nixos/mysql: move ExecStartPost into postStart

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Andersen 2020-08-11 22:04:16 -04:00
parent e3c210dfd1
commit f08049e712

View File

@ -375,118 +375,114 @@ in
fi fi
''; '';
postStart = let
# The super user account to use on *first* run of MySQL server
superUser = if isMariaDB then cfg.user else "root";
in ''
${optionalString (!hasNotify) ''
# Wait until the MySQL server is available for use
while [ ! -e /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock ]
if [ $count -eq 30 ]
echo "Tried 30 times, giving up..."
exit 1
echo "MySQL daemon not yet started. Waiting for 1 second..."
sleep 1
if [ -f ${cfg.dataDir}/mysql_init ]
# While MariaDB comes with a 'mysql' super user account since 10.4.x, MySQL does not
# Since we don't want to run this service as 'root' we need to ensure the account exists on first run
( echo "CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '${cfg.user}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH ${if isMariaDB then "unix_socket" else "auth_socket"};"
echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '${cfg.user}'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;"
) | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -u ${superUser} -N
${concatMapStrings (database: ''
# Create initial databases
if ! test -e "${cfg.dataDir}/${}"; then
echo "Creating initial database: ${}"
( echo 'create database `${}`;'
${optionalString (database.schema != null) ''
echo 'use `${}`;'
# TODO: this silently falls through if database.schema does not exist,
# we should catch this somehow and exit, but can't do it here because we're in a subshell.
if [ -f "${database.schema}" ]
cat ${database.schema}
elif [ -d "${database.schema}" ]
cat ${database.schema}/mysql-databases/*.sql
) | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -u ${superUser} -N
'') cfg.initialDatabases}
${optionalString (cfg.replication.role == "master")
# Set up the replication master
( echo "use mysql;"
echo "CREATE USER '${cfg.replication.masterUser}'@'${cfg.replication.slaveHost}' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password;"
echo "SET PASSWORD FOR '${cfg.replication.masterUser}'@'${cfg.replication.slaveHost}' = PASSWORD('${cfg.replication.masterPassword}');"
echo "GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO '${cfg.replication.masterUser}'@'${cfg.replication.slaveHost}';"
) | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -u ${superUser} -N
${optionalString (cfg.replication.role == "slave")
# Set up the replication slave
( echo "stop slave;"
echo "change master to master_host='${cfg.replication.masterHost}', master_user='${cfg.replication.masterUser}', master_password='${cfg.replication.masterPassword}';"
echo "start slave;"
) | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -u ${superUser} -N
${optionalString (cfg.initialScript != null)
# Execute initial script
# using toString to avoid copying the file to nix store if given as path instead of string,
# as it might contain credentials
cat ${toString cfg.initialScript} | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -u ${superUser} -N
rm ${cfg.dataDir}/mysql_init
${optionalString (cfg.ensureDatabases != []) ''
${concatMapStrings (database: ''
echo "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS \`${database}\`;"
'') cfg.ensureDatabases}
) | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -N
${concatMapStrings (user:
( echo "CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '${}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH ${if isMariaDB then "unix_socket" else "auth_socket"};"
${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (database: permission: ''
echo "GRANT ${permission} ON ${database} TO '${}'@'localhost';"
'') user.ensurePermissions)}
) | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -N
'') cfg.ensureUsers}
serviceConfig = { serviceConfig = {
Type = if hasNotify then "notify" else "simple"; Type = if hasNotify then "notify" else "simple";
Restart = "on-abort"; Restart = "on-abort";
RestartSec = "5s"; RestartSec = "5s";
# The last two environment variables are used for starting Galera clusters # The last two environment variables are used for starting Galera clusters
ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf ${mysqldOptions} $_WSREP_NEW_CLUSTER $_WSREP_START_POSITION"; ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf ${mysqldOptions} $_WSREP_NEW_CLUSTER $_WSREP_START_POSITION";
ExecStartPost =
# The super user account to use on *first* run of MySQL server
superUser = if isMariaDB then cfg.user else "root";
setupScript = pkgs.writeScript "mysql-setup" ''
#!${pkgs.runtimeShell} -e
${optionalString (!hasNotify) ''
# Wait until the MySQL server is available for use
while [ ! -e /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock ]
if [ $count -eq 30 ]
echo "Tried 30 times, giving up..."
exit 1
echo "MySQL daemon not yet started. Waiting for 1 second..."
sleep 1
if [ -f ${cfg.dataDir}/mysql_init ]
# While MariaDB comes with a 'mysql' super user account since 10.4.x MySQL does not
# Since we don't want to run this service as 'root' we need to ensure the account exists on first run
( echo "CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '${cfg.user}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH ${if isMariaDB then "unix_socket" else "auth_socket"};"
echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '${cfg.user}'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;"
) | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -u ${superUser} -N
${concatMapStrings (database: ''
# Create initial databases
if ! test -e "${cfg.dataDir}/${}"; then
echo "Creating initial database: ${}"
( echo 'create database `${}`;'
${optionalString (database.schema != null) ''
echo 'use `${}`;'
# TODO: this silently falls through if database.schema does not exist,
# we should catch this somehow and exit, but can't do it here because we're in a subshell.
if [ -f "${database.schema}" ]
cat ${database.schema}
elif [ -d "${database.schema}" ]
cat ${database.schema}/mysql-databases/*.sql
) | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -u ${superUser} -N
'') cfg.initialDatabases}
${optionalString (cfg.replication.role == "master")
# Set up the replication master
( echo "use mysql;"
echo "CREATE USER '${cfg.replication.masterUser}'@'${cfg.replication.slaveHost}' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password;"
echo "SET PASSWORD FOR '${cfg.replication.masterUser}'@'${cfg.replication.slaveHost}' = PASSWORD('${cfg.replication.masterPassword}');"
echo "GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO '${cfg.replication.masterUser}'@'${cfg.replication.slaveHost}';"
) | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -u ${superUser} -N
${optionalString (cfg.replication.role == "slave")
# Set up the replication slave
( echo "stop slave;"
echo "change master to master_host='${cfg.replication.masterHost}', master_user='${cfg.replication.masterUser}', master_password='${cfg.replication.masterPassword}';"
echo "start slave;"
) | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -u ${superUser} -N
${optionalString (cfg.initialScript != null)
# Execute initial script
# using toString to avoid copying the file to nix store if given as path instead of string,
# as it might contain credentials
cat ${toString cfg.initialScript} | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -u ${superUser} -N
rm ${cfg.dataDir}/mysql_init
${optionalString (cfg.ensureDatabases != []) ''
${concatMapStrings (database: ''
echo "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS \`${database}\`;"
'') cfg.ensureDatabases}
) | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -N
${concatMapStrings (user:
( echo "CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '${}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH ${if isMariaDB then "unix_socket" else "auth_socket"};"
${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (database: permission: ''
echo "GRANT ${permission} ON ${database} TO '${}'@'localhost';"
'') user.ensurePermissions)}
) | ${cfg.package}/bin/mysql -N
'') cfg.ensureUsers}
# User and group # User and group
User = cfg.user; User = cfg.user;
Group =; Group =;