bors[bot] 1d265b73b2
Merge #601
601: [part 1/n] Change macrotables to build.rs codegen r=lulf a=Dirbaio

This PR replaces the "macrotables" (the macros like `stm32_data::peripherals!`) with a `const METADATA`.

Macrotables had some problems:

- Hard to debug
- Somewhat footgunny (typo the "pattern" and then nothing matches and the macro now expands to nothing, silently!)
- Limited power
  - Can't count, so we had to add a [special macrotable for that](f50f3f0a73/embassy-stm32/src/dma/bdma.rs (L26)).
  - Can't remove duplicates, so we had to fallback to [Rust code in build.rs](f50f3f0a73/embassy-stm32/build.rs (L105-L145))
  - Can't include the results as a listto another macro, so again [build.rs](https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy/blob/master/embassy-stm32/build.rs#L100-L101).

They work fine for the 95% of cases, but for the remaining 5% we need Rust code in build.rs. So we might as well do everything with Rust code, so everything is consistent.

The new approach generates a `const METADATA: Metadata = Metadata { ... }` with [these structs](https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy/blob/unmacrotablize/stm32-metapac-gen/src/assets/metadata.rs) in `stm32-metapac`. `build.rs` can then read that and generate whatever code.

Co-authored-by: Dario Nieuwenhuis <dirbaio@dirbaio.net>
2022-02-09 15:27:35 +00:00

348 lines
11 KiB

use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use stm32_metapac::metadata::METADATA;
fn main() {
let chip_name = match env::vars()
.map(|(a, _)| a)
.filter(|x| x.starts_with("CARGO_FEATURE_STM32"))
Ok(x) => x,
Err(GetOneError::None) => panic!("No stm32xx Cargo feature enabled"),
Err(GetOneError::Multiple) => panic!("Multiple stm32xx Cargo features enabled"),
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(r) = &p.registers {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", r.kind);
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}_{}", r.kind, r.version);
// ========
// Generate singletons
let mut singletons: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(r) = &p.registers {
match r.kind {
// Generate singletons per pin, not per port
"gpio" => {
println!("{}", p.name);
let port_letter = p.name.strip_prefix("GPIO").unwrap();
for pin_num in 0..16 {
singletons.push(format!("P{}{}", port_letter, pin_num));
// No singleton for these, the HAL handles them specially.
"exti" => {}
// We *shouldn't* have singletons for these, but the HAL currently requires
// singletons, for using with RccPeripheral to enable/disable clocks to them.
"rcc" => {
if r.version == "h7" {
//"dbgmcu" => {}
//"syscfg" => {}
//"dma" => {}
//"bdma" => {}
//"dmamux" => {}
// For other peripherals, one singleton per peri
_ => singletons.push(p.name.to_string()),
// One singleton per EXTI line
for pin_num in 0..16 {
singletons.push(format!("EXTI{}", pin_num));
// One singleton per DMA channel
for c in METADATA.dma_channels {
let mut g = TokenStream::new();
let singleton_tokens: Vec<_> = singletons.iter().map(|s| format_ident!("{}", s)).collect();
g.extend(quote! {
// ========
// Generate interrupt declarations
let mut irqs = Vec::new();
for irq in METADATA.interrupts {
irqs.push(format_ident!("{}", irq.name));
g.extend(quote! {
pub mod interrupt {
use crate::pac::Interrupt as InterruptEnum;
// ========
// Generate DMA IRQs.
let mut dma_irqs: HashSet<&str> = HashSet::new();
let mut bdma_irqs: HashSet<&str> = HashSet::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(r) = &p.registers {
match r.kind {
"dma" => {
for irq in p.interrupts {
"bdma" => {
for irq in p.interrupts {
_ => {}
let tokens: Vec<_> = dma_irqs.iter().map(|s| format_ident!("{}", s)).collect();
g.extend(quote! {
unsafe fn #tokens () {
let tokens: Vec<_> = bdma_irqs.iter().map(|s| format_ident!("{}", s)).collect();
g.extend(quote! {
unsafe fn #tokens () {
// ========
// Generate RccPeripheral impls
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if !singletons.contains(&p.name.to_string()) {
if let Some(rcc) = &p.rcc {
let en = rcc.enable.as_ref().unwrap();
let rst = match &rcc.reset {
Some(rst) => {
let rst_reg = format_ident!("{}", rst.register.to_ascii_lowercase());
let set_rst_field = format_ident!("set_{}", rst.field.to_ascii_lowercase());
quote! {
critical_section::with(|_| unsafe {
crate::pac::RCC.#rst_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_rst_field(true));
crate::pac::RCC.#rst_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_rst_field(false));
None => TokenStream::new(),
let pname = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let clk = format_ident!("{}", rcc.clock.to_ascii_lowercase());
let en_reg = format_ident!("{}", en.register.to_ascii_lowercase());
let set_en_field = format_ident!("set_{}", en.field.to_ascii_lowercase());
g.extend(quote! {
impl crate::rcc::sealed::RccPeripheral for peripherals::#pname {
fn frequency() -> crate::time::Hertz {
critical_section::with(|_| unsafe {
fn enable() {
critical_section::with(|_| unsafe {
crate::pac::RCC.#en_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_en_field(true))
fn disable() {
critical_section::with(|_| unsafe {
crate::pac::RCC.#en_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_en_field(false));
fn reset() {
impl crate::rcc::RccPeripheral for peripherals::#pname {}
// ========
// Generate fns to enable GPIO, DMA in RCC
for kind in ["dma", "bdma", "dmamux", "gpio"] {
let mut gg = TokenStream::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if p.registers.is_some() && p.registers.as_ref().unwrap().kind == kind {
if let Some(rcc) = &p.rcc {
let en = rcc.enable.as_ref().unwrap();
let en_reg = format_ident!("{}", en.register.to_ascii_lowercase());
let set_en_field = format_ident!("set_{}", en.field.to_ascii_lowercase());
gg.extend(quote! {
crate::pac::RCC.#en_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_en_field(true));
let fname = format_ident!("init_{}", kind);
g.extend(quote! {
pub unsafe fn #fname(){
// ========
// Write generated.rs
let out_dir = &PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
let out_file = out_dir.join("generated.rs").to_string_lossy().to_string();
fs::write(out_file, g.to_string()).unwrap();
// ========
// Multicore
let mut s = chip_name.split('_');
let mut chip_name: String = s.next().unwrap().to_string();
let core_name = if let Some(c) = s.next() {
if !c.starts_with("CM") {
} else {
} else {
if let Some(core) = core_name {
&chip_name[..chip_name.len() - 2],
} else {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &chip_name[..chip_name.len() - 2]);
// ========
// stm32f3 wildcard features used in RCC
if chip_name.starts_with("stm32f3") {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}x{}", &chip_name[..9], &chip_name[10..11]);
// =======
// Features for targeting groups of chips
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &chip_name[..7]); // stm32f4
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &chip_name[..9]); // stm32f429
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}x", &chip_name[..8]); // stm32f42x
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}x{}", &chip_name[..7], &chip_name[8..9]); // stm32f4x9
// ========
// Handle time-driver-XXXX features.
let time_driver = match env::vars()
.map(|(a, _)| a)
.filter(|x| x.starts_with("CARGO_FEATURE_TIME_DRIVER_"))
Ok(x) => Some(
Err(GetOneError::None) => None,
Err(GetOneError::Multiple) => panic!("Multiple stm32xx Cargo features enabled"),
match time_driver.as_ref().map(|x| x.as_ref()) {
None => {}
Some("tim2") => println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=time_driver_tim2"),
Some("tim3") => println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=time_driver_tim3"),
Some("tim4") => println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=time_driver_tim4"),
Some("tim5") => println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=time_driver_tim5"),
Some("any") => {
if singletons.contains(&"TIM2".to_string()) {
} else if singletons.contains(&"TIM3".to_string()) {
} else if singletons.contains(&"TIM4".to_string()) {
} else if singletons.contains(&"TIM5".to_string()) {
} else {
panic!("time-driver-any requested, but the chip doesn't have TIM2, TIM3, TIM4 or TIM5.")
_ => panic!("unknown time_driver {:?}", time_driver),
// Handle time-driver-XXXX features.
if env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_TIME_DRIVER_ANY").is_ok() {}
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &chip_name[..chip_name.len() - 2]);
enum GetOneError {
trait IteratorExt: Iterator {
fn get_one(self) -> Result<Self::Item, GetOneError>;
impl<T: Iterator> IteratorExt for T {
fn get_one(mut self) -> Result<Self::Item, GetOneError> {
match self.next() {
None => Err(GetOneError::None),
Some(res) => match self.next() {
Some(_) => Err(GetOneError::Multiple),
None => Ok(res),