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synced 2024-11-25 16:23:10 +00:00
Merge pull request #3115 from 1-rafael-1/add-http-request-example-to-rp
Add http request example to rp
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
embassy-embedded-hal = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../../embassy-embedded-hal", features = ["defmt"] }
embassy-embedded-hal = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../../embassy-embedded-hal", features = ["defmt"] }
embassy-sync = { version = "0.6.0", path = "../../embassy-sync", features = ["defmt"] }
embassy-sync = { version = "0.6.0", path = "../../embassy-sync", features = ["defmt"] }
embassy-executor = { version = "0.5.0", path = "../../embassy-executor", features = ["task-arena-size-32768", "arch-cortex-m", "executor-thread", "executor-interrupt", "defmt", "integrated-timers"] }
embassy-executor = { version = "0.5.0", path = "../../embassy-executor", features = ["task-arena-size-98304", "arch-cortex-m", "executor-thread", "executor-interrupt", "defmt", "integrated-timers"] }
embassy-time = { version = "0.3.1", path = "../../embassy-time", features = ["defmt", "defmt-timestamp-uptime"] }
embassy-time = { version = "0.3.1", path = "../../embassy-time", features = ["defmt", "defmt-timestamp-uptime"] }
embassy-rp = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../../embassy-rp", features = ["defmt", "unstable-pac", "time-driver", "critical-section-impl"] }
embassy-rp = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../../embassy-rp", features = ["defmt", "unstable-pac", "time-driver", "critical-section-impl"] }
embassy-usb = { version = "0.2.0", path = "../../embassy-usb", features = ["defmt"] }
embassy-usb = { version = "0.2.0", path = "../../embassy-usb", features = ["defmt"] }
embassy-net = { version = "0.4.0", path = "../../embassy-net", features = ["defmt", "tcp", "udp", "raw", "dhcpv4", "medium-ethernet"] }
embassy-net = { version = "0.4.0", path = "../../embassy-net", features = ["defmt", "tcp", "udp", "raw", "dhcpv4", "medium-ethernet", "dns"] }
embassy-net-wiznet = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../../embassy-net-wiznet", features = ["defmt"] }
embassy-net-wiznet = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../../embassy-net-wiznet", features = ["defmt"] }
embassy-futures = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../../embassy-futures" }
embassy-futures = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../../embassy-futures" }
embassy-usb-logger = { version = "0.2.0", path = "../../embassy-usb-logger" }
embassy-usb-logger = { version = "0.2.0", path = "../../embassy-usb-logger" }
@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ defmt-rtt = "0.4"
fixed = "1.23.1"
fixed = "1.23.1"
fixed-macro = "1.2"
fixed-macro = "1.2"
# for web request example
reqwless = { git = "https://github.com/drogue-iot/reqwless", features = ["defmt",]}
serde = { version = "1.0.203", default-features = false, features = ["derive"] }
serde-json-core = "0.5.1"
#cortex-m = { version = "0.7.6", features = ["critical-section-single-core"] }
#cortex-m = { version = "0.7.6", features = ["critical-section-single-core"] }
cortex-m = { version = "0.7.6", features = ["inline-asm"] }
cortex-m = { version = "0.7.6", features = ["inline-asm"] }
cortex-m-rt = "0.7.0"
cortex-m-rt = "0.7.0"
@ -53,3 +58,7 @@ embedded-sdmmc = "0.7.0"
debug = 2
debug = 2
lto = true
opt-level = "z"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
//! This example uses the RP Pico W board Wifi chip (cyw43).
//! Connects to Wifi network and makes a web request to get the current time.
use core::str::from_utf8;
use cyw43_pio::PioSpi;
use defmt::*;
use embassy_executor::Spawner;
use embassy_net::dns::DnsSocket;
use embassy_net::tcp::client::{TcpClient, TcpClientState};
use embassy_net::{Config, Stack, StackResources};
use embassy_rp::bind_interrupts;
use embassy_rp::gpio::{Level, Output};
use embassy_rp::peripherals::{DMA_CH0, PIO0};
use embassy_rp::pio::{InterruptHandler, Pio};
use embassy_time::{Duration, Timer};
use reqwless::client::{HttpClient, TlsConfig, TlsVerify};
use reqwless::request::Method;
use serde::Deserialize;
use static_cell::StaticCell;
use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _, serde_json_core};
bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs {
PIO0_IRQ_0 => InterruptHandler<PIO0>;
const WIFI_NETWORK: &str = "ssid"; // change to your network SSID
const WIFI_PASSWORD: &str = "pwd"; // change to your network password
async fn wifi_task(runner: cyw43::Runner<'static, Output<'static>, PioSpi<'static, PIO0, 0, DMA_CH0>>) -> ! {
async fn net_task(stack: &'static Stack<cyw43::NetDriver<'static>>) -> ! {
async fn main(spawner: Spawner) {
info!("Hello World!");
let p = embassy_rp::init(Default::default());
let fw = include_bytes!("../../../../cyw43-firmware/43439A0.bin");
let clm = include_bytes!("../../../../cyw43-firmware/43439A0_clm.bin");
// To make flashing faster for development, you may want to flash the firmwares independently
// at hardcoded addresses, instead of baking them into the program with `include_bytes!`:
// probe-rs download 43439A0.bin --binary-format bin --chip RP2040 --base-address 0x10100000
// probe-rs download 43439A0_clm.bin --binary-format bin --chip RP2040 --base-address 0x10140000
// let fw = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(0x10100000 as *const u8, 230321) };
// let clm = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(0x10140000 as *const u8, 4752) };
let pwr = Output::new(p.PIN_23, Level::Low);
let cs = Output::new(p.PIN_25, Level::High);
let mut pio = Pio::new(p.PIO0, Irqs);
let spi = PioSpi::new(&mut pio.common, pio.sm0, pio.irq0, cs, p.PIN_24, p.PIN_29, p.DMA_CH0);
static STATE: StaticCell<cyw43::State> = StaticCell::new();
let state = STATE.init(cyw43::State::new());
let (net_device, mut control, runner) = cyw43::new(state, pwr, spi, fw).await;
let config = Config::dhcpv4(Default::default());
// Use static IP configuration instead of DHCP
//let config = embassy_net::Config::ipv4_static(embassy_net::StaticConfigV4 {
// address: Ipv4Cidr::new(Ipv4Address::new(192, 168, 69, 2), 24),
// dns_servers: Vec::new(),
// gateway: Some(Ipv4Address::new(192, 168, 69, 1)),
// Generate random seed
let seed = 0x0123_4567_89ab_cdef; // chosen by fair dice roll. guarenteed to be random.
// Init network stack
static STACK: StaticCell<Stack<cyw43::NetDriver<'static>>> = StaticCell::new();
static RESOURCES: StaticCell<StackResources<5>> = StaticCell::new();
let stack = &*STACK.init(Stack::new(
loop {
//match control.join_open(WIFI_NETWORK).await { // for open networks
match control.join_wpa2(WIFI_NETWORK, WIFI_PASSWORD).await {
Ok(_) => break,
Err(err) => {
info!("join failed with status={}", err.status);
// Wait for DHCP, not necessary when using static IP
info!("waiting for DHCP...");
while !stack.is_config_up() {
info!("DHCP is now up!");
info!("waiting for link up...");
while !stack.is_link_up() {
info!("Link is up!");
info!("waiting for stack to be up...");
info!("Stack is up!");
// And now we can use it!
loop {
let mut rx_buffer = [0; 8192];
let mut tls_read_buffer = [0; 16640];
let mut tls_write_buffer = [0; 16640];
let client_state = TcpClientState::<1, 1024, 1024>::new();
let tcp_client = TcpClient::new(stack, &client_state);
let dns_client = DnsSocket::new(stack);
let tls_config = TlsConfig::new(seed, &mut tls_read_buffer, &mut tls_write_buffer, TlsVerify::None);
let mut http_client = HttpClient::new_with_tls(&tcp_client, &dns_client, tls_config);
let url = "https://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Europe/Berlin";
// for non-TLS requests, use this instead:
// let mut http_client = HttpClient::new(&tcp_client, &dns_client);
// let url = "http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Europe/Berlin";
info!("connecting to {}", &url);
let mut request = match http_client.request(Method::GET, &url).await {
Ok(req) => req,
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to make HTTP request: {:?}", e);
return; // handle the error
let response = match request.send(&mut rx_buffer).await {
Ok(resp) => resp,
Err(_e) => {
error!("Failed to send HTTP request");
return; // handle the error;
let body = match from_utf8(response.body().read_to_end().await.unwrap()) {
Ok(b) => b,
Err(_e) => {
error!("Failed to read response body");
return; // handle the error
info!("Response body: {:?}", &body);
// parse the response body and update the RTC
struct ApiResponse<'a> {
datetime: &'a str,
// other fields as needed
let bytes = body.as_bytes();
match serde_json_core::de::from_slice::<ApiResponse>(bytes) {
Ok((output, _used)) => {
info!("Datetime: {:?}", output.datetime);
Err(_e) => {
error!("Failed to parse response body");
return; // handle the error
Reference in New Issue
Block a user