nix-channel1Nixnix-channelmanage Nix channelsnix-channelurlnameurlnamesDescriptionA Nix channel is mechanism that allows you to automatically stay
up-to-date with a set of pre-built Nix expressions. A Nix channel is
just a URL that points to a place containing a set of Nix expressions
and a nix-push manifest. See also .This command has the following operations:
url [name]Adds a channel named
name with URL
url to the list of subscribed channels.
If name is omitted, it defaults to the
last component of url, with the
suffixes -stable or
-unstable removed.nameRemoves the channel named
name from the list of subscribed
channels.Prints the names and URLs of all subscribed
channels on standard output. [names…]Downloads the Nix expressions of all subscribed
channels (or only those included in
names if specified), makes them the
default for nix-env operations (by symlinking
them from the directory ~/.nix-defexpr), and
performs a nix-pull on the manifests of all
channels to make pre-built binaries available.Note that does not automatically perform
an update.The list of subscribed channels is stored in
~/.nix-channels.A channel consists of two elements: a bzipped Tar archive
containing the Nix expressions, and a manifest created by
nix-push. These must be stored under
url/nixexprs.tar.bz2 and
respectively.ExamplesTo subscribe to the Nixpkgs channel and install the GNU Hello package:
$ nix-channel --add
$ nix-channel --update
$ nix-env -iA nixpkgs.hello