diff --git a/pkgs/servers/dict/dictd-wiktionary.nix b/pkgs/servers/dict/dictd-wiktionary.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..48aaf187605e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/servers/dict/dictd-wiktionary.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{stdenv, fetchurl, python, dict, glibcLocales, writeScript}:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+ version = "20121021";
+ name = "dict-db-wiktionary-${version}";
+ data = fetchurl {
+ url = "http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiktionary/${version}/enwiktionary-${version}-pages-articles.xml.bz2";
+ sha256 = "1i4xwdpc2bx58495iy62iz0kn50c3qmnh4qribi82f2rd4qkfjd2";
+ };
+ convert = ./wiktionary2dict.py;
+ buildInputs = [python dict glibcLocales];
+ builder = writeScript "wiktionary-builder.sh" ''
+ source $stdenv/setup
+ ensureDir $out/share/dictd/
+ cd $out/share/dictd
+ export LOCALE_ARCHIVE=${glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive
+ python -O ${convert} ${data}
+ dictzip wiktionary-en.dict
+ echo en_US.UTF-8 > locale
+ '';
+ meta = {
+ description = "DICT version of English Wiktionary";
+ homepage = http://en.wiktionary.org/;
+ maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.mornfall ];
+ platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.all;
+ };
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/dict/wiktionary2dict.py b/pkgs/servers/dict/wiktionary2dict.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8a0210e7254f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/servers/dict/wiktionary2dict.py
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+# Adapted to produce DICT-compatible files by Petr Rockai in 2012
+# Based on code from wiktiondict by Greg Hewgill
+import re
+import sys
+import codecs
+import os
+import textwrap
+import time
+import xml.sax
+class Text:
+ def __init__(self, s):
+ self.s = s
+ def process(self):
+ return s
+class TemplateCall:
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def process(self):
+ pass
+class Template:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.parts = []
+ def append(self, part):
+ self.parts.append(part)
+ def process(self):
+ return ''.join(x.process() for x in self.parts)
+class Whitespace:
+ def __init__(self, s):
+ self.s = s
+class OpenDouble: pass
+class OpenTriple: pass
+class CloseDouble: pass
+class CloseTriple: pass
+class Equals:
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "="
+class Delimiter:
+ def __init__(self, c):
+ self.c = c
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.c
+def Tokenise(s):
+ s = unicode(s)
+ stack = []
+ last = 0
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(s):
+ if s[i] == '{' and i+1 < len(s) and s[i+1] == '{':
+ if i > last:
+ yield s[last:i]
+ if i+2 < len(s) and s[i+2] == '{':
+ yield OpenTriple()
+ stack.append(3)
+ i += 3
+ else:
+ yield OpenDouble()
+ stack.append(2)
+ i += 2
+ last = i
+ elif s[i] == '}' and i+1 < len(s) and s[i+1] == '}':
+ if i > last:
+ yield s[last:i]
+ if len(stack) == 0:
+ yield "}}"
+ i += 2
+ elif stack[-1] == 2:
+ yield CloseDouble()
+ i += 2
+ stack.pop()
+ elif i+2 < len(s) and s[i+2] == '}':
+ yield CloseTriple()
+ i += 3
+ stack.pop()
+ else:
+ raise SyntaxError()
+ last = i
+ elif s[i] == ':' or s[i] == '|':
+ if i > last:
+ yield s[last:i]
+ yield Delimiter(s[i])
+ i += 1
+ last = i
+ elif s[i] == '=':
+ if i > last:
+ yield s[last:i]
+ yield Equals()
+ i += 1
+ last = i
+ #elif s[i] == ' ' or s[i] == '\t' or s[i] == '\n':
+ # if i > last:
+ # yield s[last:i]
+ # last = i
+ # m = re.match(r"\s+", s[i:])
+ # assert m
+ # yield Whitespace(m.group(0))
+ # i += len(m.group(0))
+ # last = i
+ else:
+ i += 1
+ if i > last:
+ yield s[last:i]
+def processSub(templates, tokens, args):
+ t = tokens.next()
+ if not isinstance(t, unicode):
+ raise SyntaxError
+ name = t
+ t = tokens.next()
+ default = None
+ if isinstance(t, Delimiter) and t.c == '|':
+ default = ""
+ while True:
+ t = tokens.next()
+ if isinstance(t, unicode):
+ default += t
+ elif isinstance(t, OpenDouble):
+ default += processTemplateCall(templates, tokens, args)
+ elif isinstance(t, OpenTriple):
+ default += processSub(templates, tokens, args)
+ elif isinstance(t, CloseTriple):
+ break
+ else:
+ print "Unexpected:", t
+ raise SyntaxError()
+ if name in args:
+ return args[name]
+ if default is not None:
+ return default
+ if name == "lang":
+ return "en"
+ return "{{{%s}}}" % name
+def processTemplateCall(templates, tokens, args):
+ template = tokens.next().strip().lower()
+ args = {}
+ a = 1
+ t = tokens.next()
+ while True:
+ if isinstance(t, Delimiter):
+ name = unicode(a)
+ arg = ""
+ while True:
+ t = tokens.next()
+ if isinstance(t, unicode):
+ arg += t
+ elif isinstance(t, OpenDouble):
+ arg += processTemplateCall(templates, tokens, args)
+ elif isinstance(t, OpenTriple):
+ arg += processSub(templates, tokens, args)
+ elif isinstance(t, Delimiter) and t.c != '|':
+ arg += str(t)
+ else:
+ break
+ if isinstance(t, Equals):
+ name = arg.strip()
+ arg = ""
+ while True:
+ t = tokens.next()
+ if isinstance(t, (unicode, Equals)):
+ arg += unicode(t)
+ elif isinstance(t, OpenDouble):
+ arg += processTemplateCall(templates, tokens, args)
+ elif isinstance(t, OpenTriple):
+ arg += processSub(templates, tokens, args)
+ elif isinstance(t, Delimiter) and t.c != '|':
+ arg += str(t)
+ else:
+ break
+ arg = arg.strip()
+ else:
+ a += 1
+ args[name] = arg
+ elif isinstance(t, CloseDouble):
+ break
+ else:
+ print "Unexpected:", t
+ raise SyntaxError
+ #print template, args
+ if template[0] == '#':
+ if template == "#if":
+ if args['1'].strip():
+ return args['2']
+ elif '3' in args:
+ return args['3']
+ else:
+ return ""
+ elif template == "#ifeq":
+ if args['1'].strip() == args['2'].strip():
+ return args['3']
+ elif '4' in args:
+ return args['4']
+ else:
+ return ""
+ elif template == "#ifexist":
+ return ""
+ elif template == "#switch":
+ sw = args['1'].strip()
+ if sw in args:
+ return args[sw]
+ else:
+ return ""
+ else:
+ print "Unknown ParserFunction:", template
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if template not in templates:
+ return "{{%s}}" % template
+ return process(templates, templates[template], args)
+def process(templates, s, args = {}):
+ s = re.compile(r"", re.DOTALL).sub("", s)
+ s = re.compile(r".*?", re.DOTALL).sub("", s)
+ assert "" not in s
+ #s = re.sub(r"(.*?)(.*?)(.*)", r"\1", s)
+ s = re.compile(r"(.*?)", re.DOTALL).sub(r"\1", s)
+ r = ""
+ #print list(Tokenise(s))
+ tokens = Tokenise(s)
+ try:
+ while True:
+ t = tokens.next()
+ if isinstance(t, OpenDouble):
+ r += processTemplateCall(templates, tokens, args)
+ elif isinstance(t, OpenTriple):
+ r += processSub(templates, tokens, args)
+ else:
+ r += unicode(t)
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ return r
+def test():
+ templates = {
+ 'lb': "{{",
+ 'name-example': "I am a template example, my first name is '''{{{firstName}}}''' and my last name is '''{{{lastName}}}'''. You can reference my page at [[{{{lastName}}}, {{{firstName}}}]].",
+ 't': "start-{{{1|pqr}}}-end",
+ 't0': "start-{{{1}}}-end",
+ 't1': "start{{{1}}}endmoo",
+ 't2a1': "{{t2demo|a|{{{1}}}}}",
+ 't2a2': "{{t2demo|a|2={{{1}}}}}",
+ 't2demo': "start-{{{1}}}-middle-{{{2}}}-end",
+ 't5': "{{t2demo|{{{a}}}=b}}",
+ 't6': "t2demo|a",
+ }
+ def t(text, expected):
+ print "text:", text
+ s = process(templates, text)
+ if s != expected:
+ print "got:", s
+ print "expected:", expected
+ sys.exit(1)
+ t("{{Name-example}}", "I am a template example, my first name is '''{{{firstName}}}''' and my last name is '''{{{lastName}}}'''. You can reference my page at [[{{{lastName}}}, {{{firstName}}}]].")
+ t("{{Name-example | firstName=John | lastName=Smith }}", "I am a template example, my first name is '''John''' and my last name is '''Smith'''. You can reference my page at [[Smith, John]].")
+ t("{{t0|a}}", "start-a-end")
+ t("{{t0| }}", "start- -end")
+ t("{{t0|}}", "start--end")
+ t("{{t0}}", "start-{{{1}}}-end")
+ t("{{t0| }}", "start- -end")
+ t("{{t0|\n}}", "start-\n-end")
+ t("{{t0|1= }}", "start--end")
+ t("{{t0|1=\n}}", "start--end")
+ t("{{T}}", "start-pqr-end")
+ t("{{T|}}", "start--end")
+ t("{{T|abc}}", "start-abc-end")
+ t("{{T|abc|def}}", "start-abc-end")
+ t("{{T|1=abc|1=def}}", "start-def-end")
+ t("{{T|abc|1=def}}", "start-def-end")
+ t("{{T|1=abc|def}}", "start-def-end")
+ t("{{T|{{T}}}}", "start-start-pqr-end-end")
+ t("{{T|{{T|{{T}}}}}}", "start-start-start-pqr-end-end-end")
+ t("{{T|{{T|{{T|{{T}}}}}}}}", "start-start-start-start-pqr-end-end-end-end")
+ t("{{T|a{{t|b}}}}", "start-astart-b-end-end")
+ t("{{T|{{T|a=b}}}}", "start-start-pqr-end-end")
+ t("{{T|a=b}}", "start-pqr-end")
+ t("{{T|1=a=b}}", "start-a=b-end")
+ #t("{{t1|{{lb}}tc}}}}", "start{{tcend}}")
+ #t("{{t2a1|1=x=y}}", "start-a-middle-{{{2}}}-end")
+ #t("{{t2a2|1=x=y}}", "start-a-middle-x=y-end")
+ #t("{{t5|a=2=d}}", "start-{{{1}}}-middle-d=b-end")
+ #t("{{ {{t6}} }}", "{{ t2demo|a }}")
+ t("{{t|[[a|b]]}}", "start-b-end")
+ t("{{t|[[a|b]] }}", "start-b -end")
+Parts = {
+ # Standard POS headers
+ 'noun': "n.",
+ 'Noun': "n.",
+ 'Noun 1': "n.",
+ 'Noun 2': "n.",
+ 'Verb': "v.",
+ 'Adjective': "adj.",
+ 'Adverb': "adv.",
+ 'Pronoun': "pron.",
+ 'Conjunction': "conj.",
+ 'Interjection': "interj.",
+ 'Preposition': "prep.",
+ 'Proper noun': "n.p.",
+ 'Proper Noun': "n.p.",
+ 'Article': "art.",
+ # Standard non-POS level 3 headers
+ '{{acronym}}': "acr.",
+ 'Acronym': "acr.",
+ '{{abbreviation}}': "abbr.",
+ '[[Abbreviation]]': "abbr.",
+ 'Abbreviation': "abbr.",
+ '[[initialism]]': "init.",
+ '{{initialism}}': "init.",
+ 'Initialism': "init.",
+ 'Contraction': "cont.",
+ 'Prefix': "prefix",
+ 'Suffix': "suffix",
+ 'Symbol': "sym.",
+ 'Letter': "letter",
+ 'Idiom': "idiom",
+ 'Idioms': "idiom",
+ 'Phrase': "phrase",
+ # Debated POS level 3 headers
+ 'Number': "num.",
+ 'Numeral': "num.",
+ 'Cardinal number': "num.",
+ 'Ordinal number': "num.",
+ 'Cardinal numeral': "num.",
+ 'Ordinal numeral': "num.",
+ # Other headers in use
+ 'Personal pronoun': "pers.pron.",
+ 'Adjective/Adverb': "adj./adv.",
+ 'Proper adjective': "prop.adj.",
+ 'Determiner': "det.",
+ 'Demonstrative determiner': "dem.det.",
+ 'Clitic': "clitic",
+ 'Infix': "infix",
+ 'Counter': "counter",
+ 'Kanji': None,
+ 'Kanji reading': None,
+ 'Hiragana letter': None,
+ 'Katakana letter': None,
+ 'Pinyin': None,
+ 'Han character': None,
+ 'Hanzi': None,
+ 'Hanja': None,
+ 'Proverb': "prov.",
+ 'Expression': None,
+ 'Adjectival noun': None,
+ 'Quasi-adjective': None,
+ 'Particle': "part.",
+ 'Infinitive particle': "part.",
+ 'Possessive adjective': "poss.adj.",
+ 'Verbal prefix': "v.p.",
+ 'Postposition': "post.",
+ 'Prepositional article': "prep.art.",
+ 'Phrasal verb': "phr.v.",
+ 'Participle': "participle",
+ 'Interrogative auxiliary verb': "int.aux.v.",
+ 'Pronominal adverb': "pron.adv.",
+ 'Adnominal': "adn.",
+ 'Abstract pronoun': "abs.pron.",
+ 'Conjunction particle': None,
+ 'Root': "root",
+ # Non-standard, deprecated headers
+ 'Noun form': "n.",
+ 'Verb form': "v.",
+ 'Adjective form': "adj.form.",
+ 'Nominal phrase': "nom.phr.",
+ 'Noun phrase': "n. phrase",
+ 'Verb phrase': "v. phrase",
+ 'Transitive verb': "v.t.",
+ 'Intransitive verb': "v.i.",
+ 'Reflexive verb': "v.r.",
+ 'Cmavo': None,
+ 'Romaji': "rom.",
+ 'Hiragana': None,
+ 'Furigana': None,
+ 'Compounds': None,
+ # Other headers seen
+ 'Alternative forms': None,
+ 'Alternative spellings': None,
+ 'Anagrams': None,
+ 'Antonym': None,
+ 'Antonyms': None,
+ 'Conjugation': None,
+ 'Declension': None,
+ 'Declension and pronunciations': None,
+ 'Definite Article': "def.art.",
+ 'Definite article': "def.art.",
+ 'Demonstrative pronoun': "dem.pron.",
+ 'Derivation': None,
+ 'Derived expression': None,
+ 'Derived expressions': None,
+ 'Derived forms': None,
+ 'Derived phrases': None,
+ 'Derived terms': None,
+ 'Derived, Related terms': None,
+ 'Descendants': None,
+ #'Etymology': None,
+ #'Etymology 1': None,
+ #'Etymology 2': None,
+ #'Etymology 3': None,
+ #'Etymology 4': None,
+ #'Etymology 5': None,
+ 'Examples': None,
+ 'External links': None,
+ '[[Gismu]]': None,
+ 'Gismu': None,
+ 'Homonyms': None,
+ 'Homophones': None,
+ 'Hyphenation': None,
+ 'Indefinite article': "art.",
+ 'Indefinite pronoun': "ind.pron.",
+ 'Indefinite Pronoun': "ind.pron.",
+ 'Indetermined pronoun': "ind.pron.",
+ 'Interrogative conjunction': "int.conj.",
+ 'Interrogative determiner': "int.det.",
+ 'Interrogative particle': "int.part.",
+ 'Interrogative pronoun': "int.pron.",
+ 'Legal expression': "legal",
+ 'Mass noun': "n.",
+ 'Miscellaneous': None,
+ 'Mutations': None,
+ 'Noun and verb': "n/v.",
+ 'Other language': None,
+ 'Pinyin syllable': None,
+ 'Possessive determiner': "poss.det.",
+ 'Possessive pronoun': "poss.pron.",
+ 'Prepositional phrase': "prep.phr.",
+ 'Prepositional Pronoun': "prep.pron.",
+ 'Pronunciation': None,
+ 'Pronunciation 1': None,
+ 'Pronunciation 2': None,
+ 'Quotations': None,
+ 'References': None,
+ 'Reflexive pronoun': "refl.pron.",
+ 'Related expressions': None,
+ 'Related terms': None,
+ 'Related words': None,
+ 'Relative pronoun': "rel.pron.",
+ 'Saying': "saying",
+ 'See also': None,
+ 'Shorthand': None,
+ '[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shorthand Shorthand]': None,
+ 'Sister projects': None,
+ 'Spelling note': None,
+ 'Synonyms': None,
+ 'Translation': None,
+ 'Translations': None,
+ 'Translations to be checked': None,
+ 'Transliteration': None,
+ 'Trivia': None,
+ 'Usage': None,
+ 'Usage in English': None,
+ 'Usage notes': None,
+ 'Verbal noun': "v.n.",
+PartsUsed = {}
+for p in Parts.keys():
+ PartsUsed[p] = 0
+def encode(s):
+ r = e(s)
+ assert r[1] == len(s)
+ return r[0]
+def dowikilink(m):
+ a = m.group(1).split("|")
+ if len(a) > 1:
+ link = a[1]
+ else:
+ link = a[0]
+ if ':' in link:
+ link = ""
+ return link
+seentemplates = {}
+def dotemplate(m):
+ aa = m.group(1).split("|")
+ args = {}
+ n = 0
+ for a in aa:
+ am = re.match(r"(.*?)(=(.*))?", a)
+ if am:
+ args[am.group(1)] = am.group(3)
+ else:
+ n += 1
+ args[n] = am.group(1)
+ #if aa[0] in seentemplates:
+ # seentemplates[aa[0]] += 1
+ #else:
+ # seentemplates[aa[0]] = 1
+ # print len(seentemplates), aa[0]
+ #print aa[0]
+ #if aa[0] not in Templates:
+ # return "(unknown template %s)" % aa[0]
+ #body = Templates[aa[0]]
+ #body = re.sub(r".*?", "", body)
+ #assert "" not in body
+ ##body = re.sub(r"(.*?)(.*?)(.*)", r"\1", body)
+ #body = re.sub(r"(.*?)", r"\1", body)
+ #def dotemplatearg(m):
+ # ta = m.group(1).split("|")
+ # if ta[0] in args:
+ # return args[ta[0]]
+ # elif len(ta) > 1:
+ # return ta[1]
+ # else:
+ # return "{{{%s}}}" % ta[0]
+ #body = re.sub(r"{{{(.*?)}}}", dotemplatearg, body)
+ #return dewiki(body)
+def doparserfunction(m):
+ a = m.group(2).split("|")
+ if m.group(1) == "ifeq":
+ if a[0] == a[1]:
+ return a[2]
+ elif len(a) >= 4:
+ return a[3]
+ return ""
+def dewiki(body, indent = 0):
+ # process in this order:
+ # {{{ }}}
+ # <> <>
+ # [[ ]]
+ # {{ }}
+ # ''' '''
+ # '' ''
+ #body = wikimediatemplate.process(Templates, body)
+ body = re.sub(r"\[\[(.*?)\]\]", dowikilink, body)
+ #body = re.sub(r"{{(.*?)}}", dotemplate, body)
+ #body = re.sub(r"{{#(.*?):(.*?)}}", doparserfunction, body)
+ body = re.sub(r"'''(.*?)'''", r"\1", body)
+ body = re.sub(r"''(.*?)''", r"\1", body)
+ lines = body.split("\n")
+ n = 0
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(lines):
+ if len(lines[i]) > 0 and lines[i][0] == "#":
+ if len(lines[i]) > 1 and lines[i][1] == '*':
+ wlines = textwrap.wrap(lines[i][2:].strip(),
+ initial_indent = " * ",
+ subsequent_indent = " ")
+ elif len(lines[i]) > 1 and lines[i][1] == ':':
+ wlines = textwrap.wrap(lines[i][2:].strip(),
+ initial_indent = " ",
+ subsequent_indent = " ")
+ else:
+ n += 1
+ wlines = textwrap.wrap(str(n) + ". " + lines[i][1:].strip(),
+ subsequent_indent = " ")
+ elif len(lines[i]) > 0 and lines[i][0] == "*":
+ n = 0
+ wlines = textwrap.wrap(lines[i][1:].strip(),
+ initial_indent = "* ",
+ subsequent_indent = " ")
+ else:
+ n = 0
+ wlines = textwrap.wrap(lines[i].strip())
+ if len(wlines) == 0:
+ wlines = ['']
+ lines[i:i+1] = wlines
+ i += len(wlines)
+ return ''.join(" "*(indent-1)+x+"\n" for x in lines)
+class WikiSection:
+ def __init__(self, heading, body):
+ self.heading = heading
+ self.body = body
+ #self.lines = re.split("\n+", body.strip())
+ #if len(self.lines) == 1 and len(self.lines[0]) == 0:
+ # self.lines = []
+ self.children = []
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "<%s:%i:%s>" % (self.heading, len(self.body or ""), ','.join([str(x) for x in self.children]))
+ def add(self, section):
+ self.children.append(section)
+def parse(word, text):
+ headings = list(re.finditer("^(=+)\s*(.*?)\s*=+\n", text, re.MULTILINE))
+ #print [x.group(1) for x in headings]
+ doc = WikiSection(word, "")
+ stack = [doc]
+ for i, m in enumerate(headings):
+ depth = len(m.group(1))
+ if depth < len(stack):
+ stack = stack[:depth]
+ else:
+ while depth > len(stack):
+ s = WikiSection(None, "")
+ stack[-1].add(s)
+ stack.append(s)
+ if i+1 < len(headings):
+ s = WikiSection(m.group(2), text[m.end(0):headings[i+1].start(0)].strip())
+ else:
+ s = WikiSection(m.group(2), text[m.end(0):].strip())
+ assert len(stack) == depth
+ stack[-1].add(s)
+ stack.append(s)
+ #while doc.heading is None and len(doc.lines) == 0 and len(doc.children) == 1:
+ # doc = doc.children[0]
+ return doc
+def formatFull(word, doc):
+ def f(depth, section):
+ if section.heading:
+ r = " "*(depth-1) + section.heading + "\n\n"
+ else:
+ r = ""
+ if section.body:
+ r += dewiki(section.body, depth+1)+"\n"
+ #r += "".join(" "*depth + x + "\n" for x in dewiki(section.body))
+ #if len(section.lines) > 0:
+ # r += "\n"
+ for c in section.children:
+ r += f(depth+1, c)
+ return r
+ s = f(0, doc)
+ s += "Ref: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%s\n" % word
+ return s
+def formatNormal(word, doc):
+ def f(depth, posdepth, section):
+ r = ""
+ if depth == posdepth:
+ if not section.heading or section.heading.startswith("Etymology"):
+ posdepth += 1
+ elif section.heading in Parts:
+ #p = Parts[section.heading]
+ #if p:
+ # r += " "*(depth-1) + word + " (" + p + ")\n\n"
+ r += " "*(depth-1) + section.heading + "\n\n"
+ else:
+ print >>errors, "Unknown part: (%s) %s" % (word, section.heading)
+ return ""
+ elif depth > posdepth:
+ return ""
+ elif section.heading:
+ r += " "*(depth-1) + section.heading + "\n\n"
+ if section.body:
+ r += dewiki(section.body, depth+1)+"\n"
+ #r += "".join(" "*depth + x + "\n" for x in dewiki(section.lines))
+ #if len(section.lines) > 0:
+ # r += "\n"
+ for c in section.children:
+ r += f(depth+1, posdepth, c)
+ return r
+ s = f(0, 3, doc)
+ s += "Ref: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%s\n" % word
+ return s
+def formatBrief(word, doc):
+ def f(depth, posdepth, section):
+ if depth == posdepth:
+ h = section.heading
+ if not section.heading or section.heading.startswith("Etymology"):
+ posdepth += 1
+ elif section.heading in Parts:
+ #h = Parts[section.heading]
+ #if h:
+ # h = "%s (%s)" % (word, h)
+ pass
+ stack.append([h, False])
+ elif depth > 0:
+ stack.append([section.heading, False])
+ else:
+ stack.append(["%h " + section.heading, False])
+ r = ""
+ #if section.heading:
+ # r += " "*(depth-1) + section.heading + "\n"
+ body = ''.join(x+"\n" for x in section.body.split("\n") if len(x) > 0 and x[0] == '#')
+ if len(body) > 0:
+ for i in range(len(stack)):
+ if not stack[i][1]:
+ if stack[i][0]:
+ r += " "*(i-1) + stack[i][0] + "\n"
+ stack[i][1] = True
+ r += dewiki(body, depth+1)
+ for c in section.children:
+ r += f(depth+1, posdepth, c)
+ stack.pop()
+ return r
+ stack = []
+ s = f(0, 3, doc)
+ s += "Ref: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%s\n" % word
+ return s
+class WikiHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.element = None
+ self.page = None
+ self.text = ""
+ self.long = {}
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ #print "start", name, attrs
+ self.element = name
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ #print "end", name
+ if self.element == "text":
+ if self.page:
+ if self.page in self.long:
+ print self.page, len(self.text)
+ print
+ self.doPage(self.page, self.text)
+ self.page = None
+ self.text = ""
+ self.element = None
+ def characters(self, content):
+ #print "characters", content
+ if self.element == "title":
+ if self.checkPage(content):
+ self.page = content
+ elif self.element == "text":
+ if self.page:
+ self.text += content
+ if len(self.text) > 100000 and self.page not in self.long:
+ self.long[self.page] = 1
+ def checkPage(self, page):
+ return False
+ def doPage(self, page, text):
+ pass
+class TemplateHandler(WikiHandler):
+ def checkPage(self, page):
+ return page.startswith("Template:")
+ def doPage(self, page, text):
+ Templates[page[page.find(':')+1:].lower()] = text
+class WordHandler(WikiHandler):
+ def checkPage(self, page):
+ return ':' not in page
+ def doPage(self, page, text):
+ m = re.match(r"#redirect\s*\[\[(.*?)\]\]", text, re.IGNORECASE)
+ if m:
+ out.write(" See <%s>" % page)
+ return
+ doc = parse(page, text)
+ out.write(formatBrief(page, doc))
+ #print formatBrief(page, doc)
+fn = sys.argv[1]
+info = """ This file was converted from the original database on:
+ %s
+ The original data is available from:
+ http://en.wiktionary.org
+ The version from which this file was generated was:
+ %s
+ Wiktionary is available under the GNU Free Documentation License.
+""" % (time.ctime(), os.path.basename(fn))
+errors = codecs.open("mkdict.err", "w", "utf_8")
+e = codecs.getencoder("utf_8")
+Templates = {}
+f = os.popen("bunzip2 -c %s" % fn, "r")
+xml.sax.parse(f, TemplateHandler())
+f = os.popen("bunzip2 -c %s" % fn, "r")
+out = codecs.getwriter("utf_8")(
+ os.popen("dictfmt -p wiktionary-en --locale en_US.UTF-8 --columns 0 -u http://en.wiktionary.org", "w"))
+out.write(("%%h English Wiktionary\n%s" % info).encode('utf-8'))
+xml.sax.parse(f, WordHandler())
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
index 1a684eeeb329..50e87652032c 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
@@ -5512,6 +5512,8 @@ let
inherit stdenv lib dict;
+ dictdWiktionary = callPackage ../servers/dict/dictd-wiktionary.nix {};
dictdWordnet = callPackage ../servers/dict/dictd-wordnet.nix {};
dovecot = callPackage ../servers/mail/dovecot { };