix should continue to work as expected,
+ -- though.
+ --
+ -- We assume the following:
+ --
+ -- - flat_prefix is `$out`.
+ -- - flat_libdir etc. are always below `$out`.
+ --
+ -- Since in the normal case due to static linking `$bin` and `$out` will
+ -- have the same references in libraries/executables, we need to either
+ -- prevent usage of `getBinDir` or `getLibDir` to break the cycle in case
+ -- `flat_bindir` is not below `$out`. We have decided to always allow usage
+ -- of `getBinDir`, so `getLibDir` gets dropped if a separate `bin` output is
+ -- used. This has the simple reason that `$out` which contains `flat_libdir`
+ -- tends to be quite big – we would like to have a `bin` output that doesn't
+ -- require keeping that around.
+ pathEmittable :: FilePath -> Bool
+ pathEmittable p
+ -- If the executable installation target is below `$out` the reference
+ -- cycle is within a single output (since libs are installed to `$out`)
+ -- and thus unproblematic. We can use any and all `get*Dir` functions.
+ | flat_prefix `isPrefixOf` flat_bindir = True
+ -- Otherwise, we need to disallow all `get*Dir` functions that would cause
+ -- a reference to `$out` which contains the libraries that would in turn
+ -- reference `$bin`. This always include `flat_libdir` and friends, but
+ -- can also include `flat_datadir` if no separate output for data files is
+ -- used.
+ | otherwise = not (flat_prefix `isPrefixOf` p)
+ -- This list maps the "name" of the directory to whether we want to include
+ -- it in the `Paths_*` module or not. `shouldEmit` performs a lookup in this.
+ dirs :: [(String, Bool)]
+ dirs =
+ map
+ (\(name, path) -> (name, pathEmittable path))
+ [ ("LibDir", flat_libdir)
+ , ("DynLibDir", flat_dynlibdir)
+ , ("DataDir", flat_datadir)
+ , ("LibexecDir", flat_libexecdir)
+ , ("SysconfDir", flat_sysconfdir)
+ ]
+ shouldEmit :: String -> Bool
+ shouldEmit name =
+ case lookup name dirs of
+ Just b -> b
+ Nothing -> error "panic! BUG in Cabal Paths_ patch for aarch64-darwin, report this at https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/issues"
+ -- This is a comma separated list of all functions that have been omitted.
+ -- This is included in a GHC warning which will be attached to the `Paths_*`
+ -- module in case we are dropping any `get*Dir` functions that would
+ -- normally exist.
+ --
+ -- TODO: getDataFileName is not accounted for at the moment.
+ omittedFunctions :: String
+ omittedFunctions =
+ intercalate ", "
+ $ map (("get" ++) . fst)
+ $ filter (not . snd) dirs
+ zWarning :: String
+ zWarning =
+ show $
+ "The following functions have been omitted by a nixpkgs-specific patch to Cabal: "
+ ++ omittedFunctions
+ zShouldEmitWarning :: Bool
+ zShouldEmitWarning = any (not . snd) dirs
supports_cpp = supports_language_pragma
supports_rebindable_syntax = ghc_newer_than (mkVersion [7,0,1])
supports_language_pragma = ghc_newer_than (mkVersion [6,6,1])
diffCabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build/PathsModule/Z.hs b/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build/PathsModule/Z.hs
index 6488ea061..a6cdc8e31 100644
--- a/libraries/Cabal/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build/PathsModule/Z.hs
+++ b/libraries/Cabal/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build/PathsModule/Z.hs
@@ -18,6 +18,14 @@ data Z
zDatadir :: FilePath,
zLibexecdir :: FilePath,
zSysconfdir :: FilePath,
+ zShouldEmitLibDir :: Bool,
+ zShouldEmitDynLibDir :: Bool,
+ zShouldEmitLibexecDir :: Bool,
+ zShouldEmitDataDir :: Bool,
+ zShouldEmitSysconfDir :: Bool,
+ zShouldEmitWarning :: Bool,
+ zWarning :: String,
+ zOr :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool),
zNot :: (Bool -> Bool),
zManglePkgName :: (PackageName -> String)}
deriving Generic
@@ -45,10 +53,51 @@ render z_root = execWriter $ do
tell "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-}\n"
tell "module Paths_"
tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
- tell " (\n"
+ tell "\n"
+ tell " "
+ if (zShouldEmitWarning z_root)
+ then do
+ tell "{-# WARNING "
+ tell (zWarning z_root)
+ tell " #-}"
+ return ()
+ else do
+ return ()
+ tell "\n"
+ tell " (\n"
tell " version,\n"
- tell " getBinDir, getLibDir, getDynLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir,\n"
- tell " getDataFileName, getSysconfDir\n"
+ tell " getBinDir,\n"
+ if (zOr z_root (zNot z_root (zAbsolute z_root)) (zShouldEmitLibDir z_root))
+ then do
+ tell " getLibDir,\n"
+ return ()
+ else do
+ return ()
+ if (zOr z_root (zNot z_root (zAbsolute z_root)) (zShouldEmitDynLibDir z_root))
+ then do
+ tell " getDynLibDir,\n"
+ return ()
+ else do
+ return ()
+ if (zOr z_root (zNot z_root (zAbsolute z_root)) (zShouldEmitLibexecDir z_root))
+ then do
+ tell " getLibexecDir,\n"
+ return ()
+ else do
+ return ()
+ if (zOr z_root (zNot z_root (zAbsolute z_root)) (zShouldEmitDataDir z_root))
+ then do
+ tell " getDataFileName,\n"
+ tell " getDataDir,\n"
+ return ()
+ else do
+ return ()
+ if (zOr z_root (zNot z_root (zAbsolute z_root)) (zShouldEmitSysconfDir z_root))
+ then do
+ tell " getSysconfDir\n"
+ return ()
+ else do
+ return ()
tell " ) where\n"
tell "\n"
if (zNot z_root (zAbsolute z_root))
@@ -97,12 +146,15 @@ render z_root = execWriter $ do
tell (zVersionDigits z_root)
tell " []\n"
tell "\n"
- tell "getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"
- tell "getDataFileName name = do\n"
- tell " dir <- getDataDir\n"
- tell " return (dir `joinFileName` name)\n"
- tell "\n"
- tell "getBinDir, getLibDir, getDynLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir, getSysconfDir :: IO FilePath\n"
+ if (zOr z_root (zNot z_root (zAbsolute z_root)) (zShouldEmitDataDir z_root))
+ then do
+ tell "getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"
+ tell "getDataFileName name = do\n"
+ tell " dir <- getDataDir\n"
+ tell " return (dir `joinFileName` name)\n"
+ return ()
+ else do
+ return ()
tell "\n"
z_var0_function_defs = do
@@ -130,6 +182,7 @@ render z_root = execWriter $ do
tell "\n"
if (zRelocatable z_root)
then do
+ tell "\n"
tell "\n"
tell "getPrefixDirReloc :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"
tell "getPrefixDirReloc dirRel = do\n"
@@ -139,31 +192,37 @@ render z_root = execWriter $ do
tell (zBindir z_root)
tell ") `joinFileName` dirRel)\n"
tell "\n"
+ tell "getBinDir :: IO FilePath\n"
tell "getBinDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
tell "_bindir\") (\\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ "
tell (zBindir z_root)
tell ")\n"
+ tell "getLibDir :: IO FilePath\n"
tell "getLibDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
tell "_libdir\") (\\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ "
tell (zLibdir z_root)
tell ")\n"
+ tell "getDynLibDir :: IO FilePath\n"
tell "getDynLibDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
tell "_dynlibdir\") (\\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ "
tell (zDynlibdir z_root)
tell ")\n"
+ tell "getDataDir :: IO FilePath\n"
tell "getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
tell "_datadir\") (\\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ "
tell (zDatadir z_root)
tell ")\n"
+ tell "getLibexecDir :: IO FilePath\n"
tell "getLibexecDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
tell "_libexecdir\") (\\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ "
tell (zLibexecdir z_root)
tell ")\n"
+ tell "getSysconfDir :: IO FilePath\n"
tell "getSysconfDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
tell "_sysconfdir\") (\\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ "
@@ -177,72 +236,119 @@ render z_root = execWriter $ do
if (zAbsolute z_root)
then do
tell "\n"
- tell "bindir, libdir, dynlibdir, datadir, libexecdir, sysconfdir :: FilePath\n"
+ tell "bindir :: FilePath\n"
tell "bindir = "
tell (zBindir z_root)
tell "\n"
- tell "libdir = "
- tell (zLibdir z_root)
- tell "\n"
- tell "dynlibdir = "
- tell (zDynlibdir z_root)
+ tell "getBinDir :: IO FilePath\n"
+ tell "getBinDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
+ tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
+ tell "_bindir\") (\\_ -> return bindir)\n"
tell "\n"
- tell "datadir = "
- tell (zDatadir z_root)
+ if (zShouldEmitLibDir z_root)
+ then do
+ tell "libdir :: FilePath\n"
+ tell "libdir = "
+ tell (zLibdir z_root)
+ tell "\n"
+ tell "getLibDir :: IO FilePath\n"
+ tell "getLibDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
+ tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
+ tell "_libdir\") (\\_ -> return libdir)\n"
+ return ()
+ else do
+ return ()
tell "\n"
- tell "libexecdir = "
- tell (zLibexecdir z_root)
+ if (zShouldEmitDynLibDir z_root)
+ then do
+ tell "dynlibdir :: FilePath\n"
+ tell "dynlibdir = "
+ tell (zDynlibdir z_root)
+ tell "\n"
+ tell "getDynLibDir :: IO FilePath\n"
+ tell "getDynLibDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
+ tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
+ tell "_dynlibdir\") (\\_ -> return dynlibdir)\n"
+ return ()
+ else do
+ return ()
tell "\n"
- tell "sysconfdir = "
- tell (zSysconfdir z_root)
+ if (zShouldEmitDataDir z_root)
+ then do
+ tell "datadir :: FilePath\n"
+ tell "datadir = "
+ tell (zDatadir z_root)
+ tell "\n"
+ tell "getDataDir :: IO FilePath\n"
+ tell "getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
+ tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
+ tell "_datadir\") (\\_ -> return datadir)\n"
+ return ()
+ else do
+ return ()
tell "\n"
+ if (zShouldEmitLibexecDir z_root)
+ then do
+ tell "libexecdir :: FilePath\n"
+ tell "libexecdir = "
+ tell (zLibexecdir z_root)
+ tell "\n"
+ tell "getLibexecDir :: IO FilePath\n"
+ tell "getLibexecDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
+ tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
+ tell "_libexecdir\") (\\_ -> return libexecdir)\n"
+ return ()
+ else do
+ return ()
tell "\n"
- tell "getBinDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
- tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
- tell "_bindir\") (\\_ -> return bindir)\n"
- tell "getLibDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
- tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
- tell "_libdir\") (\\_ -> return libdir)\n"
- tell "getDynLibDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
- tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
- tell "_dynlibdir\") (\\_ -> return dynlibdir)\n"
- tell "getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
- tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
- tell "_datadir\") (\\_ -> return datadir)\n"
- tell "getLibexecDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
- tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
- tell "_libexecdir\") (\\_ -> return libexecdir)\n"
- tell "getSysconfDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
- tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
- tell "_sysconfdir\") (\\_ -> return sysconfdir)\n"
+ if (zShouldEmitSysconfDir z_root)
+ then do
+ tell "sysconfdir :: FilePath\n"
+ tell "sysconfdir = "
+ tell (zSysconfdir z_root)
+ tell "\n"
+ tell "getSysconfDir :: IO FilePath\n"
+ tell "getSysconfDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
+ tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
+ tell "_sysconfdir\") (\\_ -> return sysconfdir)\n"
+ return ()
+ else do
+ return ()
tell "\n"
return ()
else do
if (zIsWindows z_root)
then do
+ tell "\n"
tell "\n"
tell "prefix :: FilePath\n"
tell "prefix = "
tell (zPrefix z_root)
tell "\n"
tell "\n"
+ tell "getBinDir :: IO FilePath\n"
tell "getBinDir = getPrefixDirRel $ "
tell (zBindir z_root)
tell "\n"
+ tell "getLibDir :: IO FilePath\n"
tell "getLibDir = "
tell (zLibdir z_root)
tell "\n"
+ tell "getDynLibDir :: IO FilePath\n"
tell "getDynLibDir = "
tell (zDynlibdir z_root)
tell "\n"
+ tell "getDataDir :: IO FilePath\n"
tell "getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv \""
tell (zManglePkgName z_root (zPackageName z_root))
tell "_datadir\") (\\_ -> "
tell (zDatadir z_root)
tell ")\n"
+ tell "getLibexecDir :: IO FilePath\n"
tell "getLibexecDir = "
tell (zLibexecdir z_root)
tell "\n"
+ tell "getSysconfDir :: IO FilePath\n"
tell "getSysconfDir = "
tell (zSysconfdir z_root)
tell "\n"
diffcabal-dev-scripts/src/GenPathsModule.hs b/cabal-dev-scripts/src/GenPathsModule.hs
index e4b930635..9b978f284 100644
--- a/libraries/Cabal/cabal-dev-scripts/src/GenPathsModule.hs
+++ b/libraries/Cabal/cabal-dev-scripts/src/GenPathsModule.hs
@@ -41,6 +41,16 @@ $(capture "decls" [d|
, zLibexecdir :: FilePath
, zSysconfdir :: FilePath
+ , zShouldEmitLibDir :: Bool
+ , zShouldEmitDynLibDir :: Bool
+ , zShouldEmitLibexecDir :: Bool
+ , zShouldEmitDataDir :: Bool
+ , zShouldEmitSysconfDir :: Bool
+ , zShouldEmitWarning :: Bool
+ , zWarning :: String
+ , zOr :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
, zNot :: Bool -> Bool
, zManglePkgName :: PackageName -> String
difftemplates/Paths_pkg.template.hs b/templates/Paths_pkg.template.hs
index 6bc6b7875..aa90a9382 100644
--- a/libraries/Cabal/templates/Paths_pkg.template.hs
+++ b/libraries/Cabal/templates/Paths_pkg.template.hs
@@ -9,10 +9,31 @@
{% endif %}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-import-lists #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-}
-module Paths_{{ manglePkgName packageName }} (
+module Paths_{{ manglePkgName packageName }}
+ {% if shouldEmitWarning %}{-# WARNING {{ warning }} #-}{% endif %}
+ (
- getBinDir, getLibDir, getDynLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir,
- getDataFileName, getSysconfDir
+ getBinDir,
+{# We only care about the absolute case for our emit logic, since only in this
+ case references are incurred. We are not going to hit isWindows and relocatable
+ has no absolute references to begin with.
+{% if or (not absolute) shouldEmitLibDir %}
+ getLibDir,
+{% endif %}
+{% if or (not absolute) shouldEmitDynLibDir %}
+ getDynLibDir,
+{% endif %}
+{% if or (not absolute) shouldEmitLibexecDir %}
+ getLibexecDir,
+{% endif %}
+{% if or (not absolute) shouldEmitDataDir %}
+ getDataFileName,
+ getDataDir,
+{% endif %}
+{% if or (not absolute) shouldEmitSysconfDir %}
+ getSysconfDir
+{% endif %}
) where
{% if not absolute %}
@@ -51,12 +72,12 @@ catchIO = Exception.catch
version :: Version
version = Version {{ versionDigits }} []
+{% if or (not absolute) shouldEmitDataDir %}
getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
getDataFileName name = do
dir <- getDataDir
return (dir `joinFileName` name)
-getBinDir, getLibDir, getDynLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir, getSysconfDir :: IO FilePath
+{% endif %}
{% defblock function_defs %}
minusFileName :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
@@ -85,48 +106,93 @@ splitFileName p = (reverse (path2++drive), reverse fname)
{% if relocatable %}
+{# Relocatable can not incur any absolute references, so we can ignore it.
+ Additionally, --enable-relocatable is virtually useless in Nix builds
getPrefixDirReloc :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
getPrefixDirReloc dirRel = do
exePath <- getExecutablePath
let (dir,_) = splitFileName exePath
return ((dir `minusFileName` {{ bindir }}) `joinFileName` dirRel)
+getBinDir :: IO FilePath
getBinDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_bindir") (\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ {{ bindir }})
+getLibDir :: IO FilePath
getLibDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_libdir") (\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ {{ libdir }})
+getDynLibDir :: IO FilePath
getDynLibDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_dynlibdir") (\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ {{ dynlibdir }})
+getDataDir :: IO FilePath
getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_datadir") (\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ {{ datadir }})
+getLibexecDir :: IO FilePath
getLibexecDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_libexecdir") (\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ {{ libexecdir }})
+getSysconfDir :: IO FilePath
getSysconfDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_sysconfdir") (\_ -> getPrefixDirReloc $ {{ sysconfdir }})
{% useblock function_defs %}
{% elif absolute %}
-bindir, libdir, dynlibdir, datadir, libexecdir, sysconfdir :: FilePath
+bindir :: FilePath
bindir = {{ bindir }}
-libdir = {{ libdir }}
-dynlibdir = {{ dynlibdir }}
-datadir = {{ datadir }}
-libexecdir = {{ libexecdir }}
-sysconfdir = {{ sysconfdir }}
+getBinDir :: IO FilePath
getBinDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_bindir") (\_ -> return bindir)
+{% if shouldEmitLibDir %}
+libdir :: FilePath
+libdir = {{ libdir }}
+getLibDir :: IO FilePath
getLibDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_libdir") (\_ -> return libdir)
+{% endif %}
+{% if shouldEmitDynLibDir %}
+dynlibdir :: FilePath
+dynlibdir = {{ dynlibdir }}
+getDynLibDir :: IO FilePath
getDynLibDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_dynlibdir") (\_ -> return dynlibdir)
+{% endif %}
+{% if shouldEmitDataDir %}
+datadir :: FilePath
+datadir = {{ datadir }}
+getDataDir :: IO FilePath
getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_datadir") (\_ -> return datadir)
+{% endif %}
+{% if shouldEmitLibexecDir %}
+libexecdir :: FilePath
+libexecdir = {{ libexecdir }}
+getLibexecDir :: IO FilePath
getLibexecDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_libexecdir") (\_ -> return libexecdir)
+{% endif %}
+{% if shouldEmitSysconfDir %}
+sysconfdir :: FilePath
+sysconfdir = {{ sysconfdir }}
+getSysconfDir :: IO FilePath
getSysconfDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_sysconfdir") (\_ -> return sysconfdir)
+{% endif %}
{% elif isWindows %}
+{# We are only trying to fix the problem for aarch64-darwin with this patch,
+ so let's ignore Windows which we can reach via pkgsCross, for example.
prefix :: FilePath
prefix = {{ prefix }}
+getBinDir :: IO FilePath
getBinDir = getPrefixDirRel $ {{ bindir }}
+getLibDir :: IO FilePath
getLibDir = {{ libdir }}
+getDynLibDir :: IO FilePath
getDynLibDir = {{ dynlibdir }}
+getDataDir :: IO FilePath
getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv "{{ manglePkgName packageName }}_datadir") (\_ -> {{ datadir }})
+getLibexecDir :: IO FilePath
getLibexecDir = {{ libexecdir }}
+getSysconfDir :: IO FilePath
getSysconfDir = {{ sysconfdir }}
getPrefixDirRel :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ let
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "purescript";
version = "0.15.7";
version = "0.15.8";
# These hashes can be updated automatically by running the ./update.sh script.
src =
@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/${pname}/${pname}/releases/download/v${version}/macos.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0aq5sr93z6c5l76sqbj3g48z6yrhxfqxri0x1ajmjwhcwjg79d6v";
sha256 = "0aq6b8yw2ll3qgmc21ap2pxfnr7glqhrjx3ggc21q4gwq3zxrrrp";
fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/${pname}/${pname}/releases/download/v${version}/linux64.tar.gz";
sha256 = "032jqrk46k9zbq058ms8rnrq0209rd8vkxwj73vqrlgqvpzlfl5k";
sha256 = "192px9a4ja1iazhahc6ilgxk0x2bjp59qxd9zaww4pldj1b7z20y";
@ -318,6 +318,11 @@ self: super: ({
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/149692
Agda = removeConfigureFlag "-foptimise-heavily" super.Agda;
# regex-rure's test suite fails with a dylib not loaded error due to some
# rpath issue.
regex-rure = dontDistribute (markBroken super.regex-rure);
jacinda = dontDistribute super.jacinda;
} // lib.optionalAttrs pkgs.stdenv.isx86_64 { # x86_64-darwin
# tests appear to be failing to link or something:
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "qpdf";
version = "11.2.0";
version = "11.3.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "qpdf";
repo = "qpdf";
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-AkLuclDm9qjVbpFqenlbgTWt/GAWzOj9d1lqgt6aPNo=";
hash = "sha256-UZq973X93E+Ll1IKjfJNPQuQwBFOU3egFGODgXV21x0=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake perl ];
@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "tagparser";
version = "11.5.1";
version = "11.6.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "Martchus";
repo = "tagparser";
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-6HvPbbDsHIYyTs0M5M8TkgqyAz0QtgRjuNJhYWFjNG4=";
hash = "sha256-zi1n5Mdto8DmUq5DWxcr4f+DX6Sq/JsK8uzRzj5f0/E=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ lib, buildDunePackage, dune-configurator, pkg-config, fetchFromGitHub, callPackage
, AppKit
, AudioToolbox
, AVFoundation
, Cocoa
, CoreImage
, ForceFeedback
@ -20,7 +21,17 @@ buildDunePackage {
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
buildInputs = [ dune-configurator ]
++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ AppKit AudioToolbox Cocoa CoreImage ForceFeedback OpenGL VideoToolbox ];
++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
propagatedBuildInputs = [ ffmpeg-av ffmpeg.dev ];
doCheck = true;
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "bandit";
version = "1.7.4";
version = "1.7.5";
format = "setuptools";
disabled = pythonOlder "3.7";
src = fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
hash = "sha256-LWOoxXNBe64ziWLUubBvvGCA907NlVoJKEnh5lxxe9I=";
hash = "sha256-vfxzm6oDuIDC0V0EMbMcZY/8NI6Qf+GX5U4Did1Z4R4=";
nativeBuildInputs = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
{ lib
, stdenv
, buildPythonPackage
, dnspython
, fetchFromGitHub
, iana-etc
, libredirect
, pytestCheckHook
, pythonOlder
, pythonRelaxDepsHook
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "ipwhois";
version = "1.2.0";
format = "setuptools";
disabled = pythonOlder "3.7";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "secynic";
repo = pname;
rev = "refs/tags/v${version}";
hash = "sha256-2CfRRHlIIaycUtzKeMBKi6pVPeBCb1nW3/1hoxQU1YM=";
pythonRelaxDeps = [
nativeBuildInputs = [
propagatedBuildInputs = [
nativeCheckInputs = [
pythonImportsCheck = [
preCheck = lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
echo "nameserver" > resolv.conf
export NIX_REDIRECTS=/etc/protocols=${iana-etc}/etc/protocols:/etc/resolv.conf=$(realpath resolv.conf) \
disabledTestPaths = [
# Tests require network access
disabledTests = [
meta = with lib; {
description = "Library to retrieve and parse whois data";
homepage = "https://github.com/secynic/ipwhois";
changelog = "https://github.com/secynic/ipwhois/blob/v${version}/CHANGES.rst";
license = licenses.bsd2;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ fab ];
@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
, buildPythonPackage
, fetchFromGitHub
, setuptools
, nose
, pytestCheckHook
, requests
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "rangehttpserver";
version = "1.2.0";
version = "1.3.3";
format = "pyproject";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "danvk";
repo = "RangeHTTPServer";
rev = version;
sha256 = "1sy9j6y8kp5jiwv2vd652v94kspp1yd4dwxrfqfn6zwnfyv2mzv5";
rev = "refs/tags/${version}";
hash = "sha256-ZXEbis37QO8t05JQ2qQQf5rkUSxq3DwzR3khAJkZ5W0=";
nativeBuildInputs = [
@ -23,16 +23,10 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
nativeCheckInputs = [
checkPhase = ''
runHook preCheck
runHook postCheck
pythonImportsCheck = [
@ -40,6 +34,7 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
meta = with lib; {
description = "SimpleHTTPServer with support for Range requests";
homepage = "https://github.com/danvk/RangeHTTPServer";
changelog = "https://github.com/danvk/RangeHTTPServer/releases/tag/${version}";
license = licenses.asl20;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ fab ];
@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ buildPythonPackage {
+ lib.optionalString cudaSupport ''
export CC=${cudatoolkit.cc}/bin/cc
export CXX=${cudatoolkit.cc}/bin/c++
export CUDAHOSTCXX=${cudatoolkit.cc}/bin/c++
export TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="${gpuTargetString}"
export FORCE_CUDA=1
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "unidiff";
version = "0.7.4";
version = "0.7.5";
src = fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "2bbcbc986e1fb97f04b1d7b864aa6002ab02f4d8a996bf03aa6e5a81447d1fc5";
sha256 = "2e5f0162052248946b9f0970a40e9e124236bf86c82b70821143a6fc1dea2574";
nativeCheckInputs = [ unittestCheckHook ];
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "hclfmt";
version = "2.16.1";
version = "2.16.2";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "hashicorp";
repo = "hcl";
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-EsqOpVCsn0bD0BAOoFifH1hfEF8Wu8bUpM0/BSXAewY=";
hash = "sha256-7RHRUIZhF6UOZDi85HAzQhzD7c8Y4aPjt4Ly3KUM26k=";
vendorHash = "sha256-QZzDFVAmmjkm7n/KpMxDMAjShKiVVGZbZB1W3/TeVjs=";
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
pname = "jaq";
version = "0.9.0";
version = "0.10.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "01mf02";
repo = "jaq";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-Y1QLNiAeHKYsSbFW235mdTiHyQFBQQsO+FtuFxDX9Hs=";
sha256 = "sha256-v3dC5Qi0Op+oFCcbkbK1ZUQxWTEYVvXsc+ye9Kk9y7c=";
cargoSha256 = "sha256-+9uy5R/dO2T/6dRhtYlPCKfosaYua0JvbECvMacc3XA=";
cargoHash = "sha256-N3zlaoBPVK4xI+t3F+NXz0DhqIOoE3lh3FftToACeZM=";
buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ Security ];
@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "protoc-gen-go-grpc";
version = "1.2.0";
version = "1.3.0";
modRoot = "cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "grpc";
repo = "grpc-go";
rev = "cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc/v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-pIHMykwwyu052rqwSV5Js0+JCKCNLrFVN6XQ3xjlEOI=";
sha256 = "sha256-Zy0k5X/KFzCao9xAGt5DNb0MMGEyqmEsDj+uvXI4xH4=";
vendorSha256 = "sha256-yxOfgTA5IIczehpWMM1kreMqJYKgRT5HEGbJ3SeQ/Lg=";
vendorHash = "sha256-y+/hjYUTFZuq55YAZ5M4T1cwIR+XFQBmWVE+Cg1Y7PI=";
meta = with lib; {
description = "The Go language implementation of gRPC. HTTP/2 based RPC";
@ -15,14 +15,14 @@
rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
pname = "cargo-update";
version = "11.1.1";
version = "11.1.2";
src = fetchCrate {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "sha256-ml+LqfnDld+I3G6+LaPJOeZa+swCtuu0ndW0yJraSxs=";
sha256 = "sha256-Hil4v9EUVEH1j7LV1icct6ggFzGVy3f8p+LuFrlBOVA=";
cargoSha256 = "sha256-0exatgmksg07KQO/3s9BD4uIZRHwjytQPtaRv+JydPc=";
cargoHash = "sha256-gOhZUJHBYti/kqfhyopRsY1PbXZdiGJZpjohMUbO/28=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake installShellFiles pkg-config ronn ];
@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
makeFlags = [ "CUPS_SERVERBIN=$(out)/lib/cups" "CUPS_DATADIR=$(out)/share/cups" "CUPS_SERVERROOT=$(out)/etc/cups" ];
# https://github.com/OpenPrinting/cups-filters/issues/512
env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-std=c++17";
postConfigure =
# Ensure that bannertopdf can find the PDF templates in
@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "statsd_exporter";
version = "0.23.0";
version = "0.23.1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "prometheus";
repo = "statsd_exporter";
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-7atRLwucO09yN2odu0uNe7xrtKLq9kmy6JyI1y4Sww8=";
hash = "sha256-JbRkLRXTQo40wBynfG6BRR4+yPqy7VLJ33vsjus5okg=";
vendorHash = "sha256-H0f7bDnSddlabpRbMpk9tInlne2tI5J+MQ23mw1N71E=";
vendorHash = "sha256-YzcgEQ1S2qn7v2SVSBiodprtc+D4cSZOFBJwpq3jz8Y=";
meta = with lib; {
description = "Receives StatsD-style metrics and exports them to Prometheus";
@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ in
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "berglas";
version = "1.0.1";
version = "1.0.2";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "GoogleCloudPlatform";
repo = pname;
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-A4TUVNsiWODH8jJzV4AYchIQjDWXysJbFPYQ5W63T08=";
sha256 = "sha256-OMmvoUzdi5rie/YCkylSKjNm2ty2HnnAuFZrLAgJHZk=";
vendorSha256 = "sha256-jJuwfP0zJ70r62IFTPsXBCAEKDcuBwHsBR24jGx/IqY=";
vendorHash = "sha256-WIbT1N7tRAt5vJO6j06fwUAaFxfAevRo0+r2wyy+feE=";
postPatch = skipTestsCommand;
@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
buildDotnetModule rec {
pname = "scarab";
version = "";
version = "";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "fifty-six";
repo = pname;
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-VfXIxir4SaELuF2QpqbVzTvlkYxwERa0ddGEn1OAh04=";
sha256 = "sha256-oReU0kL0wPR6oqhq/uzO7nD1qo74h36w/gyvgffwzns=";
nugetDeps = ./deps.nix;
@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, makeWrapper, ocl-icd, vulkan-loader, linuxPackages }:
{ lib
, stdenv
, fetchurl
, autoPatchelfHook
, addOpenGLRunpath
, makeWrapper
, ocl-icd
, vulkan-loader
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "geekbench";
@ -12,23 +20,25 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
dontConfigure = true;
dontBuild = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoPatchelfHook makeWrapper ];
buildInputs = [ stdenv.cc.cc ];
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin $out/lib
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp -r geekbench.plar geekbench4 geekbench_x86_64 $out/bin
# needed for compute benchmark
ln -s ${linuxPackages.nvidia_x11}/lib/libcuda.so $out/lib/
ln -s ${ocl-icd}/lib/libOpenCL.so $out/lib/
ln -s ${ocl-icd}/lib/libOpenCL.so.1 $out/lib/
ln -s ${vulkan-loader}/lib/libvulkan.so $out/lib/
ln -s ${vulkan-loader}/lib/libvulkan.so.1 $out/lib/
for f in geekbench4 geekbench_x86_64 ; do
patchelf --set-interpreter $(cat ${stdenv.cc}/nix-support/dynamic-linker) $out/bin/$f
wrapProgram $out/bin/$f --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${lib.makeLibraryPath [ stdenv.cc.cc.lib ]}:$out/lib/"
wrapProgram $out/bin/$f \
--prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${lib.makeLibraryPath [
runHook postInstall
meta = with lib; {
@ -38,5 +48,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
license = licenses.unfree;
maintainers = [ maintainers.michalrus ];
platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
mainProgram = "geekbench4";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
{ lib
, stdenv
, fetchurl
, autoPatchelfHook
, addOpenGLRunpath
, makeWrapper
, ocl-icd
, vulkan-loader
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "geekbench";
version = "5.5.1";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://cdn.geekbench.com/Geekbench-${version}-Linux.tar.gz";
sha256 = "sha256-MgN+VcPcjzYP4Wt/uxiNMTh+p1mA5I2M8CgzDjI5xAQ=";
dontConfigure = true;
dontBuild = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoPatchelfHook makeWrapper ];
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp -r geekbench.plar geekbench5 geekbench_x86_64 $out/bin
for f in geekbench5 geekbench_x86_64 ; do
wrapProgram $out/bin/$f \
--prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${lib.makeLibraryPath [
runHook postInstall
meta = with lib; {
description = "Cross-platform benchmark";
homepage = "https://geekbench.com/";
sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ binaryNativeCode ];
license = licenses.unfree;
maintainers = [ maintainers.michalrus ];
platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
mainProgram = "geekbench5";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
{ lib
, stdenv
, fetchurl
, autoPatchelfHook
, addOpenGLRunpath
, makeWrapper
, ocl-icd
, vulkan-loader
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "geekbench";
version = "6.0.1";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://cdn.geekbench.com/Geekbench-${version}-Linux.tar.gz";
hash = "sha256-RrfyB7RvYWkVCbjblLIPOFcZjUR/fJHk1Em1HP74kmY=";
dontConfigure = true;
dontBuild = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoPatchelfHook makeWrapper ];
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp -r geekbench.plar geekbench-workload.plar geekbench6 geekbench_x86_64 geekbench_avx2 $out/bin
for f in geekbench6 geekbench_x86_64 geekbench_avx2 ; do
wrapProgram $out/bin/$f \
--prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${lib.makeLibraryPath [
runHook postInstall
meta = with lib; {
description = "Cross-platform benchmark";
homepage = "https://geekbench.com/";
sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ binaryNativeCode ];
license = licenses.unfree;
maintainers = [ maintainers.michalrus ];
platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
mainProgram = "geekbench6";
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, makeWrapper, ocl-icd, vulkan-loader, linuxPackages }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "geekbench";
version = "5.4.6";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://cdn.geekbench.com/Geekbench-${version}-Linux.tar.gz";
sha256 = "sha256-fCS6cSD3w2EbLL1yNfH+NKxswRUY4zyCR07gKGXW4Yc=";
dontConfigure = true;
dontBuild = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin $out/lib
cp -r geekbench.plar geekbench5 geekbench_x86_64 $out/bin
# needed for compute benchmark
ln -s ${linuxPackages.nvidia_x11}/lib/libcuda.so $out/lib/
ln -s ${ocl-icd}/lib/libOpenCL.so $out/lib/
ln -s ${ocl-icd}/lib/libOpenCL.so.1 $out/lib/
ln -s ${vulkan-loader}/lib/libvulkan.so $out/lib/
ln -s ${vulkan-loader}/lib/libvulkan.so.1 $out/lib/
for f in geekbench5 geekbench_x86_64 ; do
patchelf --set-interpreter $(cat ${stdenv.cc}/nix-support/dynamic-linker) $out/bin/$f
wrapProgram $out/bin/$f --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${lib.makeLibraryPath [ stdenv.cc.cc.lib ]}:$out/lib/"
meta = with lib; {
description = "Cross-platform benchmark";
homepage = "https://geekbench.com/";
sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ binaryNativeCode ];
license = licenses.unfree;
maintainers = [ maintainers.michalrus ];
platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "sfeed";
version = "1.6";
version = "1.7";
src = fetchgit {
url = "git://git.codemadness.org/sfeed";
rev = version;
sha256 = "sha256-GfRy/kzlFonje2Z/g7qNkbrDHBBIReN+fHVz1vsApqs=";
sha256 = "sha256-W9AQc3Y3do1M2GM7LQVM5SN07LoWaZL7GTQD+SmQRwQ=";
buildInputs = [ ncurses ];
@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
, go
version = "1.7.0";
version = "1.8.3";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "vercel";
repo = "turbo";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "YTuEv2S3jNV2o7HJML+P6OMazgwgRhUPnd/zaTWfDWs=";
sha256 = "sha256-aqe9ze6xZ5RUJJGT19nABhorrL9+ctSTS+ov97hG30o=";
go-turbo = buildGoModule rec {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let
pname = "go-turbo";
modRoot = "cli";
vendorSha256 = "Kx/CLFv23h2TmGe8Jwu+S3QcONfqeHk2fCW1na75c0s=";
vendorSha256 = "sha256-lqumN+xqJXEPI+nVnWSNfAyvQQ6fS9ao8uhwA1EbWWM=";
nativeBuildInputs = [
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
cargoSha256 = "ENw6NU3Fedd+OJEEWgL8A54aowNqjn3iv7rxlr+/4ZE=";
cargoSha256 = "sha256-zUz/u89VtiK0bFpyoQMMXUoXQpqPNOLR+PN3EbXSAC0=";
nativeBuildInputs = [
@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "trufflehog";
version = "3.29.0";
version = "3.29.1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "trufflesecurity";
repo = "trufflehog";
rev = "refs/tags/v${version}";
hash = "sha256-iu6MrfRWlfUeVsCoqxp/jFT8gcOieDplx1Jdjk8txOU=";
hash = "sha256-ZCHrqvqIlANqkZ/zVYbwOsRimWVUAZ8zvBnfTaBE8qk=";
vendorHash = "sha256-Z1QJM2feKFQ8MEVwzYt+MkpDZHiaVWlzq2lbResWQWk=";
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "vals";
version = "0.22.0";
version = "0.23.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
rev = "v${version}";
owner = "variantdev";
repo = pname;
sha256 = "sha256-/XBjGbpQIeO7UehcZv2kN4k2ZOsfhduUteURAqaUpwQ=";
sha256 = "sha256-YIzy8WPguIrhkg1HW2X714Xp9b+eL6bej/oXN62kyus=";
vendorHash = "sha256-l837w2K3GsDTb9EEeYPfyrnkRSkv0FyoPr29Ud+iiJ8=";
vendorHash = "sha256-CzfAUNKskEbxWmVGz/XHItUS9Mp12zjTJ3z9X7YBjR4=";
ldflags = [
@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "lux";
version = "0.16.0";
version = "0.17.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "iawia002";
repo = "lux";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-kB625R6Qlo9sw0iz8MbaCFOjxpMyH+9ugC6JDn7L7eM=";
sha256 = "sha256-n6oWItz0tnhpyPBGsf4+fYGnJyeYyhI2owkLrJWu7uw=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
vendorSha256 = "sha256-2cH5xVz3k9PPjzoMjWch3o8VBfP4nWAvakNwZNQLOeI=";
vendorHash = "sha256-4pn6JKE+VieadhDLkVhbJc6XSm95cNwoNBWYGEZl8iI=";
ldflags = [ "-s" "-w" ];
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "cliphist";
version = "0.3.1";
version = "0.4.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "sentriz";
repo = pname;
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-kmXR8xzjAphgaC2Yd55VwZIJ4ehxP1LEA24hgyAbM7A=";
sha256 = "sha256-V115xsdSAsxp1RQpCVoGqkkb8J6Rvj5NNNtPMwT9IAg=";
vendorSha256 = "sha256-LZnefa0FjYG39YJrSN9ef6OnXHXgSrlSL4LvRqLxFx4=";
vendorHash = "sha256-/xu1kcSOBOVz7XNxe4Jl905HtFWFOaZHKkLNFaLMVEs=";
meta = with lib; {
description = "Wayland clipboard manager";
@ -511,6 +511,8 @@ mapAliases ({
gdal_1_11 = throw "gdal_1_11 was removed. Use gdal instead"; # Added 2021-04-03
gdb-multitarget = throw "'gdb-multitarget' has been renamed to/replaced by 'gdb'"; # Converted to throw 2022-02-22
gdk_pixbuf = throw "'gdk_pixbuf' has been renamed to/replaced by 'gdk-pixbuf'"; # Converted to throw 2022-02-22
geekbench4 = throw "'geekbench4' has been renamed to 'geekbench_4'"; # Added 2023-03-10
geekbench5 = throw "'geekbench5' has been renamed to 'geekbench_5'"; # Added 2023-03-10
getmail = throw "getmail has been removed from nixpkgs, migrate to getmail6"; # Added 2022-01-12
gettextWithExpat = throw "'gettextWithExpat' has been renamed to/replaced by 'gettext'"; # Converted to throw 2022-02-22
gfm = throw "gfm has been removed"; # Added 2021-01-15
@ -4839,9 +4839,10 @@ with pkgs;
inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) Security;
geekbench4 = callPackage ../tools/misc/geekbench/4.nix { };
geekbench5 = callPackage ../tools/misc/geekbench { };
geekbench = geekbench5;
geekbench_4 = callPackage ../tools/misc/geekbench/4.nix { };
geekbench_5 = callPackage ../tools/misc/geekbench/5.nix { };
geekbench_6 = callPackage ../tools/misc/geekbench/6.nix { };
geekbench = geekbench_6;
gencfsm = callPackage ../tools/security/gencfsm { };
@ -30896,7 +30897,8 @@ with pkgs;
jabref = callPackage ../applications/office/jabref {
jdk = javaPackages.compiler.openjdk18;
jdk = jdk19.override { enableJavaFX = true; };
gradle = gradle_7;
jack_capture = callPackage ../applications/audio/jack-capture { };
@ -333,13 +333,13 @@ let self = dotnetPackages // overrides; dotnetPackages = with self; {
Nuget = buildDotnetPackage rec {
pname = "Nuget";
version = "";
version = "";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mono";
repo = "linux-packaging-nuget";
rev = "upstream/${version}.bin";
sha256 = "sha256-71vjM7a+F0DNTY+dML3UBSkrVyXv/k5rdl7iXBKSpNM=";
sha256 = "sha256-D7F4B23HK5ElY68PYKVDsyi8OF0DLqqUqQzj5CpMfkc=";
# configurePhase breaks the binary and results in
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ let
ffmpeg-avdevice = callPackage ../development/ocaml-modules/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-avdevice.nix {
inherit (pkgs) ffmpeg;
inherit (pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) AppKit AudioToolbox Cocoa CoreImage ForceFeedback OpenGL VideoToolbox;
inherit (pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) AppKit AudioToolbox AVFoundation Cocoa CoreImage ForceFeedback OpenGL VideoToolbox;
fiber = callPackage ../development/ocaml-modules/fiber { };
@ -4784,6 +4784,8 @@ self: super: with self; {
ipwhl = callPackage ../development/python-modules/ipwhl { };
ipwhois = callPackage ../development/python-modules/ipwhois { };
ipy = callPackage ../development/python-modules/IPy { };
ipydatawidgets = callPackage ../development/python-modules/ipydatawidgets { };
Reference in New Issue
Block a user