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synced 2025-02-18 01:43:22 +00:00
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//! ADC driver.
use core::future::poll_fn;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::mem;
use core::sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, Ordering};
use core::task::Poll;
use embassy_hal_internal::{into_ref, PeripheralRef};
use embassy_sync::waitqueue::AtomicWaker;
use crate::gpio::{self, AnyPin, Pull, SealedPin as GpioPin};
use crate::interrupt::typelevel::Binding;
use crate::interrupt::InterruptExt;
use crate::pac::dma::vals::TreqSel;
use crate::peripherals::{ADC, ADC_TEMP_SENSOR};
use crate::{dma, interrupt, pac, peripherals, Peripheral, RegExt};
static WAKER: AtomicWaker = AtomicWaker::new();
/// ADC config.
pub struct Config {}
enum Source<'p> {
Pin(PeripheralRef<'p, AnyPin>),
TempSensor(PeripheralRef<'p, ADC_TEMP_SENSOR>),
/// ADC channel.
pub struct Channel<'p>(Source<'p>);
impl<'p> Channel<'p> {
/// Create a new ADC channel from pin with the provided [Pull] configuration.
pub fn new_pin(pin: impl Peripheral<P = impl AdcPin + 'p> + 'p, pull: Pull) -> Self {
pin.pad_ctrl().modify(|w| {
#[cfg(feature = "_rp235x")]
// manual says:
// > When using an ADC input shared with a GPIO pin, the pin’s
// > digital functions must be disabled by setting IE low and OD
// > high in the pin’s pad control register
w.set_pue(pull == Pull::Up);
w.set_pde(pull == Pull::Down);
/// Create a new ADC channel for the internal temperature sensor.
pub fn new_temp_sensor(s: impl Peripheral<P = ADC_TEMP_SENSOR> + 'p) -> Self {
let r = pac::ADC;
r.cs().write_set(|w| w.set_ts_en(true));
fn channel(&self) -> u8 {
match &self.0 {
// this requires adc pins to be sequential and matching the adc channels,
// which is the case for rp2040
Source::Pin(p) => p._pin() - 26,
Source::TempSensor(_) => 4,
impl<'p> Drop for Source<'p> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
match self {
Source::Pin(p) => {
p.pad_ctrl().modify(|w| {
Source::TempSensor(_) => {
pac::ADC.cs().write_clear(|w| w.set_ts_en(true));
/// ADC sample.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct Sample(u16);
impl Sample {
/// Sample is valid.
pub fn good(&self) -> bool {
self.0 < 0x8000
/// Sample value.
pub fn value(&self) -> u16 {
self.0 & !0x8000
/// ADC error.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum Error {
/// Error converting value.
/// ADC mode.
pub trait Mode {}
/// ADC async mode.
pub struct Async;
impl Mode for Async {}
/// ADC blocking mode.
pub struct Blocking;
impl Mode for Blocking {}
/// ADC driver.
pub struct Adc<'d, M: Mode> {
phantom: PhantomData<(&'d ADC, M)>,
impl<'d, M: Mode> Drop for Adc<'d, M> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let r = Self::regs();
// disable ADC. leaving it enabled comes with a ~150µA static
// current draw. the temperature sensor has already been disabled
// by the temperature-reading methods, so we don't need to touch that.
r.cs().write(|w| w.set_en(false));
impl<'d, M: Mode> Adc<'d, M> {
fn regs() -> pac::adc::Adc {
fn reset() -> pac::resets::regs::Peripherals {
let mut ret = pac::resets::regs::Peripherals::default();
fn setup() {
let reset = Self::reset();
let r = Self::regs();
// Enable ADC
r.cs().write(|w| w.set_en(true));
// Wait for ADC ready
while !r.cs().read().ready() {}
/// Sample a value from a channel in blocking mode.
pub fn blocking_read(&mut self, ch: &mut Channel) -> Result<u16, Error> {
let r = Self::regs();
r.cs().modify(|w| {
while !r.cs().read().ready() {}
match r.cs().read().err() {
true => Err(Error::ConversionFailed),
false => Ok(r.result().read().result()),
impl<'d> Adc<'d, Async> {
/// Create ADC driver in async mode.
pub fn new(
_inner: impl Peripheral<P = ADC> + 'd,
_irq: impl Binding<interrupt::typelevel::ADC_IRQ_FIFO, InterruptHandler>,
_config: Config,
) -> Self {
// Setup IRQ
unsafe { interrupt::ADC_IRQ_FIFO.enable() };
Self { phantom: PhantomData }
async fn wait_for_ready() {
let r = Self::regs();
r.inte().write(|w| w.set_fifo(true));
poll_fn(|cx| {
if r.cs().read().ready() {
return Poll::Ready(());
/// Sample a value from a channel until completed.
pub async fn read(&mut self, ch: &mut Channel<'_>) -> Result<u16, Error> {
let r = Self::regs();
r.cs().modify(|w| {
match r.cs().read().err() {
true => Err(Error::ConversionFailed),
false => Ok(r.result().read().result()),
// Note for refactoring: we don't require the actual Channels here, just the channel numbers.
// The public api is responsible for asserting ownership of the actual Channels.
async fn read_many_inner<W: dma::Word>(
&mut self,
channels: impl Iterator<Item = u8>,
buf: &mut [W],
fcs_err: bool,
div: u16,
dma: impl Peripheral<P = impl dma::Channel>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
#[cfg(feature = "rp2040")]
let mut rrobin = 0_u8;
#[cfg(feature = "_rp235x")]
let mut rrobin = 0_u16;
for c in channels {
rrobin |= 1 << c;
let first_ch = rrobin.trailing_zeros() as u8;
if rrobin.count_ones() == 1 {
rrobin = 0;
let r = Self::regs();
// clear previous errors and set channel
r.cs().modify(|w| {
w.set_err_sticky(true); // clear previous errors
// wait for previous conversions and drain fifo. an earlier batch read may have
// been cancelled, leaving the adc running.
while !r.cs().read().ready() {}
while !r.fcs().read().empty() {
// set up fifo for dma
r.fcs().write(|w| {
w.set_shift(mem::size_of::<W>() == 1);
// reset dma config on drop, regardless of whether it was a future being cancelled
// or the method returning normally.
struct ResetDmaConfig;
impl Drop for ResetDmaConfig {
fn drop(&mut self) {
pac::ADC.cs().write_clear(|w| w.set_start_many(true));
while !pac::ADC.cs().read().ready() {}
pac::ADC.fcs().write_clear(|w| {
let auto_reset = ResetDmaConfig;
let dma = unsafe { dma::read(dma, r.fifo().as_ptr() as *const W, buf as *mut [W], TreqSel::ADC) };
// start conversions and wait for dma to finish. we can't report errors early
// because there's no interrupt to signal them, and inspecting every element
// of the fifo is too costly to do here.
r.div().write_set(|w| w.set_int(div));
r.cs().write_set(|w| w.set_start_many(true));
// we can't report errors before the conversions have ended since no interrupt
// exists to report them early, and since they're exceedingly rare we probably don't
// want to anyway.
match r.cs().read().err_sticky() {
false => Ok(()),
true => Err(Error::ConversionFailed),
/// Sample multiple values from multiple channels using DMA.
/// Samples are stored in an interleaved fashion inside the buffer.
/// `div` is the integer part of the clock divider and can be calculated with `floor(48MHz / sample_rate * num_channels - 1)`
/// Any `div` value of less than 96 will have the same effect as setting it to 0
pub async fn read_many_multichannel<S: AdcSample>(
&mut self,
ch: &mut [Channel<'_>],
buf: &mut [S],
div: u16,
dma: impl Peripheral<P = impl dma::Channel>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.read_many_inner(ch.iter().map(|c| c.channel()), buf, false, div, dma)
/// Sample multiple values from multiple channels using DMA, with errors inlined in samples.
/// Samples are stored in an interleaved fashion inside the buffer.
/// `div` is the integer part of the clock divider and can be calculated with `floor(48MHz / sample_rate * num_channels - 1)`
/// Any `div` value of less than 96 will have the same effect as setting it to 0
pub async fn read_many_multichannel_raw(
&mut self,
ch: &mut [Channel<'_>],
buf: &mut [Sample],
div: u16,
dma: impl Peripheral<P = impl dma::Channel>,
) {
// errors are reported in individual samples
let _ = self
ch.iter().map(|c| c.channel()),
unsafe { mem::transmute::<_, &mut [u16]>(buf) },
/// Sample multiple values from a channel using DMA.
/// `div` is the integer part of the clock divider and can be calculated with `floor(48MHz / sample_rate - 1)`
/// Any `div` value of less than 96 will have the same effect as setting it to 0
pub async fn read_many<S: AdcSample>(
&mut self,
ch: &mut Channel<'_>,
buf: &mut [S],
div: u16,
dma: impl Peripheral<P = impl dma::Channel>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.read_many_inner([ch.channel()].into_iter(), buf, false, div, dma)
/// Sample multiple values from a channel using DMA, with errors inlined in samples.
/// `div` is the integer part of the clock divider and can be calculated with `floor(48MHz / sample_rate - 1)`
/// Any `div` value of less than 96 will have the same effect as setting it to 0
pub async fn read_many_raw(
&mut self,
ch: &mut Channel<'_>,
buf: &mut [Sample],
div: u16,
dma: impl Peripheral<P = impl dma::Channel>,
) {
// errors are reported in individual samples
let _ = self
unsafe { mem::transmute::<_, &mut [u16]>(buf) },
impl<'d> Adc<'d, Blocking> {
/// Create ADC driver in blocking mode.
pub fn new_blocking(_inner: impl Peripheral<P = ADC> + 'd, _config: Config) -> Self {
Self { phantom: PhantomData }
/// Interrupt handler.
pub struct InterruptHandler {
_empty: (),
impl interrupt::typelevel::Handler<interrupt::typelevel::ADC_IRQ_FIFO> for InterruptHandler {
unsafe fn on_interrupt() {
let r = Adc::<Async>::regs();
r.inte().write(|w| w.set_fifo(false));
trait SealedAdcSample: crate::dma::Word {}
trait SealedAdcChannel {}
/// ADC sample.
pub trait AdcSample: SealedAdcSample {}
impl SealedAdcSample for u16 {}
impl AdcSample for u16 {}
impl SealedAdcSample for u8 {}
impl AdcSample for u8 {}
/// ADC channel.
pub trait AdcChannel: SealedAdcChannel {}
/// ADC pin.
pub trait AdcPin: AdcChannel + gpio::Pin {}
macro_rules! impl_pin {
($pin:ident, $channel:expr) => {
impl SealedAdcChannel for peripherals::$pin {}
impl AdcChannel for peripherals::$pin {}
impl AdcPin for peripherals::$pin {}
#[cfg(any(feature = "rp235xa", feature = "rp2040"))]
impl_pin!(PIN_26, 0);
#[cfg(any(feature = "rp235xa", feature = "rp2040"))]
impl_pin!(PIN_27, 1);
#[cfg(any(feature = "rp235xa", feature = "rp2040"))]
impl_pin!(PIN_28, 2);
#[cfg(any(feature = "rp235xa", feature = "rp2040"))]
impl_pin!(PIN_29, 3);
#[cfg(feature = "rp235xb")]
impl_pin!(PIN_40, 0);
#[cfg(feature = "rp235xb")]
impl_pin!(PIN_41, 1);
#[cfg(feature = "rp235xb")]
impl_pin!(PIN_42, 2);
#[cfg(feature = "rp235xb")]
impl_pin!(PIN_43, 3);
#[cfg(feature = "rp235xb")]
impl_pin!(PIN_44, 4);
#[cfg(feature = "rp235xb")]
impl_pin!(PIN_45, 5);
#[cfg(feature = "rp235xb")]
impl_pin!(PIN_46, 6);
#[cfg(feature = "rp235xb")]
impl_pin!(PIN_47, 7);
impl SealedAdcChannel for peripherals::ADC_TEMP_SENSOR {}
impl AdcChannel for peripherals::ADC_TEMP_SENSOR {}