2024-10-21 22:42:18 +02:00

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//! This example shows how to use PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) in the RP2040 chip.
//! We demonstrate two ways of using PWM:
//! 1. Via config
//! 2. Via setting a duty cycle
use defmt::*;
use embassy_executor::Spawner;
use embassy_rp::peripherals::{PIN_25, PIN_4, PWM_SLICE2, PWM_SLICE4};
use embassy_rp::pwm::{Config, Pwm, SetDutyCycle};
use embassy_time::Timer;
use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
let p = embassy_rp::init(Default::default());
spawner.spawn(pwm_set_config(p.PWM_SLICE4, p.PIN_25)).unwrap();
spawner.spawn(pwm_set_dutycycle(p.PWM_SLICE2, p.PIN_4)).unwrap();
/// Demonstrate PWM by modifying & applying the config
/// Using the onboard led, if You are using a different Board than plain Pico2 (i.e. W variant)
/// you must use another slice & pin and an appropriate resistor.
async fn pwm_set_config(slice4: PWM_SLICE4, pin25: PIN_25) {
let mut c = Config::default();
c.top = 32_768;
c.compare_b = 8;
let mut pwm = Pwm::new_output_b(slice4, pin25, c.clone());
loop {
info!("current LED duty cycle: {}/32768", c.compare_b);
c.compare_b = c.compare_b.rotate_left(4);
/// Demonstrate PWM by setting duty cycle
/// Using GP4 in Slice2, make sure to use an appropriate resistor.
async fn pwm_set_dutycycle(slice2: PWM_SLICE2, pin4: PIN_4) {
// If we aim for a specific frequency, here is how we can calculate the top value.
// The top value sets the period of the PWM cycle, so a counter goes from 0 to top and then wraps around to 0.
// Every such wraparound is one PWM cycle. So here is how we get 25KHz:
let mut c = Config::default();
let pwm_freq = 25_000; // Hz, our desired frequency
let clock_freq = embassy_rp::clocks::clk_sys_freq();
c.top = (clock_freq / pwm_freq) as u16 - 1;
let mut pwm = Pwm::new_output_a(slice2, pin4, c.clone());
loop {
// 100% duty cycle, fully on
// 66% duty cycle. Expressed as simple percentage.
// 25% duty cycle. Expressed as 32768/4 = 8192.
pwm.set_duty_cycle(c.top / 4).unwrap();
// 0% duty cycle, fully off.