mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 18:32:42 +00:00
Merge pull request #1822 from xoviat/rtc-lp
stm32: get stop mode working
This commit is contained in:
@ -197,6 +197,11 @@ pub fn init(config: Config) -> Peripherals {
// must be after rcc init
#[cfg(feature = "_time-driver")]
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
while !crate::rcc::low_power_ready() {
@ -3,46 +3,52 @@ use core::marker::PhantomData;
use cortex_m::peripheral::SCB;
use embassy_executor::*;
use embassy_time::Duration;
use crate::interrupt;
use crate::interrupt::typelevel::Interrupt;
use crate::pac::EXTI;
use crate::rcc::low_power_ready;
use crate::time_driver::{get_driver, RtcDriver};
const THREAD_PENDER: usize = usize::MAX;
const THRESHOLD: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
use crate::rtc::{Rtc, RtcInstant};
use crate::rtc::Rtc;
static mut RTC: Option<&'static Rtc> = None;
static mut EXECUTOR: Option<Executor> = None;
foreach_interrupt! {
(RTC, rtc, $block:ident, WKUP, $irq:ident) => {
unsafe fn $irq() {
unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }.on_wakeup_irq();
// pub fn timer_driver_pause_time() {
// pause_time();
// }
pub fn stop_with_rtc(rtc: &'static Rtc) {
unsafe { crate::interrupt::typelevel::RTC_WKUP::enable() };
EXTI.rtsr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(22, true));
EXTI.imr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(22, true));
unsafe { RTC = Some(rtc) };
unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }.stop_with_rtc(rtc)
pub fn start_wakeup_alarm(requested_duration: embassy_time::Duration) -> RtcInstant {
unsafe { RTC }.unwrap().start_wakeup_alarm(requested_duration)
pub fn stop_wakeup_alarm() -> RtcInstant {
unsafe { RTC }.unwrap().stop_wakeup_alarm()
// pub fn start_wakeup_alarm(requested_duration: embassy_time::Duration) {
// let rtc_instant = unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }
// .rtc
// .unwrap()
// .start_wakeup_alarm(requested_duration);
// unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }.last_stop = Some(rtc_instant);
// }
// pub fn set_sleepdeep() {
// unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }.scb.set_sleepdeep();
// }
// pub fn stop_wakeup_alarm() -> RtcInstant {
// unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }.rtc.unwrap().stop_wakeup_alarm()
// }
/// Thread mode executor, using WFE/SEV.
@ -57,54 +63,62 @@ pub fn stop_wakeup_alarm() -> RtcInstant {
pub struct Executor {
inner: raw::Executor,
not_send: PhantomData<*mut ()>,
scb: SCB,
time_driver: &'static RtcDriver,
impl Executor {
/// Create a new Executor.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
inner: raw::Executor::new(THREAD_PENDER as *mut ()),
not_send: PhantomData,
pub fn take() -> &'static mut Self {
unsafe {
EXECUTOR = Some(Self {
inner: raw::Executor::new(THREAD_PENDER as *mut ()),
not_send: PhantomData,
scb: cortex_m::Peripherals::steal().SCB,
time_driver: get_driver(),
unsafe fn on_wakeup_irq() {
info!("on wakeup irq");
unsafe fn on_wakeup_irq(&mut self) {
trace!("low power: on wakeup irq");
trace!("low power: resume time");
fn time_until_next_alarm(&self) -> Duration {
pub(self) fn stop_with_rtc(&mut self, rtc: &'static Rtc) {
trace!("low power: stop with rtc configured");
unsafe { crate::interrupt::typelevel::RTC_WKUP::enable() };
EXTI.rtsr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(22, true));
EXTI.imr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(22, true));
fn get_scb() -> SCB {
unsafe { cortex_m::Peripherals::steal() }.SCB
fn configure_pwr(&self) {
fn configure_pwr(&mut self) {
trace!("low power: configure_pwr");
if !low_power_ready() {
trace!("low power: configure_pwr: low power not ready");
let time_until_next_alarm = self.time_until_next_alarm();
if time_until_next_alarm < THRESHOLD {
if self.time_driver.pause_time().is_err() {
trace!("low power: configure_pwr: time driver failed to pause");
trace!("low power stop required");
critical_section::with(|_| {
trace!("executor: set wakeup alarm...");
trace!("low power wait for rtc ready...");
trace!("low power: enter stop...");
/// Run the executor.
@ -126,11 +140,11 @@ impl Executor {
/// This function never returns.
pub fn run(&'static mut self, init: impl FnOnce(Spawner)) -> ! {
init(unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }.inner.spawner());
loop {
unsafe {
@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ static CLOCK_REFCOUNT: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
pub fn low_power_ready() -> bool {
trace!("clock refcount: {}", CLOCK_REFCOUNT.load(Ordering::SeqCst));
CLOCK_REFCOUNT.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == 0
@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
//! RTC peripheral abstraction
mod datetime;
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
use core::cell::Cell;
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::raw::CriticalSectionRawMutex;
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::Mutex;
pub use self::datetime::{DateTime, DayOfWeek, Error as DateTimeError};
/// refer to AN4759 to compare features of RTC2 and RTC3
@ -30,9 +38,73 @@ pub enum RtcError {
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
/// Represents an instant in time that can be substracted to compute a duration
struct RtcInstant {
second: u8,
subsecond: u16,
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
impl RtcInstant {
pub fn now() -> Self {
let tr = RTC::regs().tr().read();
let tr2 = RTC::regs().tr().read();
let ssr = RTC::regs().ssr().read().ss();
let ssr2 = RTC::regs().ssr().read().ss();
let st = bcd2_to_byte((tr.st(), tr.su()));
let st2 = bcd2_to_byte((tr2.st(), tr2.su()));
assert!(st == st2);
assert!(ssr == ssr2);
let _ = RTC::regs().dr().read();
let subsecond = ssr;
let second = st;
// trace!("rtc: instant now: st, ssr: {}, {}", st, ssr);
Self { second, subsecond }
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
impl core::ops::Sub for RtcInstant {
type Output = embassy_time::Duration;
fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
use embassy_time::{Duration, TICK_HZ};
let second = if self.second < rhs.second {
self.second + 60
} else {
// TODO: read prescaler
let self_ticks = second as u32 * 256 + (255 - self.subsecond as u32);
let other_ticks = rhs.second as u32 * 256 + (255 - rhs.subsecond as u32);
let rtc_ticks = self_ticks - other_ticks;
// trace!(
// "rtc: instant sub: self, other, rtc ticks: {}, {}, {}",
// self_ticks,
// other_ticks,
// rtc_ticks
// );
Duration::from_ticks(((rtc_ticks * TICK_HZ as u32) / 256u32) as u64)
/// RTC Abstraction
pub struct Rtc {
rtc_config: RtcConfig,
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
stop_time: Mutex<CriticalSectionRawMutex, Cell<Option<RtcInstant>>>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
@ -108,8 +180,15 @@ impl Rtc {
pub fn new(_rtc: impl Peripheral<P = RTC>, rtc_config: RtcConfig) -> Self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "low-power"))]
let mut rtc_struct = Self { rtc_config };
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
let mut rtc_struct = Self {
stop_time: Mutex::const_new(CriticalSectionRawMutex::new(), Cell::new(None)),
@ -1,67 +1,12 @@
use stm32_metapac::rtc::vals::{Init, Osel, Pol};
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
use super::RtcInstant;
use super::{sealed, RtcClockSource, RtcConfig};
use crate::pac::rtc::Rtc;
use crate::peripherals::RTC;
use crate::rtc::sealed::Instance;
#[cfg(all(feature = "time", any(stm32wb, stm32f4)))]
pub struct RtcInstant {
ssr: u16,
st: u8,
#[cfg(all(feature = "time", any(stm32wb, stm32f4)))]
impl RtcInstant {
pub fn now() -> Self {
// TODO: read value twice
use crate::rtc::bcd2_to_byte;
let tr = RTC::regs().tr().read();
let tr2 = RTC::regs().tr().read();
let ssr = RTC::regs().ssr().read().ss();
let ssr2 = RTC::regs().ssr().read().ss();
let st = bcd2_to_byte((tr.st(), tr.su()));
let st2 = bcd2_to_byte((tr2.st(), tr2.su()));
assert!(st == st2);
assert!(ssr == ssr2);
let _ = RTC::regs().dr().read();
trace!("ssr: {}", ssr);
trace!("st: {}", st);
Self { ssr, st }
#[cfg(all(feature = "time", any(stm32wb, stm32f4)))]
impl core::ops::Sub for RtcInstant {
type Output = embassy_time::Duration;
fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
use embassy_time::{Duration, TICK_HZ};
let st = if self.st < rhs.st { self.st + 60 } else { self.st };
// TODO: read prescaler
let self_ticks = st as u32 * 256 + (255 - self.ssr as u32);
let other_ticks = rhs.st as u32 * 256 + (255 - rhs.ssr as u32);
let rtc_ticks = self_ticks - other_ticks;
trace!("self, other, rtc ticks: {}, {}, {}", self_ticks, other_ticks, rtc_ticks);
((((st as u32 * 256 + (255u32 - self.ssr as u32)) - (rhs.st as u32 * 256 + (255u32 - rhs.ssr as u32)))
* TICK_HZ as u32) as u32
/ 256u32) as u64,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum WakeupPrescaler {
@ -144,15 +89,10 @@ impl super::Rtc {
#[cfg(all(feature = "time", any(stm32wb, stm32f4)))]
/// start the wakeup alarm and return the actual duration of the alarm
/// the actual duration will be the closest value possible that is less
/// than the requested duration.
/// note: this api is exposed for testing purposes until low power is implemented.
/// it is not intended to be public
pub(crate) fn start_wakeup_alarm(&self, requested_duration: embassy_time::Duration) -> RtcInstant {
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
/// start the wakeup alarm and wtih a duration that is as close to but less than
/// the requested duration, and record the instant the wakeup alarm was started
pub(crate) fn start_wakeup_alarm(&self, requested_duration: embassy_time::Duration) {
use embassy_time::{Duration, TICK_HZ};
use crate::rcc::get_freqs;
@ -174,37 +114,45 @@ impl super::Rtc {
rtc_ticks as u64 * TICK_HZ * (<WakeupPrescaler as Into<u32>>::into(prescaler) as u64) / rtc_hz,
trace!("set wakeup timer for {} ms", duration.as_millis());
self.write(false, |regs| {
regs.cr().modify(|w| w.set_wutie(true));
regs.cr().modify(|w| w.set_wute(false));
regs.isr().modify(|w| w.set_wutf(false));
while !regs.isr().read().wutwf() {}
regs.cr().modify(|w| w.set_wucksel(prescaler.into()));
regs.cr().modify(|w| w.set_wute(true));
regs.cr().modify(|w| w.set_wutie(true));
trace!("rtc: start wakeup alarm for {} ms", duration.as_millis());
critical_section::with(|cs| assert!(self.stop_time.borrow(cs).replace(Some(RtcInstant::now())).is_none()))
#[cfg(all(feature = "time", any(stm32wb, stm32f4)))]
/// stop the wakeup alarm and return the time remaining
/// note: this api is exposed for testing purposes until low power is implemented.
/// it is not intended to be public
pub(crate) fn stop_wakeup_alarm(&self) -> RtcInstant {
trace!("disable wakeup timer...");
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
/// stop the wakeup alarm and return the time elapsed since `start_wakeup_alarm`
/// was called, otherwise none
pub(crate) fn stop_wakeup_alarm(&self) -> Option<embassy_time::Duration> {
use crate::interrupt::typelevel::Interrupt;
trace!("rtc: stop wakeup alarm...");
self.write(false, |regs| {
regs.cr().modify(|w| w.set_wutie(false));
regs.cr().modify(|w| w.set_wute(false));
regs.isr().modify(|w| w.set_wutf(false));
crate::pac::EXTI.pr(0).modify(|w| w.set_line(22, true));
critical_section::with(|cs| {
if let Some(stop_time) = self.stop_time.borrow(cs).take() {
Some(RtcInstant::now() - stop_time)
} else {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ use stm32_metapac::timer::regs;
use crate::interrupt::typelevel::Interrupt;
use crate::pac::timer::vals;
use crate::rcc::sealed::RccPeripheral;
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
use crate::rtc::Rtc;
use crate::timer::sealed::{Basic16bitInstance as BasicInstance, GeneralPurpose16bitInstance as Instance};
use crate::{interrupt, peripherals};
@ -130,12 +132,14 @@ impl AlarmState {
struct RtcDriver {
pub(crate) struct RtcDriver {
/// Number of 2^15 periods elapsed since boot.
period: AtomicU32,
alarm_count: AtomicU8,
/// Timestamp at which to fire alarm. u64::MAX if no alarm is scheduled.
alarms: Mutex<CriticalSectionRawMutex, [AlarmState; ALARM_COUNT]>,
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
rtc: Mutex<CriticalSectionRawMutex, Cell<Option<&'static Rtc>>>,
const ALARM_STATE_NEW: AlarmState = AlarmState::new();
@ -144,6 +148,8 @@ embassy_time::time_driver_impl!(static DRIVER: RtcDriver = RtcDriver {
period: AtomicU32::new(0),
alarm_count: AtomicU8::new(0),
alarms: Mutex::const_new(CriticalSectionRawMutex::new(), [ALARM_STATE_NEW; ALARM_COUNT]),
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
rtc: Mutex::const_new(CriticalSectionRawMutex::new(), Cell::new(None)),
impl RtcDriver {
@ -259,6 +265,117 @@ impl RtcDriver {
let f: fn(*mut ()) = unsafe { mem::transmute(alarm.callback.get()) };
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
/// Set the rtc but panic if it's already been set
pub(crate) fn set_rtc(&self, rtc: &'static Rtc) {
critical_section::with(|cs| assert!(self.rtc.borrow(cs).replace(Some(rtc)).is_none()));
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
/// Compute the approximate amount of time until the next alarm
fn time_until_next_alarm(&self) -> embassy_time::Duration {
critical_section::with(|cs| {
let now = self.now() + 32;
.map(|alarm: &AlarmState| alarm.timestamp.get().saturating_sub(now))
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
/// Add the given offset to the current time
fn add_time(&self, offset: embassy_time::Duration) {
let offset = offset.as_ticks();
let cnt = T::regs_gp16().cnt().read().cnt() as u32;
let period = self.period.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
// Correct the race, if it exists
let period = if period & 1 == 1 && cnt < u16::MAX as u32 / 2 {
period + 1
} else {
// Normalize to the full overflow
let period = (period / 2) * 2;
// Add the offset
let period = period + 2 * (offset / u16::MAX as u64) as u32;
let cnt = cnt + (offset % u16::MAX as u64) as u32;
let (cnt, period) = if cnt > u16::MAX as u32 {
(cnt - u16::MAX as u32, period + 2)
} else {
(cnt, period)
let period = if cnt > u16::MAX as u32 / 2 { period + 1 } else { period };
self.period.store(period, Ordering::SeqCst);
T::regs_gp16().cnt().write(|w| w.set_cnt(cnt as u16));
// Now, recompute all alarms
critical_section::with(|cs| {
for i in 0..ALARM_COUNT {
let alarm_handle = unsafe { AlarmHandle::new(i as u8) };
let alarm = self.get_alarm(cs, alarm_handle);
self.set_alarm(alarm_handle, alarm.timestamp.get());
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
/// Stop the wakeup alarm, if enabled, and add the appropriate offset
fn stop_wakeup_alarm(&self) {
critical_section::with(|cs| {
if let Some(offset) = self.rtc.borrow(cs).get().unwrap().stop_wakeup_alarm() {
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
/// Pause the timer if ready; return err if not
pub(crate) fn pause_time(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
If the wakeup timer is currently running, then we need to stop it and
add the elapsed time to the current time
let time_until_next_alarm = self.time_until_next_alarm();
if time_until_next_alarm < embassy_time::Duration::from_millis(250) {
} else {
critical_section::with(|cs| {
T::regs_gp16().cr1().modify(|w| w.set_cen(false));
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
/// Resume the timer with the given offset
pub(crate) fn resume_time(&self) {
T::regs_gp16().cr1().modify(|w| w.set_cen(true));
impl Driver for RtcDriver {
@ -329,6 +446,11 @@ impl Driver for RtcDriver {
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
pub(crate) fn get_driver() -> &'static RtcDriver {
pub(crate) fn init() {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ autobins = false
stm32f103c8 = ["embassy-stm32/stm32f103c8", "not-gpdma"] # Blue Pill
stm32f429zi = ["embassy-stm32/stm32f429zi", "chrono", "can", "not-gpdma", "dac-adc-pin"] # Nucleo "sdmmc"
stm32f429zi = ["embassy-stm32/stm32f429zi", "chrono", "stop", "can", "not-gpdma", "dac-adc-pin"] # Nucleo "sdmmc"
stm32g071rb = ["embassy-stm32/stm32g071rb", "not-gpdma", "dac-adc-pin"] # Nucleo
stm32c031c6 = ["embassy-stm32/stm32c031c6", "not-gpdma"] # Nucleo
stm32g491re = ["embassy-stm32/stm32g491re", "not-gpdma"] # Nucleo
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ stm32h563zi = ["embassy-stm32/stm32h563zi"] # Nucleo
stm32u585ai = ["embassy-stm32/stm32u585ai"] # IoT board
sdmmc = []
stop = ["embassy-stm32/low-power"]
chrono = ["embassy-stm32/chrono", "dep:chrono"]
can = []
ble = ["dep:embassy-stm32-wpan", "embassy-stm32-wpan/ble"]
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ micromath = "2.0.0"
panic-probe = { version = "0.3.0", features = ["print-defmt"] }
rand_core = { version = "0.6", default-features = false }
rand_chacha = { version = "0.3", default-features = false }
static_cell = {version = "1.1", features = ["nightly"] }
chrono = { version = "^0.4", default-features = false, optional = true}
@ -87,6 +89,11 @@ name = "spi_dma"
path = "src/bin/spi_dma.rs"
required-features = []
name = "stop"
path = "src/bin/stop.rs"
required-features = [ "stop", "chrono",]
name = "timer"
path = "src/bin/timer.rs"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// required-features: stop,chrono
#[path = "../common.rs"]
mod common;
use chrono::NaiveDate;
use common::*;
use cortex_m_rt::entry;
use embassy_executor::Spawner;
use embassy_stm32::low_power::{stop_with_rtc, Executor};
use embassy_stm32::rtc::{Rtc, RtcClockSource, RtcConfig};
use embassy_time::{Duration, Timer};
use static_cell::make_static;
fn main() -> ! {
let executor = Executor::take();
executor.run(|spawner| {
async fn async_main(_spawner: Spawner) {
let mut config = config();
config.rcc.rtc = Some(RtcClockSource::LSI);
let p = embassy_stm32::init(config);
info!("Hello World!");
let now = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 5, 15)
.and_hms_opt(10, 30, 15)
let mut rtc = Rtc::new(p.RTC, RtcConfig::default());
rtc.set_datetime(now.into()).expect("datetime not set");
let rtc = make_static!(rtc);
info!("Waiting 5 seconds");
info!("Test OK");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user