mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 17:14:00 +00:00
Fix manual generation
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,14 +6,16 @@ rec {
/* Evaluate a set of modules. The result is a set of two
attributes: ‘options’: the nested set of all option declarations,
and ‘config’: the nested set of all option values. */
evalModules = modules: args:
evalModules = evalModules' [];
evalModules' = prefix: modules: args:
args' = args // result;
closed = closeModules modules args';
# Note: the list of modules is reversed to maintain backward
# compatibility with the old module system. Not sure if this is
# the most sensible policy.
options = mergeModules (reverseList closed);
options = mergeModules prefix (reverseList closed);
config = yieldConfig options;
yieldConfig = mapAttrs (n: v: if isOption v then v.value else yieldConfig v);
result = { inherit options config; };
@ -22,16 +24,15 @@ rec {
/* Close a set of modules under the ‘imports’ relation. */
closeModules = modules: args:
coerceToModule = n: x:
toClosureList = parent: imap (n: x:
if isAttrs x || builtins.isFunction x then
unifyModuleSyntax "<unknown-file>" "anon-${toString n}" (applyIfFunction x args)
unifyModuleSyntax parent "anon-${toString n}" (applyIfFunction x args)
unifyModuleSyntax (toString x) (toString x) (applyIfFunction (import x) args);
toClosureList = imap (path: coerceToModule path);
unifyModuleSyntax (toString x) (toString x) (applyIfFunction (import x) args));
builtins.genericClosure {
startSet = toClosureList modules;
operator = m: toClosureList m.imports;
startSet = toClosureList unknownModule modules;
operator = m: toClosureList m.file m.imports;
/* Massage a module into canonical form, that is, a set consisting
@ -61,18 +62,18 @@ rec {
At the same time, for each option declaration, it will merge the
corresponding option definitions in all machines, returning them
in the ‘value’ attribute of each option. */
mergeModules = modules:
mergeModules' [] modules
mergeModules = prefix: modules:
mergeModules' prefix modules
(concatMap (m: map (config: { inherit (m) file; inherit config; }) (pushDownProperties m.config)) modules);
mergeModules' = loc: options: configs:
mergeModules' = prefix: options: configs:
let names = concatMap (m: attrNames m.options) options;
in listToAttrs (map (name: {
# We're descending into attribute ‘name’.
inherit name;
value =
loc' = loc ++ [name];
loc = prefix ++ [name];
# Get all submodules that declare ‘name’.
decls = concatLists (map (m:
if hasAttr name m.options
@ -95,16 +96,16 @@ rec {
) configs;
if nrOptions == length decls then
let opt = fixupOptionType loc' (mergeOptionDecls loc' decls);
in evalOptionValue loc' opt defns'
let opt = fixupOptionType loc (mergeOptionDecls loc decls);
in evalOptionValue loc opt defns'
else if nrOptions != 0 then
firstOption = findFirst (m: isOption m.options) "" decls;
firstNonOption = findFirst (m: !isOption m.options) "" decls;
throw "The option `${showOption loc'}' in `${firstOption.file}' is a prefix of options in `${firstNonOption.file}'."
throw "The option `${showOption loc}' in `${firstOption.file}' is a prefix of options in `${firstNonOption.file}'."
mergeModules' loc' decls defns;
mergeModules' loc decls defns;
}) names);
/* Merge multiple option declarations into a single declaration. In
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ rec {
{ declarations = [opt.file] ++ res.declarations;
options = if opt.options ? options then [(toList opt.options.options ++ res.options)] else [];
) { declarations = []; options = []; } opts;
) { inherit loc; declarations = []; options = []; } opts;
/* Merge all the definitions of an option to produce the final
config value. */
@ -87,31 +87,28 @@ rec {
# Generate documentation template from the list of option declaration like
# the set generated with filterOptionSets.
optionAttrSetToDocList = attrs:
let options = collect isOption attrs; in
fold (opt: rest:
docOption = {
inherit (opt) name;
description = opt.description or (throw "Option ${opt.name}: No description.");
declarations = map (x: toString x.source) opt.declarations;
#definitions = map (x: toString x.source) opt.definitions;
internal = opt.internal or false;
visible = opt.visible or true;
// optionalAttrs (opt ? example) { example = scrubOptionValue opt.example; }
// optionalAttrs (opt ? default) { default = scrubOptionValue opt.default; }
// optionalAttrs (opt ? defaultText) { default = opt.defaultText; };
optionAttrSetToDocList = optionAttrSetToDocList' [];
subOptions =
if opt ? options then
optionAttrSetToDocList opt.options
# FIXME: expensive (O(n^2)
[ docOption ] ++ subOptions ++ rest
) [] options;
optionAttrSetToDocList' = prefix: options:
fold (opt: rest:
docOption = rec {
name = showOption opt.loc;
description = opt.description or (throw "Option `${name}' has no description.");
declarations = filter (x: x != unknownModule) opt.declarations;
internal = opt.internal or false;
visible = opt.visible or true;
// optionalAttrs (opt ? example) { example = scrubOptionValue opt.example; }
// optionalAttrs (opt ? default) { default = scrubOptionValue opt.default; }
// optionalAttrs (opt ? defaultText) { default = opt.defaultText; };
subOptions =
let ss = opt.type.getSubOptions opt.loc;
in if ss != {} then optionAttrSetToDocList' opt.loc ss else [];
# FIXME: expensive, O(n^2)
[ docOption ] ++ subOptions ++ rest) [] (collect isOption options);
/* This function recursively removes all derivation attributes from
@ -135,5 +132,6 @@ rec {
/* Helper functions. */
showOption = concatStringsSep ".";
unknownModule = "<unknown-file>";
@ -22,18 +22,18 @@ rec {
# name (name of the type)
# check (check the config value)
# merge (default merge function)
# docPath (path concatenated to the option name contained in the option set)
# getSubOptions (returns sub-options for manual generation)
isOptionType = isType "option-type";
mkOptionType =
{ name
, check ? (x: true)
, merge ? mergeDefaultOption
, merge' ? args: merge
, docPath ? lib.id
, getSubOptions ? prefix: {}
{ _type = "option-type";
inherit name check merge merge' docPath;
inherit name check merge merge' getSubOptions;
@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ rec {
name = "list of ${elemType.name}s";
check = value: isList value && all elemType.check value;
merge = defs: map (def: elemType.merge [def]) (concatLists defs);
docPath = path: elemType.docPath (path + ".*");
getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ ["*"]);
attrsOf = elemType: mkOptionType {
name = "attribute set of ${elemType.name}s";
check = x: isAttrs x && all elemType.check (lib.attrValues x);
merge = lib.zipAttrsWith (name: elemType.merge' { inherit name; });
docPath = path: elemType.docPath (path + ".<name>");
getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ ["<name>"]);
# List or attribute set of ...
@ -129,26 +129,27 @@ rec {
else if isAttrs x then attrOnly.check x
else false;
merge = defs: attrOnly.merge (imap convertIfList defs);
docPath = path: elemType.docPath (path + ".<name?>");
getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ ["<name?>"]);
uniq = elemType: mkOptionType {
inherit (elemType) name check docPath;
inherit (elemType) name check;
merge = list:
if length list == 1 then
head list
throw "Multiple definitions of ${elemType.name}. Only one is allowed for this option.";
getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions;
none = elemType: mkOptionType {
inherit (elemType) name check docPath;
inherit (elemType) name check;
merge = list:
throw "No definitions are allowed for this option.";
getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions;
nullOr = elemType: mkOptionType {
inherit (elemType) docPath;
name = "null or ${elemType.name}";
check = x: builtins.isNull x || elemType.check x;
merge = defs:
@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ rec {
else if any isNull defs then
throw "Some but not all values are null."
else elemType.merge defs;
getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions;
functionTo = elemType: mkOptionType {
@ -163,19 +165,26 @@ rec {
check = builtins.isFunction;
merge = fns:
args: elemType.merge (map (fn: fn args) fns);
getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions;
submodule = opts: mkOptionType rec {
name = "submodule";
check = x: isAttrs x || builtins.isFunction x;
# FIXME: make error messages include the parent attrpath.
merge = merge' {};
merge' = args: defs:
coerce = def: if builtins.isFunction def then def else { config = def; };
modules = (toList opts) ++ map coerce defs;
in (evalModules modules args).config;
submodule = opts:
let opts' = toList opts; in
mkOptionType rec {
name = "submodule";
check = x: isAttrs x || builtins.isFunction x;
# FIXME: make error messages include the parent attrpath.
merge = merge' {};
merge' = args: defs:
coerce = def: if builtins.isFunction def then def else { config = def; };
modules = opts' ++ map coerce defs;
in (evalModules modules args).config;
getSubOptions = prefix: (evalModules' prefix opts'
# FIXME: hack to get shit to evaluate.
{ name = ""; }
# Obsolete alternative to configOf. It takes its option
# declarations from the ‘options’ attribute of containing option
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ let
manual = import ../../../doc/manual {
inherit pkgs;
revision = config.system.nixosRevision;
options = (fixMergeModules ([ versionModule ] ++ baseModules)
options = (evalModules ([ versionModule ] ++ baseModules)
(removeAttrs extraArgs ["config" "options"]) // {
modules = [ ];
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