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{ pkgs, nixpkgs, system, ... }:
with pkgs.lib;
# Build the ISO. This is the regular installation CD but with test
# instrumentation.
iso =
(import ../lib/eval-config.nix {
inherit nixpkgs system;
modules =
[ ../modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-graphical.nix
{ key = "serial";
boot.loader.grub.timeout = mkOverride 0 {} 0;
# The test cannot access the network, so any sources we
# need must be included in the ISO.
isoImage.storeContents =
[ pkgs.glibcLocales
# The configuration to install.
config = { fileSystems, testChannel }: pkgs.writeText "configuration.nix"
{ config, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }:
{ require =
[ ./hardware.nix
boot.loader.grub.version = 2;
boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/vda";
boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "ext3" ];
fileSystems = [ ${fileSystems} ];
swapDevices = [ { label = "swap"; } ];
environment.systemPackages = [ ${optionalString testChannel "pkgs.rlwrap"} ];
rootFS =
{ mountPoint = "/";
device = "/dev/disk/by-label/nixos";
bootFS =
{ mountPoint = "/boot";
device = "/dev/disk/by-label/boot";
# Configuration of a web server that simulates the Nixpkgs channel
# distribution server.
webserver =
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ services.httpd.enable = true;
services.httpd.adminAddr = "";
services.httpd.servedDirs = singleton
{ urlPath = "/releases/nixpkgs/channels/nixpkgs-unstable";
dir = "/tmp/channel";
# Make the Nix store in this VM writable using AUFS. Use Linux
# 2.6.27 because 2.6.32 doesn't work (probably we need AUFS2).
# This should probably be moved to qemu-vm.nix.
boot.kernelPackages = (if pkgs ? linuxPackages then
pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_27 else pkgs.kernelPackages_2_6_27);
boot.extraModulePackages = [ config.boot.kernelPackages.aufs ];
boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "aufs" ];
boot.initrd.postMountCommands =
mkdir /mnt-store-tmpfs
mount -t tmpfs -o "mode=755" none /mnt-store-tmpfs
mount -t aufs -o dirs=/mnt-store-tmpfs=rw:$targetRoot/nix/store=rr none $targetRoot/nix/store
virtualisation.pathsInNixDB = channelContents;
channelContents = [ pkgs.hello.src pkgs.rlwrap ];
# The test script boots the CD, installs NixOS on an empty hard
# disk, and then reboot from the hard disk. It's parameterized with
# a test script fragment `createPartitions', which must create
# partitions and filesystems, and a configuration.nix fragment
# `fileSystems'.
testScriptFun = { createPartitions, fileSystems, testChannel }:
createDisk("harddisk", 4 * 1024);
my $machine = Machine->new({ hda => "harddisk", cdrom => glob("${iso}/iso/*.iso") });
${optionalString testChannel ''
# Create a channel on the web server containing a few packages
# to simulate the Nixpkgs channel.
$webserver->mustSucceed("mkdir /tmp/channel");
"nix-push file:///tmp/channel " .
" " .
"file:///tmp/channel/MANIFEST ${toString channelContents} >&2");
# Make sure that we get a login prompt etc.
$machine->mustSucceed("echo hello");
# Make sure that we don't try to download anything.
$machine->mustSucceed("rm /etc/resolv.conf");
${optionalString testChannel ''
# Allow the machine to talk to the fake
"echo >> /etc/hosts",
"ifconfig eth1 up",
# Test nix-env.
$machine->mustSucceed("nix-env -i hello");
$machine->mustSucceed("hello") =~ /Hello, world/
or die "bad `hello' output";
# Partition the disk.
# Create the NixOS configuration.
"mkdir -p /mnt/etc/nixos",
"nixos-hardware-scan > /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware.nix",
my $cfg = $machine->mustSucceed("cat /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware.nix");
print STDERR "Result of the hardware scan:\n$cfg\n";
"${ config { inherit fileSystems testChannel; } }",
# Perform the installation.
$machine->mustSucceed("nixos-install >&2");
$machine->mustSucceed("cat /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg >&2");
# Now see if we can boot the installation.
my $machine = Machine->new({ hda => "harddisk" });
# Did /boot get mounted, if appropriate?
# !!! There is currently no good way to wait for the
# `filesystems' tash to finish.
#$machine->mustSucceed("initctl start filesystems");
#$machine->mustSucceed("test -e /boot/grub/grub.cfg");
# Did the swap device get activated?
# !!! Idem.
# $machine->waitForJob("swap");
#$machine->mustSucceed("cat /proc/swaps | grep -q /dev");
$machine->mustSucceed("nix-env -i coreutils >&2");
$machine->mustSucceed("type -tP ls") =~ /profiles/
or die "nix-env failed";
$machine->mustSucceed("nixos-rebuild switch >&2");
$machine->mustSucceed("cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg >&2");
# And just to be sure, check that the machine still boots after
# "nixos-rebuild switch".
my $machine = Machine->new({ hda => "harddisk" });
$machine->mustSucceed("echo hello");
makeTest = { createPartitions, fileSystems, testChannel ? false }:
{ inherit iso;
nodes = if testChannel then { inherit webserver; } else { };
testScript = testScriptFun {
inherit createPartitions fileSystems testChannel;
in {
# The (almost) simplest partitioning scheme: a swap partition and
# one big filesystem partition.
simple = makeTest
{ createPartitions =
"parted /dev/vda mklabel msdos",
"udevadm settle",
"parted /dev/vda -- mkpart primary linux-swap 1M 1024M",
"udevadm settle",
"parted /dev/vda -- mkpart primary ext2 1024M -1s",
"udevadm settle",
"mkswap /dev/vda1 -L swap",
"swapon -L swap",
"mkfs.ext3 -L nixos /dev/vda2",
"mount LABEL=nixos /mnt",
fileSystems = rootFS;
testChannel = true;
# Same as the previous, but now with a separate /boot partition.
separateBoot = makeTest
{ createPartitions =
"parted /dev/vda mklabel msdos",
"parted /dev/vda -- mkpart primary ext2 1M 50MB", # /boot
"udevadm settle",
"parted /dev/vda -- mkpart primary linux-swap 50MB 1024M",
"udevadm settle",
"parted /dev/vda -- mkpart primary ext2 1024M -1s", # /
"udevadm settle",
"mkswap /dev/vda2 -L swap",
"swapon -L swap",
"mkfs.ext3 -L nixos /dev/vda3",
"mount LABEL=nixos /mnt",
"mkfs.ext3 -L boot /dev/vda1",
"mkdir /mnt/boot",
"mount LABEL=boot /mnt/boot",
fileSystems = rootFS + bootFS;
# Create two physical LVM partitions combined into one volume group
# that contains the logical swap and root partitions.
lvm = makeTest
{ createPartitions =
"parted /dev/vda mklabel msdos",
"parted /dev/vda -- mkpart primary 1M 2048M", # first PV
"udevadm settle",
"parted /dev/vda -- set 1 lvm on",
"udevadm settle",
"parted /dev/vda -- mkpart primary 2048M -1s", # second PV
"udevadm settle",
"parted /dev/vda -- set 2 lvm on",
"udevadm settle",
"pvcreate /dev/vda1 /dev/vda2",
"vgcreate MyVolGroup /dev/vda1 /dev/vda2",
"lvcreate --size 1G --name swap MyVolGroup",
"lvcreate --size 2G --name nixos MyVolGroup",
"mkswap -f /dev/MyVolGroup/swap -L swap",
"swapon -L swap",
"mkfs.ext3 -L nixos /dev/MyVolGroup/nixos",
"mount LABEL=nixos /mnt",
fileSystems = rootFS;